React components that make up the UI for Quartz Chartbuilder.
Here's a dead-simple demo page.
To use in your React project:
- npm install chartbuilder-ui
any of the components defined by Chartbuilder UI.
Chartbuilder UI's components:
- Alert
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- ColorPicker
- Dropdown
- TextArea
- TextInput
- LabelledTangle
- Toggle
Developing locally:
- Clone this repo and run
npm install
To view an example page and develop locally:
1. `npm run dev` to watch files for changes
2. `npm start` to launch a simple http server
3. Navigate to `localhost:8080`
To build the css that modules using Chartbuilder UI will consume:
npm run build
More docs are coming. For now, Example.jsx shows how each component ought to be used.