enforces regular, mandatory breaks from computer work to prevent eye strain and promote well-being.
It has one unique feature that other programs lack:
- automatically pausing during calls
Motivation: Be simpler (fewer dependencies) than original SafeEyes and pause during calls.
- show break dialogpaplay
) - play sound at the end of breakpactl
) - detect when microphone is used
- Clone repo
- Add alias
to shell config - Add autostart entry
- Configure (needs app restart):
safe-eyes config
- Start:
safe-eyes start
git clone && \
echo 'alias safe-eyes='$(pwd)'/safe-eyes-cli/' >> ~/.zshrc; source ~/.zshrc && \
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart && \
sed "s|#MY_PATH#|$(pwd)|g" safe-eyes-cli/installation/safe-eyes-cli.desktop > ~/.config/autostart/safe-eyes-cli.desktop
Install and forget.
The program is designed to automatically start on boot and pause when necessary.
However, in certain situations, the following features may be useful:
print usage:
safe-eyes --help
start and debug:
safe-eyes start --debug
safe-eyes stop
- break dialog/notification that enforces rest, i.e. fullscreen mode, no "skip" button, prevents minimizing (
currently only x11 is supported). Unfortunately can be closed with
shortcut (disable this shortcut if needed). - break is postponed if screen was locked (also works after hibernation)
- break session is AUTOMATICALLY skipped during calls when webcam or microphone is in use
- OS can be locked during break session (use shortcut Win+L)
- audible beep sound signaling the end of a break
- customizable work and break session durations
- a separate configuration file to facilitate easy script updates in the future
- get rid of x11 workaround preventing skipping break
- show status? (when will be the next break - is it actually needed?)
- skipping break on calls: push small notification on skipped break?
- "lock screen" button on break dialog?
- optional "skip" button? (let user decide)
- + many settings and extra plugins
- - however requires some extra dependencies on Fedora and I haven't figured out yet how to run it in toolbox container
- + distributed as a Flatpack
- - why it starts so many processes in background?