This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- Quick summary
- Version
- Learn Markdown
- Summary of set up
- Configuration
Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-fce3c696
Instance Type: t2.micro
Instance Details: default
Add Storage: none
Tag instance: Name=NetCDF_Scavenger
Configure Security Group: just ssh
Review Instance Launch : Launch! (select you public key)
View the instance boot and copy the public ip address
- Dependencies
Using ssh login as ubuntu user
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential gfortran git libcurl4-gnutls-dev m4 python-pip python-numpy python-dev libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev libbz2-dev python-twisted python-setuptools python-pymongo grads nco cdo
sudo pip install cython parallel_sync scrapy
git clone
mv NetCDFScavenger netcdf-scavenger
cd netcdf-scavenger
Edit the file etc/profile. Check the latest available HDF5 version on and modify the profile file.
source etc/profile
sudo -i
source /home/ubuntu/netcdf-scavenger/etc/profile
- Database configuration
If you want to install a mongodb instance on the same machine (just for testing purposes)
mongo --port 27017
use admin
db.system.users.remove({}) <== removing all users
db.system.version.remove({}) <== removing current version
db.system.version.insert({ "_id" : "authSchema", "currentVersion" : 3 })
use netcdf
db.createUser({ user: "scavenger",pwd: "Rey2015!",roles: [ { role: "userAdmin", db: "netcdf" } ]})
Restart the service
service mongod restart
- How to run tests
cd $HOME/netcdf-scavenger
scrapy crawl netcdf
- Deployment instructions
mkdir $HOME/.netcdf-scavenger
cat > $HOME/.netcdf-scavenger/ << EOF
port: 27017
user: scavenger
password: Rey2015!
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines
- Repo owner or admin
- Other community or team contact