Tips: 1: Delete all pyinstaller folders (ouput, spec, dist, build) 2: Run auto-py-to-exe 3: Set script location to (C:/Users/rexat/Documents/Astro Attack/Astro-Attack/ 4: Choose "One File" and "Window Based" 5: Choose icon "C:/Users/rexat/Downloads/red_ship.ico" 6: For additional files choose assets (C:/Users/rexat/Documents/Astro Attack/Astro-Attack/assets) 7: In advanced, set name to "Astro Attack [version]" 8: In advanced, enable --clean 9: In advanced, set --optimize to 2 10: Click convert .py to .exe
If above doesn't work, try the command below pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --windowed --icon "C:/Users/rexat/Downloads/red_ship.ico" --name "Astro Attack a1.2.0" --clean --add-data "C:/Users/rexat/Documents/Astro Attack/Astro-Attack/assets;assets/" "C:/Users/rexat/Documents/Astro Attack/Astro-Attack/"
Use fblits
Look at pre-multiplying alpha
Look at blend flags when blitting
Look at colour keys for images with alpha 0 or 255
Ability to dock with friendly stations and board enemy stations Player can walk around station
Player can walk around player ship
Add button to reset settings to default
Add more mission types
Enemies flash when they are damaged
Add a wide zoom out feature
New mothership image, large and powerful
Add missile and autoturret weapons
Add thruster particles to ships
Add special features to weapons (e.g. sniper can zoom in on enemy)
Weapons have a certain amount of penetration, more penetration, more damage to health Missile have low pen, sniper has high pen
When health is damaged, it effects how ships work, e.g. start smoking, visual screen effects, speed reduced, shield stops working, weapon not as effective When bits of player ship stops working, message should come up Some visual to show armour, and it breaking
Rendering setting is too big
When you take damage, bar is highlighted with damage before the health/armour/shield disappears
Add PlayerShip type hint to game.player
Fix objects jumping in and out of mini map
Improve performance of laser
Improve laser raycasting so it uses the correct, rotated hit box
Add hitboxes to debug mode
Enemy stations can only respawn reinforcements once or twice
Make bullets do less damage the further away they go (mainly for gatling gun)
Add bullet damage effect, when bullets hits something, blue sparks explode
Change colour of neutral bullets
Make ships have a thruster animation
Check / improve graphics.get_entities_to_draw performance Fix issue with not rendering some objects right on edge of screen (strict rendering)
Fix first full_screen click not moving the mouse properly
If neutral ship cannot find patrol point - do something
Improve E menu
NOTE: uses integer for radius, e.g. diameter is always multiples of two Do some caching for circles for particles to improve performance
Add a check to see if world is the correct version
Add guns to friendly stations
Strict Rendering (only rendering objects which will defo be on screen)
Think about doing rotozoom as it filters the image (AA), can be costly tho
Add transparency to particles so they can fade out
Add friendly AI ship Add some basic coding interface
Add ammo system
Enemies drop ammo
Add radar upgrades so that mini map can be improved
At some point, lower the initial upgrade values (high atm so testing is easier)
Have different shoot speed for enemy and player
Add money system, different currencies, get cash from killing
Add shop system
Add loot system
Add fuel system
Have different items (e.g. different types of guns)
One type of ammo But different weapons use up a different amount of ammo (e.g. 0.2 for machine gun or 3 for missile)
