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RequirementExpressions_H1Z1 definitions 0.26

Quentin Gruber edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 1 revision
1 DifferentFactions && TargetIsPC Source and Target factions don't match
2 TargetIsNPC Target NPC ID == 500
3 TargetIsVehicle && DifferentFactions && TargetIsNotDestroyed Target is an enemy vehicle
4 DifferentFactions && TargetIsVehicle && TargetIsNotDestroyed && TargetIsAALockOnClassification Rocket Launcher Lock-On Requirement: Anti-Air
5 SourceIsLocalPlayerFirstPerson Source is local player in first-person
6 SourceIsNotLocalPlayerFirstPerson Source is local player NOT in first-person
7 DifferentFactions && TargetIsPC Target is an enemy infantry player (no MAX)
8 SourceIsVS Source is of the VS faction
9 SourceIsNC Source is of the NC faction
10 SourceIsTR Source is of the TR faction
11 Melee:TargetIsDifferentFaction Knife Attack
12 IsNotSelf && (TargetIsPC
13 TargetDistanceWithin10 && TargetIsPC && TargetHasLOS && TargetIsNotInVehicle && !HasRuleset.BattleRoyale Player: Nameplate Visibility
14 TargetDistanceWithin10 && TargetIsLessThanEqual95PercentHP && (TargetSmallDecayingStructure
Structure Health Visibility
15 (SameFactions && SourceIsCombatMedic && TargetDistanceWithin50 && !IsVehicle && TargetIsNotDead && !TargetIsInVehicle && !TargetIsProfileClass2 && (TargetIsLessThanEqual50PercentHP
16 ( SameFactions && TargetIsDead ) && (SourceIsNCMedic
17 SameFactions && BeingLookedAt45 && IsPC && TargetHealthLessThanZero Medic Heal - Ally Player
18 SameFactions && IsInSquad && !TargetInFlash && !TargetIsMyVehicle Squad Player
19 DifferentFactions Enemy Player
20 (SourceIsEngineer && TargetDistanceWithin50 && TargetIsNotDead && SameFactions && (TargetIsProfileClass2
21 (SourceIsEngineer && SameFactions && TargetIsNotDead && TargetDistanceWithin40 && (TargetIsLowAmmo
22 DifferentFactions && TargetIsVehicle && TargetIsNotDestroyed && TargetIsGVLockOnClassification Rocket Launcher Lock-On Requirement: Anti-Ground
23 SourceBeingLookedAt Source Being Looked At
24 TargetBeingLookedAt7 Target Being Looked At
25 DifferentFactions && (TargetIsVehicle
26 TargetIsNotDestroyed && TargetDistanceWithin10 Grenade: Indicator Visibility
27 IsLessThan200Distance Target is < 200 Distance
28 TargetIsGroundVehicle Target is Ground Vehicle Terminal
29 TargetIsGalaxyTerminal Target is Galaxy Terminal
30 TargetIsEquipmentTerminal Target is Equipment Terminal
31 TargetIsPersonalWaypoint Target is your personal waypoint
32 TargetIsSquadWaypoint Target is the squad waypoint
33 TargetIsAirTerminal Target is Air Terminal
34 TargetIsGroundVehicle Target is Ground Terminal
35 TargetIsGalaxyTerminal Target is Galaxy Terminal
36 TargetIsEquipmentTerminal Target is Equipment Terminal
37 TargetIsNotDestroyed && ((TargetDistanceWithin30 && SameFactions)
38 SourceIsInGroundVehicle && IsLessThan200Distance Ground Vehicle Ammo Dispenser: Indicator Visibility
39 SameFactions && BeingLookedAt45 && TargetIsPC && TargetIsNotMax && TargetIsNotCloaked MEDIC TOOL: Target is friendly PC and not MAX
40 TargetIsNotCloaked && SameFactions && BeingLookedAt45 && (TargetIsProfileClass17
41 IsLessThan100Distance Target is < 100 Distance
42 TargetBeingSpied Player: Distance Visibility
43 TargetBeingSpied Player: Skip Priority
44 IsPC && TargetBeingSpied
45 TargetIsVS Target is of the VS faction
46 TargetIsNC Target is of the NC faction
47 TargetIsTR Target is of the TR faction
48 SameFactions && BeingLookedAt45 && TargetHealthLessThanZero && ((TargetIsNCMAX)
49 (TargetIsVehicle
50 TargetIsGreaterThanRank1 Target character is at least Rank 2
51 SameFactions && (IsPC
52 !TargetOnFriendsList && IsPC Target is not on friends list.
53 TargetOnFriendsList && IsPC Target is on friends list.
54 (TargetVehicleHasOpenSeat && SameFactions && TargetVehicleIsOccupied && !SourceIsVSMAX && !SourceIsTRMAX && !SourceIsNCMAX && !SourceIsNCEngineer && !SourceIsTREngineer && !SourceIsVSEngineer)
55 (SourceVehicleHasOpenSeat && SameFactions && !TargetIsVSMAX && !TargetIsTRMAX && !TargetIsNCMAX && !TargetIsNCEngineer && !TargetIsVSEngineer && !TargetIsTREngineer && TargetVehicleIsOccupied)
56 TargetVehicleHasNoOpenSeat && SameFactions Target ally vehicle has no open seat.
57 SourceVehicleHasNoOpenSeat && SameFactions Source vehicle has no open seat.
58 (SourceIsNCEngineer
59 SameFactions && !IsInSquad && (IsPC
60 SameFactions && IsInSquad && IsPC Target ally is in a squad.
61 TargetOnIgnoreList && IsPC Target is being ignored.
62 !TargetOnIgnoreList && IsPC Target is not being ignored.
63 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceVSHasTargetCert
64 !SameFactions && IsPC Target is an enemy player.
65 (SourceIsNCMedic
66 SameFactions && (TargetIsNCEngineer
67 (TargetIsVSMedic
68 SourceVehicleLessThanEqual85PercentHP && SourceIsInVehicle && SameFactions && (TargetIsNCEngineer
69 ((TargetVehicleLessThanEqual85PercentHP && TargetIsInVehicle)
70 SameFactions && (SourceIsNCEngineer
71 SourceHasAtLeast1Item7000 SourceHasAtLeast1Item7000
72 SourceHasAtLeast2Item7000 SourceHasAtLeast2Item7000
73 SourceInGuild Source is in Guild
74 SourceHas12Rank
75 SourceHasAtLeast1Item7001
76 SourceHasAtLeast2Item7001
77 (SourceIsVSMAX
78 (SourceIsVSMAX
79 SameFactions && (SourceIsNCEngineer
80 SameFactions && (SourceIsNCEngineer
81 SameFactions && (TargetIsNCEngineer
82 TargetRequestingHeal
83 TargetRequestingTransport
84 TargetRequestingRepair
85 TargetRequestingAmmo
86 TargetDistanceWithin150 Target is < 150 Distance
87 (TargetIsShieldGeneratorUnit
88 TargetIsSpawnControlUnit && TargetDistanceWithin250 Spawn Control Unit is < 250 Distance
89 SameFactions && (IsPC
90 TargetIsShieldGeneratorUnit && TargetDistanceWithin250 && TargetIsDestroyed Destroyed Shield Generator Unit is < 250 Distance
91 TargetIsSpawnControlUnit && TargetDistanceWithin250 && TargetIsDestroyed Destroyed Spawn Control Unit is < 250 Distance
