Releases: Quobis/action-owasp-dependecy-track-check
Now every project's BoM gets converted into v1.2 thanks to CycloneDX CLI convert tool. This allows you to use this action with Dependency Track v4.0.0 or higher, even if specific language modules do not include support for such format yet.
An example of CycloneDX Maven plugin was added to the file. Moreover, every language has successfully been tested with this release.
This release extends language support to Maven (Java), Composer (PHP), NuGet (.NET) and Gems (Ruby) projects. Once again, testing and feedback is welcome.
This release is usable for Golang, Python and Nodejs projects. Testing and feedback is welcome, specially in Pyhton and Nodejs projects.
Initial beta version
This release is functional but it has only be tested in production for Golang projects and seems to be working properly.
We still need to test it more in Github Python and NodeJS projects, which have been tested but locally, not from Github repositories.