One type of ship You can collect / buy items, which you can use to upgrade your ship (e.g. scrap) Example things you can upgrade: armour, weapon, engine, shield generator, radar etc... Example: For engine you could upgrade: boost, acceleration, top speed... You can also use money to buy consumables, repair ship and purchase small items that give you a buff or special ability There are different types of weapons, each of which you can upgrade Example weapons: gatling gun, laser beam, normal gun, sniper, missile launcher, autoturrets
Have a massive asteroid or moon, with tunnels that you can go through
Make Enemy ships move around
Fix angle, so it is between +180 and -180
CHUNKS is globalled in
When updating entities, don't update every entity's chunk In entity.update(), if the entity moved, put entity into it's new chunk
Add asteroid class
Add rotation acceleration, so red_ship doesn't immediately stop rotating
Make turning more snappy
Adjust ship accleration (so faster if forward, slower if side to side)
Make bullet fire from the front of the ship
Add Images file
Make ship more detailed, have cross in the centre Make ship smaller
Add a constants file (maybe class), so that any file can use any constant (without any circular import shenanigans)
Add player health
Add enemy ship class
Make Enemy only shoot when close to red_ship
Add stars in background, layered, which move
Dampen intertia before moving, so that acceleration is dampened 1 tick later, not straight away
Improve star drawing code, so stars aren't brute force placed around the side
Improve bullet shooting, so that the position the bullet is spawned at is relative to the size of the ship
Add score counter
Stop spawning anything in starting chunks
Add zoom
Don't blit objects which will not be on the screen
Limit the zooming in and out based on the chunk distance Make Enemy ships move around
Make all artwork the same scale
Improve asteroid image, add several asteroid images
Enemy Grouping
Add de-spawning, e.g. bullets
Add choice for ParticleSystem to spawn all particles at once
Enemy health: Add health to enemy ships
Added Neutral Ship
Neutral Ship Attacks enemies firing at it
Add chocie for particles to shrink over time
Add boost animation to ship and particle effect
Fix speed instant decellerating when stopping boosting
Add ship colliding with asteroids Ship will bounce off Ship will take damage proportional to speed^2
Add 2 more asteroid images
Add death screen
Patrol state: improve grouping with mothership
Enemies dont go too close to player
Enemies Strafe in a semi realistic manner
Upgrade menu system Have a page system with buttons per page
Fix button select disappearing
Add escape functions to all the pages
Add image to menu
Edge of button boundaries are not clickable (click for button rectangle not text label)
Add padding ability to buttons
Change score to be number of enemies killed not damaged (more points for mothership)
MOUSE_DOWN counts for scroll_wheel and right_click
Attack state: make fighting seem more natural Aim to where the player is predicted to be in the future for more accurate shooting POTENTIAL: dodging either incoming bullets or for the enemy to have a random strafe
Add button effect when hovered over
Improve Menu performance
Retreat state: If enemy health is low and player health is high - retreat
Make new npc ai ship class which the ai ships will inherit from (cleans up code)
Add slider for menu buttons
Fix spawning in asteroid
Custom cursor
Fix bullets going through asteroids
Change custom cursor colour based on whether you are hovering over an enemy or not
Improve player movement (left and right doesn't work when moving forward)
Move UI code from main to
Add targeting icon (space engineers)
Enemy tracking for player
Level up, the ability to upgrade weapons, armour, engine etc
Add continue button to pause menu
Add "e" control to info menu (for systems)
Remove settings that are now changed with upgrades (e.g. health)
Add weapon upgrades: fire rate, damage, speed, range?