92 TargetHasClassificationDeployable
93 TargetIsDead && SameFactions && (SourceIsVSMedic
94 SameFactions && TargetIsDead && (TargetDistanceWithin50
95 SourceHasLessThan4000Polymers Source Has Less Than 4000 Polymers
96 SourceHasLessThan4000Catalysts Source Has Less Than 4000 Catalysts
97 SourceHasLessThan4000Alloys Source Has Less Than 4000 Alloys
98 SourceInYourPlatoonNotYourSquad Source is in your platoon but not your squad
99 TargetInYourPlatoonNotYourSquad && !TargetIsMyVehicle TargetInYourPlatoonNotYourSquad
100 !SameFactions && (!IsPC
101 TargetIsCapturePoint && SourceSquadLeader && (SourceVSHasTargetCert
102 TargetIsCapturePoint && SourceSquadLeader && (SourceVSHasTargetCert
103 TargetIsForwardShieldGenerator && TargetDistanceWithin250 Target is forward shield generator and < 250 Distance
104 SourceIsInFlightVehicle && IsLessThan300Distance Air Vehicle Ammo Dispenser: Indicator Visibility
105 TargetIsLightVehicleTerminal Target is Light Vehicle Terminal
106 SourceSquadLeader The player is a squad leader.
107 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceHasVSSmokeCertOrange
108 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceHasVSSmokeCertGreen
109 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceHasNCSmokeCertPurple
110 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceHasVSSmokeCertYellow
111 TargetIsVehicle && SameFactions Target Vehicle is ally (for Image Set Collections)
112 TargetIsVehicle && !SameFactions Target Vehicle is enemy (for image set collections)
113 TargetIsMyVehicle Target Vehicle is mine (for image set collections)
114 TargetIsVehicle && (IsInSquad
115 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceHasReinforcementCertVS
116 SourceIsPlatoonLeader Source is platoon leader
117 LocalPlayerHasItem4 Local Player has item 4 in active loadout
118 LocalPlayerVS Local Player is VS
119 LocalPlayerNC Local Player is NC
120 LocalPlayerTR Local Player is TR
121 TargetIsPlatoonWaypoint && !TargetIsAlphaWaypoint && !TargetIsBravoWaypoint && !TargetIsCharlieWaypoint && !TargetIsDeltaWaypoint Target is platoon waypoint and not a platoon's squad waypoint
122 TargetIsCSR && IsLessThan200Distance Target is a CSR-GM and is within 200 distance
123 TargetIsVehicleShield && TargetDistanceWithin250 Target is a vehicle shield generator and within 250 distance
124 TargetIsSCUShield && TargetDistanceWithin250 Target is a SCU shield and within 250
125 TargetIsHorizontalShield && TargetDistanceWithin250 Target is a horizontal line shield and within 250 distance
126 TargetIsVerticalShield && TargetDistanceWithin250 Target is a vertical shield and within 250 distance
127 TargetDistanceWithin250 Target is < 250 Distance
128 TargetIsRank1 Character has rank >= 1
129 TargetIsRank2 Character has rank >= 2
130 TargetIsRank3 Character has rank >= 3
131 TargetIsRank4 Character has rank >= 4
132 TargetIsRank5 Character has rank >= 5
133 TargetIsRank6 Character has rank >= 6
134 TargetIsRank7 Character has rank >= 7
135 TargetIsRank8 Character has rank >= 8
136 TargetIsRank9 Character has rank >= 9
137 TargetIsRank10 Character has rank >= 10
138 TargetIsRank11 Character has rank >= 11
139 TargetIsRank12 Character has rank >= 12
140 TargetIsRank13 Character has rank >= 13
141 TargetIsRank14 Character has rank >= 14
142 TargetIsRank15 Character has rank >= 15
143 TargetIsRank16 Character has rank >= 16
144 TargetIsRank17 Character has rank >= 17
145 TargetIsRank18 Character has rank >= 18
146 TargetIsRank19 Character has rank >= 19
147 TargetIsRank20 Character has rank >= 20
148 TargetIsRank21 Character has rank >= 21
149 TargetIsRank22 Character has rank >= 22
150 TargetIsRank23 Character has rank >= 23
151 TargetIsRank24 Character has rank >= 24
152 TargetIsRank25 Character has rank >= 25
153 TargetIsRank26 Character has rank >= 26
154 TargetIsRank28 Character has rank >= 28
155 TargetIsRank30 Character has rank >= 30
156 TargetIsRank32 Character has rank >= 32
157 TargetIsRank34 Character has rank >= 34
158 TargetIsRank36 Character has rank >= 36
159 TargetIsRank38 Character has rank >= 38
160 TargetIsRank40 Character has rank >= 40
161 TargetIsRank42 Character has rank >= 42
162 TargetIsRank44 Character has rank >= 44
163 TargetIsRank46 Character has rank >= 46
164 TargetIsRank48 Character has rank >= 48
165 LocalPlayerIsMember Local Player is a Member
166 TargetIsVehicle && TargetInYourPlatoonNotYourSquad Target is in a vehicle and in your platoon
167 SourceIsCloaked Source Is Cloaked
168 TargetIsCloaked Target Is Cloaked
169 TargetIsPrimaryCapturePoint Checks that the target is a primary capture point
170 TargetIsForwardSpawnCapturePoint Checks to see that the capture point is for forward spawns
171 TargetCaptureConsoleCapturing
172 TargetForwardSpawnCapturePoint Target is a forward spawn point capture point
173 TargetObjectiveBombBeingPlaced
174 TargetGateShieldGenerator Target is a gate shield generator
175 TargetSpawnControlUnit Target is a spawn control unit
176 DifferentFactions && TargetIsVehicle && TargetIsNotDestroyed Rocket Launcher Lock-On Requirement: All
177 IsNotSelf && (TargetIsPC
178 SameFactions Generic: Same Faction
179 (TargetVehicleHasOpenSeat && SameFactions && TargetVehicleIsOccupied && (SourceIsVSMAX
