Python package for optimising density matrices.
Download the github repository:
$ git clone
Using a conda environment is recommended for managing project dependencies. Download miniconda here:
Once you have miniconda installed, create a new virtual environment for the project:
$ conda create -n var2dm python=3
To switch on the environment, use:
$ source activate var2dm
To deactivate the environment, use:
(var2dm) $ source deactivate
Requirements right now are python 3.6, numpy, iodata, and gbasis. The last two requirements are part of the Horton package from theochem.
There are also some requirements for the semi-definite programming portion of this package: six, cvxopt, and picos.
Activate the conda environment and enter the following commands:
(var2dm) $ conda install six
(var2dm) $ conda install -c conda-forge cvxopt
(var2dm) $ conda install -c theochem gbasis
(var2dm) $ conda install -c theochem iodata
Note: cvxopt requires numpy to be installed, and so conda should install that package automatically.
For installing picos, download the source tarball from here:
Then, go to where the package was saved, and extract the files. You may need to change the version number depending on what file you downloaded.
(var2dm) $ tar -xzvf PICOS-1.1.2.tar.gz
(var2dm) $ cd PICOS-1.1.2
(var2dm) $ pip install -e ./
With the virtual environment activated, install the package locally:
(var2dm) $ pip install -e /path/to/densitymatrices
Now the package can be imported in python:
(var2dm) $ python
Python 3.6.5 |Anaconda, Inc.| (date-time stripped)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import var2DM
Install nosetests and specify the package name:
(var2dm) $ conda install nose
(var2dm) $ nosetests -v var2DM
Jen is experimenting with pipenv. Feel free to install it on your machine. This installation method won't work until the project dependencies are available via pip install.
$ pip3 install --user pipenv
$ cd densitymatrices
$ pipenv --python 3.6
$ pipenv shell
(var2dm_env) $ pipenv install package=version
(var2dm_env) $ pipenv install --dev package=version
$ exit
With your environment switched on (pipenv shell):
(var2dm_env) $ pipenv install
Ali, Xiao, Fanwang, Jen, maybe David, maybe Derrick
No license yet. Don't use this code; it's broken.
- Paul
- Tea