Add radar upgrades: max zoom out
Add armour image to systems menu
Fix menu image scaling (so it is based on height and width)
Add 1% lows to F3 screen
Added seed map generation
Added minimap
Add player shield, can recharge
Add shield upgrades to armour
Fix the targeting, so that it works off current player bullet speed
Add spread range to weapons
Add new enemy types: missile, different fighter ship variants
Enemy Ships dont shoot each other
Change weapon system so that each weapon can be individually upgraded
Make damage effect proportional to damage taken
Improve enemy retreat state
Add Enemy weapons - shoot normally but might have small missiles to launch aswell
Add images for drone, missile ship and missile
Add screen shake
Make default weapons, and weapons for player and enemy
Add a weapon hotbar, so you can see which weapon is selected
Add weapon hotbar images
Add multiple player weapons: gatling gun, laser beam, normal gun, sniper, missile launcher, autoturrets
Add laser upgrades
Add zoom upgrade (and decrease max zoom)
Fix crash where missiles explode in the same frame that they were removed in
Fix smoke particles coming from centre of missiles
Add initial velocity to particles
Improve particle system
Add speed to ship rotation (ships don't rotate instantly)
Improve rendering images on top of each other (boost particles rendering order), possibly add z-layer
Change scrap drop to be proportional to enemy difficulty
Make scrap spawn with a random offset from dead ship
Add space stations
Better choosing of which station to go to for neutral ships
Enemies spawn from enemy stations
CONSOLE FUNCTIONALITY: arguements to functions up and down arrows to cycle previous functions clipboard functionality add transparent background console printing
Neutral ships travel between neutral stations
POSSIBLE: neutral ship grouping
New neutral ship image, cargo vessel
Accelerate onto position function
Change player health to armour, top 50% can be healed but lower 50% can only be repaired at a station
Change colour of enemy bullets
More general attack_entity function for all ai ships
Add space stations Enemy ships can spawn at enemy stations Neutral ships can move from station to station Player can interact with stations
Armour: A few armour slots (5), but is a bar You can repair a whole slot with some scrap, if slot is only still damaged, you still have to pay full slot price Once armour is broken, all damage goes into health
Add health regen at stations
Neutral stations can be traded with
Lower station spawning, make enemy stations spawn more than friendly
Fix ships getting stuck in asteroids
Enemy Levels: enemies have specific levels harder enemy levels get spawned in based on different factors (score, time played, distance from origin etc) easy levels mean they will do less damage and motherships will not spawn difficult enemies motherships only spawn missiles and have shields for higher levels when difficulty increases, stations spawn motherships of higher levels which spawn difficult enemies on low difficulty you can get patrols of easy enemies far from stations
Enemies become more difficult
Saving and loading
Fix AI colliding with Asteroids
Add dict for missions for ship names (e.g. Enemy_Ship -> Enemy Ships)
Add ability to decline current mission and remove ability to decline other missions while a mission is active
Fix neutral fighters being always level 0
Fix ships that don't spawn at station being always level 0
Console: Allow cursor to go from left of text straight to the right of text Add del button, to delete text from the right
Make it so you have to be near to a station to click on it
Stations can be docked with
Missions (stations will give a reward for completing a mission) Add mission menu: Accepting and declining buttons working Reward buttons and reward screen Better progress bar Make it look nicer Mission manager can show 3 missions - declining them cycles them - only one mission activated at a time
Mission player ui:
Progress bar and info on right side of screen during game
Maybe add a hotkey to quickly pull of mission menu
Add different types of missions
Make it so that missions can be randomly generated based on the difficulty
Randomly generate rewards
Fix UI false weapon selection upon game restart
Fix minimap - add rendering order to ships and stations
Fix station menu button overlapping
Added skill level to stats menu
Finish basic missions: Make reward proportional to mission diffculty Reduce the massive increase in mission kill number and reward
Improve neutral ship fighting AI Fix Neutral ships not attacking if their mothership is destroyed
Improve console and text input: Add ctrl+x Add ctrl+c Add ctrl+v Add ctrl + arrows Add spam, if a button is hold down > 0.5 second, repeatedly paste that button Text moves when left key is pressed for first time
Ported from pygame 2.4.0 to pygame-ce 2.4.1
Updated python 3.11.3 to python 3.12.3
Updated dill 0.3.6 to dill 0.3.8
Updated psutil 5.9.5 to psutil 5.9.8
Switch to pygame-ce, text location has shifted pygame.scrap can be simplified - init can be removed multiline text can be simplified
Add back buttons
Add more console commands
- kill
- tp
Add twin guns to enemy stations
Add ability to destroy station cannon
Add station cannon image
Reduce frequency of stations
Limit enemy spawning to only 3 times
Increase station cannons difficulty with level
Change default gun to blaster
Friendly ships cannot damage other friendly ships
Add ability to kill all neutral or all enemy
Render bullets on top of other things
Outline of space stations is thin at bottom
Test if using Surface.fblits is faster (for drawing stars) draw_stars() is now twice as fast as in a1.5.0
Fix laser projection near asteroids (and possibly other objects)