180 TargetIsMyVehicle Shows steering wheel indicator to denote your vehicle when you arent in it.
181 (TargetIsVehicle
182 SourceSquadLeader && (SourceHasSpawnBeaconCertVS
183 SourceHasVSLeaderChatSkill
184 SourceIsNotBusy Source is not busy
185 OwnsItem7101 Player owns item 7101 NC Assault Rifle 04
186 SameFactions && (TargetIsNCMedic
187 (TargetIsPC
188 SourceHasAtLeast1Item7002 Source has at least 1 of item 7002 to unlock custom loadout tab
189 SourceHasAtLeast2Item7002 Source has at least 2 of item 7002 to unlock custom loadout tab
190 SourceHasAtLeast3Item7002 Source has at least 3 of item 7002 to unlock custom loadout tab
191 SourceHasAtLeast4Item7002 Source has at least 4 of item 7002 to unlock custom loadout tab
192 SourceInGroundVehicle Source is in a ground vehicle
193 SourceInFlightVehicle Source is in a flight vehicle
194 SourceIsPlatoonLeader && LocalPlatoonHasAlphaSquad Alpha squad waypoint requirement
195 SourceIsPlatoonLeader && LocalPlatoonHasBravoSquad Bravo squad waypoint requirement
196 SourceIsPlatoonLeader && LocalPlatoonHasCharlieSquad Charlie squad waypoint requirement
197 SourceIsPlatoonLeader && LocalPlatoonHasDeltaSquad Delta squad waypoint requirement
198 TargetIsVehicle Vehicle: Profile
199 (TargetDistanceWithin1000 && !SourceIsPassengerInTargetVehicle && TargetIsNotDestroyed) && ((SameFactions && ((!TargetIsMyVehicle && (TargetVehicleIsOccupied
200 TargetIsSunderer Sunderer no-deploy requirement
204 SourceIsVS && LocalPlayerIsMember Player is VS and a Member
206 SourceIsNC && LocalPlayerIsMember Player is NC and a Member
208 SourceIsTR && LocalPlayerIsMember Player is TR and a Member
209 TargetIsNotDestroyed && ((TargetDistanceWithin30 && SameFactions)
210 LocalPlayerInPlatoonAlphaSquad Local player is in Alpha squad of their platoon
211 LocalPlayerInPlatoonBravoSquad Local player is in Bravo squad of their platoon
212 LocalPlayerInPlatoonCharlieSquad Local player is in Charlie squad of their platoon
213 LocalPlayerInPlatoonDeltaSquad Local player is in Delta squad of their platoon
215 TargetIsGrenade Target is Grenade
216 TargetExplosiveClassification Target is explosive classification
217 TargetIsAmmoDispenser Target is Vehicle Ammo Dispenser
218 TargetIsTeleporter Target is Teleporter
219 TargetIsQuadTerminal Target is Quad Terminal
220 TargetIsAircraftAmmoDispenser Target is Air Ammo Dispenser
221 TargetIsWarpgateTerminal Target Is Warpgate Terminal
222 TargetAmmoPack Target is Ammo Pack
223 TargetTankMine Target is Tank Mine
224 False False
751 SourceOwnsItem73 Player owns Item 73: NC Assault Rifle 02
752 SourceOwnsItem7108 Player owns Item 7108: NC Assault Rifle 03
753 SourceOwnsItem7102 Player owns Item 7102: NC Assault Rifle 05
755 SourceOwnsItem7169 Player owns Item 7169: NC Carbine Rifle 02
756 SourceOwnsItem7170 Player owns Item 7170: NC Carbine Rifle 03
757 SourceOwnsItem7171 Player owns Item 7171: NC Carbine Rifle 04
758 SourceOwnsItem7172 Player owns Item 7172: NC Carbine Rifle 05
759 SourceOwnsItem7528 Player owns Item 7528: NC Chain Gun 01:
761 SourceOwnsItem7232 Player owns Item 7232: NC LMG 02
762 SourceOwnsItem7233 Player owns Item 7233: NC LMG 03
763 SourceOwnsItem7234 Player owns Item 7234: NC LMG 04
764 SourceOwnsItem7235 Player owns Item 7235: NC LMG 05
766 SourceOwnsItem7388 Player owns Item 7388: NC Pistol 02
767 SourceOwnsItem7358 Player owns Item 7358: NC Scout Rifle 01
768 SourceOwnsItem24007 Player owns Item 24007: NC Scout Rifle 02
769 SourceOwnsItem24008 Player owns item 24008: NC Scout Rifle 03
771 SourceOwnsItem24000 Player owns item 24000: NC Sniper Rifle 02
772 SourceOwnsItem24001 Player owns item 24001: NC Sniper Rifle 03
773 SourceOwnsItem24002 Player owns item 24002: NC Sniper Rifle 04
774 SourceOwnsItem24003 Player owns item 24003: NC Sniper Rifle 05
775 SourceOwnsItem128 Player owns item 128: NC Shotgun 01
776 SourceOwnsItem7423 Player owns item 7423: NC Shotgun 02
777 SourceOwnsItem40000 Player owns item 40000: NC Shotgun 03
778 SourceOwnsItem16016 Player owns item 16016: NC AA 01 Left
779 SourceOwnsItem16021 Player owns item 16021: NC AA 02 Left
780 SourceOwnsItem16009 Player owns item 16009: NC AA 02 Right
781 SourceOwnsItem16012 Player owns item 16012: NC AI 01 Right
782 SourceOwnsItem7505 Player owns item 7505: NC AI 02 Left
783 SourceOwnsItem16024 Player owns item 16024: NC AI 02 Right
784 SourceOwnsItem7506 Player owns item 7506: NC AI 03 Left
785 SourceOwnsItem16025 Player owns item 16025: NC AI 03 Right
786 SourceOwnsItem7507 Player owns item 7507: NC AI 04 Left
787 SourceOwnsItem16026 Player owns item 16026: NC AI 04 Right
788 SourceOwnsItem16013 Player owns item 16013: NC AV 01 Left
789 SourceOwnsItem16017 Player owns item 16017: NC AV 02 Left
790 SourceOwnsItem16005 Player owns item 16005: NC AV 02 Right
791 SourceOwnsItem7124 Player owns item 7124: TR Assault Rifle 02
792 SourceOwnsItem7125 Player owns item 7125: TR Assault Rifle 03
793 SourceOwnsItem7126 Player owns item 7126: TR Assault Rifle 04
794 SourceOwnsItem7127 Player owns item 7127: TR Assault Rifle 05
795 SourceOwnsItem19000 Player owns item 19000: TR Carbine Rifle 02
796 SourceOwnsItem7190 Player owns item 7190: TR Carbine Rifle 03
797 SourceOwnsItem7191 Player owns item 7191: TR Carbine Rifle 04
798 SourceOwnsItem7192 Player owns item 7192: TR Carbine Rifle 05
799 SourceOwnsItem7533 Player owns item 7533: TR Chain Gun 01
800 SourceOwnsItem7253 Player owns item 7253: TR LMG 02
801 SourceOwnsItem7254 Player owns item 7254: TR LMG 03
802 SourceOwnsItem7255 Player owns item 7255: TR LMG 04
803 SourceOwnsItem7256 Player owns item 7256: TR LMG 05
804 SourceOwnsItem7400 Player owns item 7400: TR Pistol 02
805 SourceOwnsItem7365 Player owns item 7365: TR Scout Rifle 01
806 SourceOwnsItem25007 Player owns item 25007: TR Scout Rifle 02
807 SourceOwnsItem25008 Player owns item 25008: TR Scout Rifle 03
808 SourceOwnsItem30 Player owns item 30: TR Shotgun 01
809 SourceOwnsItem7432 Player owns item 7432: TR Shotgun 02
810 SourceOwnsItem39000 Player owns item 39000: TR Shotgun 03
811 SourceOwnsItem25000 Player owns item 25000: TR Sniper Rifle 02
812 SourceOwnsItem25001 Player owns item 25001: TR Sniper Rifle 03
813 SourceOwnsItem25002 Player owns item 25002: TR Sniper Rifle 04
