Tool for writing D0x. Written in Python.
###1.Credit This software involves using the code from several other projects. Credit goes to
-Mebus []
-Christian Martorella []
-Gordon Lyon []
###2.About D0xing is seen by not only hackers, but the general population that has a grasp of computer technology as an activity deemed script-kiddish, malicious, harmful, etc.
The sole purpose I wrote this program was
To practice my Python
To allow other hackers to play around and experiment and also learn about how to protect themselves and others, as well as info gathering, and reconaissance.
Bring awareness to online privacy and protecting your identity.
Bring awareness to shutting the fuck up, script kiddies.
###3.How to use Very simple. This program was written on a 64-bit Ubuntu machine, in Python 2. It's best to be running a Linux machine when using this.
Python- most Linux distros will have Python pre-installed
Git - some distros have this already as well, but in case no, execute: sudo apt-get install git
A fucking brain - thank you
#####b.How to install
OK in order to get D0xK1t, clone the repo
git clone
First, change your directory into the repo
cd /path/to/D0xK1t
Then, execute
You will be presented with a menu. Enter the option you want. That easy. Have fun getting roasted for your lousy D0x.
Copyright @ Alan Cao