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Weekly Maintenance Tasks and Schedule

mmcky edited this page Jan 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

Weekly Maintenance Checklist


  1. Monday AM
  2. Friday AM

For the following jupinx sites:


  1. 5 minute visual inspection of org site, lecture site, cheat sheets and notebooks sites.

  2. Note the number of correctly executing lectures and check whether or not this number has decreased from the previous check point.

  3. Check the latest Anaconda release: (i.e. 2020.11)

  4. Test that Jupinx is operating correctly on the latest version of Anaconda for each repository

For example, in lecture-python:

git pull
conda create -n qetest python=3.8 anaconda={release}
conda activate qetest
pip install jupinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex==1.0
jupinx -cws

where {release == 2020.11} from checkpoint 3

  1. (@mmcky) Check whether or not the build server is using the latest version of Anaconda.

  2. Test all links are working on all sites by checking the Nightly GitHub Action LinkChecker Results here

For the following jupyter-book sites:


  1. 5 minute visual inspection of org site, lecture site, cheat sheets and notebooks sites.

  2. Test whether or not Jupyter book based lectures are running at the latest version of Anaconda by checking environment.yml in the repository.

  3. Test whether or not the Jupyter book build machine works on the latest version of Anaconda.

For example, in lecture-python-programming and using qetest environment:

pip install jupyter-book
jb build lectures


conda env remove -n qetest


Brief Report (via email or slack) to John and Matt using the following template

The following sites have been checked

{{ Note any Issues after going through the Checklist }}

{{ Note any Issues after going through the Checklist }}

{{ Note any Issues after going through the Checklist }}
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