814 SourceOwnsItem25003 Player owns item 25003: TR Sniper Rifle 05
815 SourceOwnsItem15016 Player owns item 15016: TR MAX AA 01 Left
816 SourceOwnsItem15021 Player owns item 15021: TR MAX AA 02 Left
817 SourceOwnsItem15009 Player owns item 15009: TR MAX AA 02 Right
818 SourceOwnsItem15012 Player owns item 15012: TR MAX AI 01 Right
819 SourceOwnsItem7518 Player owns item 7518: TR MAX AI 02 Left
820 SourceOwnsItem15030 Player owns item 15030: TR MAX AI 02 Right
821 SourceOwnsItem7512 Player owns item 7512: TR MAX AI 03 Left
822 SourceOwnsItem15024 Player owns item 15024: TR MAX AI 03 Right
823 SourceOwnsItem7513 Player owns item 7513: TR MAX AI 04 Left
824 SourceOwnsItem15025 Player owns item 15025: TR MAX AI 04 Right
825 SourceOwnsItem15013 Player owns item 15013: TR MAX AV 01 Left
826 SourceOwnsItem15017 Player owns item 15017: TR MAX AV 02 Left
827 SourceOwnsItem15005 Player owns item 15005: TR MAX AV 02 Right
828 SourceOwnsItem7148 Player owns item 7148: VS Assault Rifle 02
829 SourceOwnsItem7149 Player owns item 7149: VS Assault Rifle 03
830 SourceOwnsItem7150 Player owns item 7150: VS Assault Rifle 04
831 SourceOwnsItem7151 Player owns item 7151: VS Assault Rifle 05
832 SourceOwnsItem20000 Player owns item 20000: VS Carbine Rifle 02
833 SourceOwnsItem7211 Player owns item 7211: VS Carbine Rifle 03
834 SourceOwnsItem7212 Player owns item 7212: VS Carbine Rifle 04
835 SourceOwnsItem7213 Player owns item 7213: VS Carbine Rifle 05
836 SourceOwnsItem7540 Player owns item 7540: VS Chain Gun 01
837 SourceOwnsItem7274 Player owns item 7274: VS LMG 02
838 SourceOwnsItem7275 Player owns item 7275: VS LMG 03
839 SourceOwnsItem7276 Player owns item 7276: VS LMG 04
840 SourceOwnsItem7277 Player owns item 7277: VS LMG 05
841 SourceOwnsItem7412 Player owns item 7412: VS Pistol 02
842 SourceOwnsItem7372 Player owns item 7372: VS Scout Rifle 01
843 SourceOwnsItem26007 Player owns item 26007: VS Scout Rifle 02
844 SourceOwnsItem26008 Player owns item 26008: VS Scout Rifle 03
845 SourceOwnsItem129 Player owns item 129: VS Shotgun 01
846 SourceOwnsItem7441 Player owns item 7441: VS Shotgun 02
847 SourceOwnsItem41000 Player owns item 41000: VS Shotgun 03
848 SourceOwnsItem26000 Player owns item 26000: VS Sniper Rifle 02
849 SourceOwnsItem26001 Player owns item 26001: VS Sniper Rifle 03
850 SourceOwnsItem26002 Player owns item 26002: VS Sniper Rifle 04
851 SourceOwnsItem26003 Player owns item 26003: VS Sniper Rifle 05
852 SourceOwnsItem17016 Player owns item 17016: VS MAX AA 01 Left
853 SourceOwnsItem17023 Player owns item 17023: VS MAX AA 02 Left
854 SourceOwnsItem17011 Player owns item 17011: VS MAX AA 02 Right
855 SourceOwnsItem17012 Player owns item 17012: VS MAX AI 01 Right
856 SourceOwnsItem7525 Player owns item 7525: VS MAX AI 02 Left
857 SourceOwnsItem17030 Player owns item 17030: VS MAX AI 02 Right
858 SourceOwnsItem7519 Player owns item 7519: VS MAX AI 03 Left
859 SourceOwnsItem17024 Player owns item 17024: VS MAX AI 03 Right
860 SourceOwnsItem17013 Player owns item 17013: VS MAX AV 01 Left
861 SourceOwnsItem17017 Player owns item 17017: VS MAX AV 02 Left
862 SourceOwnsItem17005 Player owns item 17005: VS MAX AV 02 Right
863 SourceOwnsItem7520 Player owns item 7520: VS MAX AI 04 Left
864 SourceOwnsItem17025 Player owns item 17025: VS MAX AI 04 Right
866 SourceOwnsItem7379 Player owns item 7379: NC Pistol 01
867 SourceOwnsItem7391 Player owns item 7391: TR Pistol 01
868 SourceOwnsItem7403 Player owns item 7403: VS Pistol 01
869 SourceOwnsItem69999 Player owns item 69999: NS Assault Rifle 01
870 SourceOwnsItem2508 Player owns item 2508: NC Flash 20mm HMG
871 SourceOwnsItem2509 Player owns item 2509: TR Flash 20mm HMG
872 SourceOwnsItem2507 Player owns item 2507: VS Flash 20mm HMG
873 SourceOwnsItem2511 Player owns item 2511: NC Flash 40mm Grenade
874 SourceOwnsItem2512 Player owns item 2512: TR Flash 40mm Grenade
875 SourceOwnsItem2510 Player owns item 2510: VS Flash 40mm Grenade
876 SourceOwnsItem2501 Player owns item 2501: NC Flash 50cal MG
877 SourceOwnsItem2502 Player owns item 2502: TR Flash 50cal MG
878 SourceOwnsItem2500 Player owns item 2500: VS Flash 50cal MG
879 SourceOwnsItem5506 Player owns item 5506: Galaxy 20mm HMG Left NC
880 SourceOwnsItem5510 Player owns item 5510: Galaxy 20mm HMG Left TR
881 SourceOwnsItem5502 Player owns item 5502: Galaxy 20mm HMG Left VS
882 SourceOwnsItem5507 Player owns item 5507: Galaxy 20mm HMG Right NC
883 SourceOwnsItem5511 Player owns item 5511: Galaxy 20mm HMG Right TR
884 SourceOwnsItem5503 Player owns item 5503: Galaxy 20mm HMG Right VS
885 SourceOwnsItem5505 Player owns item 5505: Galaxy 20mm HMG Tail NC
886 SourceOwnsItem5509 Player owns item 5509: Galaxy 20mm HMG Tail TR
887 SourceOwnsItem5501 Player owns item 5501: Galaxy 20mm HMG Tail VS
888 SourceOwnsItem5504 Player owns item 5504: Galaxy 20mm HMG Top NC
889 SourceOwnsItem5508 Player owns item 5508: Galaxy 20mm HMG Top TR
890 SourceOwnsItem5500 Player owns item 5500: Galaxy 20mm HMG Top VS
891 SourceOwnsItem5517 Player owns item 5517: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG Tail NC
892 SourceOwnsItem5521 Player owns item 5521: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG Tail TR
893 SourceOwnsItem5513 Player owns item 5513: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG Tail VS
894 SourceOwnsItem5516 Player owns item 5516: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG Top NC
895 SourceOwnsItem5520 Player owns item 5520: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG Top TR
896 SourceOwnsItem5512 Player owns item 5520: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG Top VS
897 SourceOwnsItem5518 Player owns item 5518: Galaxy 60mm Cannon Left NC
898 SourceOwnsItem5522 Player owns item 5522: Galaxy 60mm Cannon Left TR
899 SourceOwnsItem5514 Player owns item 5514: Galaxy 60mm Cannon Left VS
900 SourceOwnsItem5519 Player owns item 5519: Galaxy 60mm Cannon Right NC
901 SourceOwnsItem5523 Player owns item 5523: Galaxy 60mm Cannon Right TR
902 SourceOwnsItem5515 Player owns item 5515: Galaxy 60mm Cannon Right VS
903 SourceOwnsItem5228 Player owns item 5228: Liberator 105mm Belly NC
904 SourceOwnsItem5229 Player owns item 5229: Liberator 105mm Belly TR
905 SourceOwnsItem5227 Player owns item 5227: Liberator 105mm Belly VS
906 SourceOwnsItem5225 Player owns item 5225: Liberator 150mm Belly NC
907 SourceOwnsItem5226 Player owns item 5226: Liberator 150mm Belly TR
908 SourceOwnsItem5224 Player owns item 5224: Liberator 150mm Belly VS
909 SourceOwnsItem5210 Player owns item 5210: Liberator 30mm Shredder Nose NC
910 SourceOwnsItem5209 Player owns item 5209: Liberator 30mm Shredder Nose TR
911 SourceOwnsItem5211 Player owns item 5211: Liberator 30mm Shredder Nose VS
912 SourceOwnsItem5219 Player owns item 5219: Liberator 30mm Explosive Nose NC
913 SourceOwnsItem5220 Player owns item 5220: Liberator 30mm Explosive Nose TR
914 SourceOwnsItem5218 Player owns item 5218: Liberator 30mm Explosives Nose VS
915 SourceOwnsItem5207 Player owns item 5207: Liberator 30mm Recoilless Nose NC
916 SourceOwnsItem5206 Player owns item 5206: Liberator 30mm Recoilless Nose TR
917 SourceOwnsItem5208 Player owns item 5208: Liberator 30mm Recoilless Nose VS
918 SourceOwnsItem5216 Player owns item 5216: Liberator 30mm Tankbuster Nose NC
919 SourceOwnsItem5217 Player owns item 5217: Liberator 30mm Tankbuster Nose TR
920 SourceOwnsItem5215 Player owns item 5215: Liberator 30mm Tankbuster Nose VS
921 SourceOwnsItem5202 Player owns item 5202: Liberator 20mm HMG Tail NC
922 SourceOwnsItem5200 Player owns item 5200: Liberator 20mm HMG Tail TR
923 SourceOwnsItem5204 Player owns item 5204: Liberator 20mm HMG Tail VS
924 SourceOwnsItem5213 Player owns item 5213: Liberator 30mm AA HMG Tail NC
925 SourceOwnsItem5214 Player owns item 5214: Liberator 30mm AA HMG Tail TR
926 SourceOwnsItem5212 Player owns item 5212: Liberator 30mm AA HMG Tail VS
927 SourceOwnsItem5203 Player owns item 5203: Liberator 50cal MG Tail NC
928 SourceOwnsItem5201 Player owns item 5201: Liberator 50cal MG Tail TR
929 SourceOwnsItem5205 Player owns item 5205: Liberator 50cal MG Tail VS
930 SourceOwnsItem5222 Player owns item 5222: Liberator 60mm Cannon Tail NC
931 SourceOwnsItem5223 Player owns item 5223: Liberator 60mm Cannon Tail TR
932 SourceOwnsItem5221 Player owns item 5221: Liberator 60mm Cannon Tail VS
933 SourceOwnsItem3104 Player owns item 3104: Lightning 100mm AP NC
934 SourceOwnsItem3105 Player owns item 3105: Lightning 100mm AP TR
935 SourceOwnsItem3103 Player owns item 3103: Lightning 100mm AP VS
936 SourceOwnsItem3154 Player owns item 3154: Lightning 100mm HE NC
937 SourceOwnsItem3155 Player owns item 3155: Lightning 100mm HE TR
938 SourceOwnsItem3153 Player owns item 3153: Lightning 100mm HE VS
939 SourceOwnsItem3157 Player owns item 3157: Lightning 100mm HEAT NC
940 SourceOwnsItem3158 Player owns item 3158: Lightning 100mm HEAT TR
941 SourceOwnsItem3156 Player owns item 3156: Lightning 100mm HEAT VS
942 SourceOwnsItem3101 Player owns item 3101: Lightning 75mm NC
943 SourceOwnsItem3102 Player owns item 3102: Lightning 75mm TR
944 SourceOwnsItem3100 Player owns item 3100: Lightning 75mm VS
945 SourceOwnsItem3107 Player owns item 3107: Skyguard NC
946 SourceOwnsItem3108 Player owns item 3108: Skyguard TR
947 SourceOwnsItem3106 Player owns item 3106: Skyguard VS
948 SourceOwnsItem3402 Player owns item 3402: Magrider 20mm HMG VS
949 SourceOwnsItem3403 Player owns item 3403: Magrider 30mm AA HMG VS
950 SourceOwnsItem3495 Player owns item 3495: Magrider 40mm GL VS
951 SourceOwnsItem3401 Player owns item 3401: Magrider 50cal MG VS
952 SourceOwnsItem3496 Player owns item 3496: Magrider 60mm Mortar VS
953 SourceOwnsItem3441 Player owns item 3441: Magrider 85mm Rocket VS
954 SourceOwnsItem3442 Player owns item 3442: Magrider Heavy Rail Beam VS
955 SourceOwnsItem3404 Player owns item 3404: Magrider PPA Secondary VS
956 SourceOwnsItem3460 Player owns item 3460: Magrider Plasma AP FPC VS
957 SourceOwnsItem3461 Player owns item 3461: Magrider Plasma HE VPC VS
958 SourceOwnsItem3400 Player owns item 3400: Magrider Plasma HEAT PC VS
959 SourceOwnsItem4906 Player owns item 4906: Mosquito 14mm nose TR
960 SourceOwnsItem4900 Player owns item 4900: Mosquito 18mm nose
961 SourceOwnsItem4911 Player owns item 4911: Mosquito 18mm rotary nose
962 SourceOwnsItem4905 Player owns item 4905: Mosquito A2A Rockets
963 SourceOwnsItem4903 Player owns item 4903: Mosquito A2G Rockets
964 SourceOwnsItem4008 Player owns item 4008: Prowler 120mm AP TR
965 SourceOwnsItem4009 Player owns item 4009: Prowler 120mm HE TR
966 SourceOwnsItem4000 Player owns item 4000: Prowler 120mm HEAT TR
967 SourceOwnsItem4002 Player owns item 4002: Prowler 20mm HMG TR
968 SourceOwnsItem4003 Player owns item 4003: Prowler 30mm AA HMG TR
969 SourceOwnsItem4007 Player owns item 4007: Prowler 40mm Marauder TR
970 SourceOwnsItem4001 Player owns item 4001: Prowler 50cal MG TR
971 SourceOwnsItem4015 Player owns item 4015: Prowler 85mm Rocket TR
972 SourceOwnsItem4029 Player owns item 4029: Prowler Vulcan Chaingun TR
973 SourceOwnsItem4600 Player owns item 4600: Reaver 20mm Nose NC
974 SourceOwnsItem4602 Player owns item 4602: Reaver A2A Missile NC
975 SourceOwnsItem4605 Player owns item 4605: Reaver Air Hammer NC
976 SourceOwnsItem4601 Player owns item 4601: Reaver A2G Rockets NC
977 SourceOwnsItem4604 Player owns item 4604: Reaver Rotary NC
978 SourceOwnsItem4300 Player owns item 4300: Scythe A2A Missile VS
979 SourceOwnsItem4302 Player owns item 4302: Scythe LRB Nose Cannon VS
980 SourceOwnsItem4305 Player owns item 4305: Scythe PPA Nose Cannon VS
981 SourceOwnsItem4301 Player owns item 4301: Scythe Rocket Pods VS
982 SourceOwnsItem4304 Player owns item 4304: Scythe Rotary Nose VS
983 SourceOwnsItem2805 Player owns item 2805: 20mm HMG Front TR
984 SourceOwnsItem2810 Player owns item 2810: 20mm HMG Rear NC
985 SourceOwnsItem2811 Player owns item 2811: 20mm HMG Rear TR
986 SourceOwnsItem2809 Player owns item 2809: 20mm HMG Rear VS
987 SourceOwnsItem2804 Player owns item 2804: 20mm HMG Front NC
988 SourceOwnsItem2803 Player owns item 2803: 20mm HMG Front VS
989 SourceOwnsItem2875 Player owns item 2875: 40mm Grenade Front NC
990 SourceOwnsItem2876 Player owns item 2876: 40mm Grenade Front TR
991 SourceOwnsItem2874 Player owns item 2874: 40mm Grenade Front VS
992 SourceOwnsItem2878 Player owns item 2878: 40mm Grenade Rear NC
993 SourceOwnsItem2879 Player owns item 2879: 40mm Grenade Rear TR
994 SourceOwnsItem2877 Player owns item 2877: 40mm Grenade Rear VS
995 SourceOwnsItem2801 Player owns item 2801: 50cal MG Front NC
996 SourceOwnsItem2802 Player owns item 2802: 50cal MG Front TR
997 SourceOwnsItem2800 Player owns item 2800: 50cal MG Front VS
998 SourceOwnsItem2807 Player owns item 2807: 50cal MG Rear NC
999 SourceOwnsItem2808 Player owns item 2808: 50cal MG Rear TR
1000 SourceOwnsItem2806 Player owns item 2806: 50cal MG Rear VS
1001 SourceOwnsItem2833 Player owns item 2833: 60mm Cannon Front NC
1002 SourceOwnsItem2834 Player owns item 2834: 60mm Cannon Front TR
1003 SourceOwnsItem2832 Player owns item 2832: 60mm Cannon Front VS
1004 SourceOwnsItem2836 Player owns item 2836: 60mm Cannon Rear NC
1005 SourceOwnsItem2837 Player owns item 2837: 60mm Cannon Rear TR
1006 SourceOwnsItem2835 Player owns item 2835: 60mm Cannon Rear VS
1007 SourceOwnsItem3730 Player owns item 3730: Vanguard 150mm AP NC
1008 SourceOwnsItem3731 Player owns item 3731: Vanguard 150mm HE NC
1009 SourceOwnsItem3700 Player owns item 3700: Vanguard 150mm HEAT NC
1010 SourceOwnsItem3702 Player owns item 3702: Vanguard 20mm HMG NC
1011 SourceOwnsItem3703 Player owns item 3703: Vanguard 30mm AA HMG NC
1012 SourceOwnsItem3701 Player owns item 3701: Vanguard 50cal MG NC
1013 SourceOwnsItem3709 Player owns item 3709: Vanguard 85mm Rocket NC
1014 SourceOwnsItem3707 Player owns item 3707: Vanguard Enforcer Canister NC
1015 SourceOwnsItem3704 Player owns item 3704: Vanguard Enforcer RPG NC
1016 SourceOwnsItem70998 Player owns item 70998: NS: Assault Rifle 02:
1017 SourceOwnsItem7173 Player owns item 7173: NC: Carbine Rifle 06:
1018 SourceOwnsItem3080 Player owns item 3080: Sunderer Front 30mm AA HMG VS
1019 SourceOwnsItem3081 Player owns item 3081: Sunderer Front 30mm AA HMG NC
1020 SourceOwnsItem3082 Player owns item 3082: Sunderer Front 30mm AA HMG TR
1021 SourceOwnsItem3083 Player owns item 3083: Sunderer Rear 30mm AA HMG VS
1022 SourceOwnsItem3084 Player owns item 3084: Sunderer Rear 30mm AA HMG NC
1023 SourceOwnsItem7193 Player owns item 7193: TR Carbine Rifle 06
1024 SourceOwnsItem7214 Player owns item 7214: VS Carbine Rifle 06
1025 SourceOwnsItem24004 Player owns item 24004: NC Sniper Rifle 06
1026 SourceOwnsItem25004 Player owns item 25004: TR Sniper Rifle 06
1027 SourceOwnsItem26004 Player owns item 26004: VS Sniper Rifle 06
1028 SourceOwnsItem7236 Player owns item 7236: NC LMG 06
1029 SourceOwnsItem7257 Player owns item 7257: TR LMG 06
1030 SourceOwnsItem7278 Player owns item 7278: VS LMG 06
1031 SourceOwnsItem7103 Player owns item 7103: NC Assault Rifle 06
1032 SourceOwnsItem7128 Player owns item 7128: TR Assault Rifle 06
1033 SourceOwnsItem7152 Player owns item 7152: VS Assault Rifle 06
1034 IsProsiebenCustomer Player is a ProSieben customer
1035 IsNotProsiebenCustomer Player is not a ProSieben Customer
1036 !TargetIsVS Target is not VS
1037 SourceOwnsItem3085 Player owns item 3085: Sunderer Rear 30mm AA HMG TR
1052 SourceOwnsItem3406 Player owns item 3406: Magrider 40mm AA Flak VS
1053 SourceOwnsItem3708 Player owns item 3708: Vanguard 40mm AA Flak NC
1054 SourceOwnsItem4010 Player owns item 4010: Prowler 40mm AA Flak TR
1550 SourceOwnsItem27000 Player owns Item 27000: NC SMG 01
1551 SourceOwnsItem27001 Player owns Item 27001: NC SMG 02
1552 SourceOwnsItem28000 Player owns Item 28000: TR SMG 01
1553 SourceOwnsItem28001 Player owns Item 28001: TR SMG 02
1554 SourceOwnsItem29000 Player owns Item 29000: VS SMG 01
1555 SourceOwnsItem29001 Player owns Item 29001: VS SMG 02
1557 SourceOwnsItem40001 Player owns Item 40001: NC Shotgun 04
1558 SourceOwnsItem40002 Player owns Item 40002: NC Shotgun 05
1559 SourceOwnsItem39001 Player owns Item 39001: TR Shotgun 04
1560 SourceOwnsItem39002 Player owns Item 39002: TR Shotgun 05
1561 SourceOwnsItem41001 Player owns Item 41001: VS Shotgun 04
1562 SourceOwnsItem41002 Player owns Item 41002: VS Shotgun 05
1563 SourceOwnsItem3086 Player owns item 3086: Sunderer Front 40mm AA Flak VS
1564 SourceOwnsItem3087 Player owns item 3087: Sunderer Front 40mm AA Flak NC
1565 SourceOwnsItem3088 Player owns item 3088: Sunderer Front 40mm AA Flak TR
1566 SourceOwnsItem3089 Player owns item 3089: Sunderer Rear 40mm AA Flak VS
1567 SourceOwnsItem3090 Player owns item 3090: Sunderer Rear 40mm AA Flak NC
1568 SourceOwnsItem3091 Player owns item 3091: Sunderer Rear 40mm AA Flak TR
1570 SourceOwnsItem5250 Player owns item 5250: Liberator - Belly - 105mm ZepherPX VS
1571 SourceOwnsItem5251 Player owns item 5251: Liberator - Belly - 105mm ZepherPX NC
1572 SourceOwnsItem5252 Player owns item 5252: Liberator - Belly - 105mm ZepherPX TR
1574 SourceOwnsItem5415 Player owns item 5415: Liberator - Tail - 40mm AA Flak - VS
1575 SourceOwnsItem5416 Player owns item 5416: Liberator - Tail - 40mm AA Flak - NC
1576 SourceOwnsItem5417 Player owns item 5417: Liberator - Tail - 40mm AA Flak - TR
1580 SourceOwnsItem5695 Player owns item 5695: Galaxy - TOP - 40mm AA Flak - VS
1581 SourceOwnsItem5696 Player owns item 5696: Galaxy - TOP - 40mm AA Flak - NC
1582 SourceOwnsItem5697 Player owns item 5697: Galaxy - TOP - 40mm AA Flak - TR
1583 SourceOwnsItem5698 Player owns item 5698: Galaxy - TAIL - 40mm AA Flak - VS
1584 SourceOwnsItem5699 Player owns item 5699: Galaxy - TAIL - 40mm AA Flak - NC
1585 SourceOwnsItem5700 Player owns item 5700: Galaxy - TAIL - 40mm AA Flak - TR
1586 SourceOwnsItem5701 Player owns item 5701: Galaxy - LEFT - 40mm AA Flak - VS
1587 SourceOwnsItem5702 Player owns item 5702: Galaxy - LEFT - 40mm AA Flak - NC
1588 SourceOwnsItem5703 Player owns item 5703: Galaxy - LEFT - 40mm AA Flak - TR
1589 SourceOwnsItem5704 Player owns item 5704: Galaxy - RIGHT - 40mm AA Flak - VS
1590 SourceOwnsItem5705 Player owns item 5705: Galaxy - RIGHT - 40mm AA Flak - NC
1591 SourceOwnsItem5706 Player owns item 5706: Galaxy - RIGHT - 40mm AA Flak - TR
1593 SourceOwnsItem5707 Player owns item 5707: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG LEFT VS
1594 SourceOwnsItem5708 Player owns item 5708: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG LEFT NC
1595 SourceOwnsItem5709 Player owns item 5709: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG LEFT TR
1596 SourceOwnsItem5710 Player owns item 5710: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG RIGHT VS
1597 SourceOwnsItem5711 Player owns item 5711: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG RIGHT NC
1598 SourceOwnsItem5712 Player owns item 5712: Galaxy 30mm AA HMG RIGHT TR
1599 SourceOwnsItem71563 SourceOwnsItem71563
1600 SourceOwnsItem71564 SourceOwnsItem71564
1601 SourceOwnsItem71565 SourceOwnsItem71565
1602 SourceOwnsItem4307 Player owns item 4307: Scythe Bombs - Wings VS
1603 SourceOwnsItem4610 Player owns item 4610: Reaver Bombs - Wings NC
1604 SourceOwnsItem4907 Player owns item 4907: Mosquito Bombs - Wings TR
1605 SourceOwnsItem33003 Player owns item 33003 NC: Rocket Launcher 02: AV
1606 SourceOwnsItem33004 Player owns item 33004 NC: Rocket Launcher 03: AA
1607 SourceOwnsItem34002 Player owns item 34002 TR: Rocket Launcher 04: ES
1608 SourceOwnsItem34003 Player owns item 34003 TR: Rocket Launcher 02: AV
1609 SourceOwnsItem34004 Player owns item 34004 TR: Rocket Launcher 03: AA
1610 SourceOwnsItem35003 Player owns item 35003 VS: Rocket Launcher 02: AV
1611 SourceOwnsItem35004 Player owns item 35004 VS: Rocket Launcher 03: AA
1612 SourceOwnsItem50561 Player owns item 50561 NS: Rocket Launcher 02: AV AA
1624 SourceOwnsItem3412 Player owns item 3412: Magrider - Charge Cannon
1625 SourceOwnsItem3714 Player owns item 3714: Vanguard - Rail Cannon
1626 SourceOwnsItem4018 Player owns item 4018: Prowler - Quad Cannon
1627 SourceOwnsItem4310 Player owns item 4310: Scythe - VS-Nose Cannon
1628 SourceOwnsItem4625 Player owns item 4625: Reaver - NC-Nose Cannon
1629 SourceOwnsItem4901 Player owns item 4901: Mosquito - TR-Nose Cannon
1631 SourceOwnsItem2657 Player owns item 2657: Flash - Shotgun VS
1632 SourceOwnsItem2658 Player owns item 2658: Flash - Shotgun NC
1633 SourceOwnsItem2659 Player owns item 2659: Flash - Shotgun TR
1634 SourceOwnsItem33002 Player owns item 33002 NC: Rocket Launcher 04: ES
1635 SourceOwnsItem35002 Player owns item 35002 VS: Rocket Launcher 04: ES
1637 SourceOwnsItem2754 Player owns item 2754: Flash - Rocket Launcher VS
1638 SourceOwnsItem2755 Player owns item 2755: Flash - Rocket Launcher NC
1639 SourceOwnsItem2756 Player owns item 2756: Flash - Rocket Launcher TR
1640 TargetIsCloaked GENERIC: Target is cloaked
1641 TargetIsNotCloaked GENERIC: Target is NOT cloaked
1642 SourceOwnsItem2757 Player owns item 2757: Flash - Flamethrower VS
1643 SourceOwnsItem2758 Player owns item 2758: Flash - Flamethrower NC
1644 SourceOwnsItem2759 Player owns item 2759: Flash - Flamethrower TR
1645 SourceIsInfiltrator Source is Infiltrator
1649 SourceOwnsItem2760 Player owns item 2760: Flash - PPA VS
1650 SourceOwnsItem2761 Player owns item 2761: Flash - Chaingun VS
1651 SourceOwnsItem2762 Player owns item 2762: Flash - Chaingun NC
1652 SourceOwnsItem2763 Player owns item 2763: Flash - Chaingun TR
1653 DifferentFactions && TargetIsVehicle && TargetIsNotDestroyed && ((TargetIsGVLockOnClassification && TargetDistanceWithin400)
1654 TargetLoS Flash Grenade LoS check
1662 SourceOwnsItem6100 Player owns item 6100: Harasser - 50cal MG VS
1663 SourceOwnsItem6101 Player owns item 6101: Harasser - 50cal MG NC
1664 SourceOwnsItem6102 Player owns item 6102: Harasser - 50cal MG TR
1665 SourceOwnsItem6103 Player owns item 6103: Harasser - 20mm HMG VS
1666 SourceOwnsItem6104 Player owns item 6104: Harasser - 20mm HMG NC
1667 SourceOwnsItem6105 Player owns item 6105: Harasser - 20mm HMG TR
1668 SourceOwnsItem6106 Player owns item 6106: Harasser - 30mm AA HMG VS
1669 SourceOwnsItem6107 Player owns item 6107: Harasser - 30mm AA HMG NC
1670 SourceOwnsItem6108 Player owns item 6108: Harasser - 30mm AA HMG TR
1671 SourceOwnsItem6109 Player owns item 6109: Harasser - 40mm AA Flak VS
1672 SourceOwnsItem6110 Player owns item 6110: Harasser - 40mm AA Flak NC
1673 SourceOwnsItem6111 Player owns item 6111: Harasser - 40mm AA Flak TR
1674 SourceOwnsItem6112 Player owns item 6112: Harasser - 60mm Cannon VS
1675 SourceOwnsItem6113 Player owns item 6113: Harasser - 60mm Cannon NC
1676 SourceOwnsItem6114 Player owns item 6114: Harasser - 60mm Cannon TR
1677 SourceOwnsItem6115 Player owns item 6115: Harasser - 40mm Grenade VS
1678 SourceOwnsItem6116 Player owns item 6116: Harasser - 40mm Grenade NC
1679 SourceOwnsItem6117 Player owns item 6117: Harasser - 40mm Grenade TR
1680 SourceOwnsItem6118 Player owns item 6118: Harasser - 85mm Rocket VS
1681 SourceOwnsItem6119 Player owns item 6119: Harasser - 85mm Rocket NC
1682 SourceOwnsItem6120 Player owns item 6120: Harasser - 85mm Rocket TR
1683 SourceOwnsItem6121 Player owns item 6121: Harasser - Vulcan - TR
1684 SourceOwnsItem6122 Player owns item 6122: Harasser - Marauder - TR
1685 SourceOwnsItem6123 Player owns item 6123: Harasser - Enforcer RPG - NC
1686 SourceOwnsItem6124 Player owns item 6124: Harasser - Enforcer Canister - NC
1687 SourceOwnsItem6125 Player owns item 6125: Harasser - PPA - VS
1688 SourceOwnsItem6126 Player owns item 6126: Harasser - Saron HRB - VS
1693 SourceOwnsItem4443 Player owns item 4443: Scythe Mass Driver VS
1694 SourceOwnsItem4444 Player owns item 4444: Scythe Spray CannonVS
1695 SourceOwnsItem4445 Player owns item 4445: Scythe Spin-up Cannons VS
1696 SourceOwnsItem4446 Player owns item 4446: Scythe Guided Missiles VS
1697 SourceOwnsItem4447 Player owns item 4447: Scythe Dogfight Missiles VS
1698 SourceOwnsItem4743 Player owns item 4743: Reaver Mass Driver VS
1699 SourceOwnsItem4744 Player owns item 4744: Reaver Spray CannonVS
1700 SourceOwnsItem4745 Player owns item 4745: Reaver Spin-up Cannons VS
1701 SourceOwnsItem4746 Player owns item 4746: Reaver Guided Missiles VS
1702 SourceOwnsItem4747 Player owns item 4747: Reaver Dogfight Missiles VS
1703 SourceOwnsItem5048 Player owns item 5048: Mosquito Mass Driver VS
1704 SourceOwnsItem5049 Player owns item 5049: Mosquito Spray CannonVS
1705 SourceOwnsItem5050 Player owns item 5050: Mosquito Spin-up Cannons VS
1706 SourceOwnsItem5051 Player owns item 5051: Mosquito Guided Missiles VS
1707 SourceOwnsItem5052 Player owns item 5052: Mosquito Dogfight Missiles VS
1900 SourceOwnsItem75005 Player owns item 75005: NS: Carbine Rifle 01
1901 SourceOwnsItem75034 Player owns item 75034: NS: LMG Rifle 01
1902 SourceOwnsItem75083 Player owns item 75083: NC: Shotgun 06
1903 SourceOwnsItem75084 Player owns item 75084: TR: Shotgun 06
1904 SourceOwnsItem75085 Player owns item 75085: VS: Shotgun 06
1905 SourceOwnsItem15003 Player owns item 15003: TR: MAX: Flame 01: Left
1906 SourceOwnsItem15015 Player owns item 15015: TR: MAX: Flame 01: Right
1907 SourceOwnsItem16003 Player owns item 16003: NC: MAX: Flame 01: Left
1908 SourceOwnsItem16015 Player owns item 16015: NC: MAX: Flame 01: Right
1909 SourceOwnsItem17003 Player owns item 17003: VS: MAX: Flame 01: Left
1910 SourceOwnsItem17015 Player owns item 17015: VS: MAX: Flame 01: Right
1911 SourceOwnsItem16032 Player owns item 16032: VS: MAX Rocket Launcher 01 Left: Rail: Extended
1912 SourceOwnsItem16033 Player owns item 16033: VS: MAX Rocket Launcher 01 Right: Rail: Extended
1913 SourceOwnsItem16028 Player owns item 16028: NC: MAX Rocket Launcher 01 Left: Rail: Extended
1914 SourceOwnsItem16029 Player owns item 16029: NC: MAX Rocket Launcher 01 Right: Rail: Extended
1915 SourceOwnsItem16030 Player owns item 16030: TR: MAX Rocket Launcher 01 Left: Rail: Extended
1916 SourceOwnsItem16031 Player owns item 16031: TR: MAX Rocket Launcher 01 Right: Rail: Extended
1935 SourceOwnsItem75063 Player owns item 75063: NS: Heavy Pistol 01
1936 SourceOwnsItem75071 Player owns item 75071: NS: Heavy Pistol 02:
1937 SourceIsNotInVehicle Player is not in vehicle
1970 SourceOwnsItem75234 Player owns item 75234: NS: Carbine Rifle 01: Promo
2000 SourceOwnsItem75170 Player owns item 75170: NS: Heavy Pistol 01: Gold
2001 SourceOwnsItem75171 Player owns item 75171: NS: Heavy Pistol 02: Gold
2002 SourceOwnsItem75172 Player owns item 75172: NS: Heavy Pistol 01: Black
2003 SourceOwnsItem75173 Player owns item 75173: NS: Heavy Pistol 02: Black
2004 TargetIsNotCloaked && BeingLookedAt45 && ((SameFactions && (TargetIsProfileClass17
2005 AlliedScreenEffectsDisabled are allied screen effects enabled
2006 SourceOwnsItem316 Player owns item 316: NS: LMG 01: Promo
2007 SourceOwnsItem75268 Player owns item 75268: NS: Heavy Pistol 02: Promo
2008 TargetIsAlphaWaypoint Waypoint for platoon squads: Alpha
2009 TargetIsBravoWaypoint Waypoint for platoon squads: Beta
2010 TargetIsCharlieWaypoint Waypoint for platoon squads: Charlie
2011 TargetIsDeltaWaypoint Waypoint for platoon squads: Delta
2060 SourceOwnsItem27005 Player owns item 27005: NC: SMG 01 Promo
2061 SourceOwnsItem28005 Player owns item 28005: TR: SMG 01 Promo
2062 SourceOwnsItem29005 Player owns item 29005: VS: SMG 01 Promo
2063 SameFactions && TargetSundererHasProxRepair Target sunderer has proximity repair equipped
2064 SameFactions && TargetSundererHasProxAmmo Target sunderer has proximity ammo supply equipped
2065 TargetIsNotDestroyed && TargetDistanceWithin30 && SourceIsNotInVehicle && TargetHasLOS Ammo Pack: Indicator Visibility
2076 SourceOwnsItem7494 Player owns item 7494: NS: SMG 01
2077 SourceOwnsItem7495 Player owns item 7495: NS: SMG 01: Black Promo:
2078 SourceOwnsItem7496 Player owns item 7495: NS: SMG 01: Gold Promo:
2085 SourceOwnsItem7389 Player owns Item 7389: NC Pistol 03
2086 SourceOwnsItem7401 Player owns item 7401: TR Pistol 03
2087 SourceOwnsItem7413 Player owns item 7413: VS Pistol 03
2088 TargetIsAlphaWaypoint && LocalPlayerInPlatoonAlphaSquad Target is platoon's alpha squad waypoint and player is in alpha squad (for hud edge clamping)
2089 TargetIsBravoWaypoint && LocalPlayerInPlatoonBravoSquad Target is platoon's bravo squad waypoint and player is in bravo squad (for hud edge clamping)
2090 TargetIsCharlieWaypoint && LocalPlayerInPlatoonCharlieSquad Target is platoon's charlie squad waypoint and player is in charlie squad (for hud edge clamping)
2091 TargetIsDeltaWaypoint && LocalPlayerInPlatoonDeltaSquad Target is platoon's delta squad waypoint and player is in delta squad (for hud edge clamping)
2092 TargetIsAEnergyBridgeTerminal Target is an energy bridge terminal
2093 SourceOwnsItem7301 Player owns Item 7301: NC: Sniper Rifle 07:
2094 SourceOwnsItem7316 Player owns item 7316: TR: Sniper Rifle 07:
2095 SourceOwnsItem7337 Player owns item 7337: VS: Sniper Rifle 07:
2096 LocalPlayerHasEngagementRadar1 Engagement Radar: If player meets this requirement at anytime, they will display engagement radar indicators.
2097 SourceMovementModeIsHover
2098 SourceMovementModeIsFlight
2099 TargetIsVehicle && TargetInSourceSquad Target is in a vehicle and in the source player's squad
2118 SourceOwnsItem2001 Player owns item 2001:NS: Heavy Pistol 01: Platinum
2119 SourceIsInVehicle && TargetIsNotCloaked && SameFactions && BeingLookedAt45 && (TargetIsProfileClass17
2120 SourceIsNotInVehicle && TargetIsNotCloaked && SameFactions && BeingLookedAt45 && (TargetIsProfileClass17
2121 IsNotSelf && (TargetIsVSMAX
2123 SourceOwnsCraftedCompass Source has the Compass item.
2124 SourceOwnsCompass Source has the High Quality Compass.
2125 SourceHasCleaningKit
2126 TargetIsPC
2127 VehicleHasBatteryInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasSparkplugsInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasFuel VehicleHasRequiredComponents
2128 SourceIsGrappling Source is Grappling
2129 SourceIsNotGrappling Source is not Grappling
2130 VehicleHasBatteryInActiveLoadout VehicleHasElectricalSystem
2131 OffRoaderVehicleHasBoostInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasBatteryInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasSparkplugsInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasFuel OffRoaderVehicleHasBoost
2132 !TargetDistanceWithin2 No Target Nearby To Cuff
2133 TargetDistanceWithin2 && False Target Nearby - Not Ready to be cuffed
2134 TargetIsRestrained Target Already Restrained
2135 TargetDistanceWithin2 && !TargetIsRestrained Not Restrained
2136 !SourceIsRestrained Source Not Restrained
2137 SourceIsRestrained Source IS Restrained
2138 PickupTruckVehicleHasBoostInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasBatteryInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasSparkplugsInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasFuel PickupTruckVehicleHasBoost
2139 PoliceCarVehicleHasBoostInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasBatteryInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasSparkplugsInActiveLoadout && VehicleHasFuel PoliceCarVehicleHasBoost
2140 SourceIsNotProning Source is not Proning
2141 !HasRuleset.FirstPersonOnly Not in First Person Only ruleset
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