The Qitmeer Improvement Proposals (QIPs) describe standards for the Qitmeer platform, including core protocol specifications, networking protocol, consensus algorithms, client APIs and application-level standards and conventions.
First read QIP-1 : QIP Guidelines . Then clone the repository and add your QIP to it. There is a template QIP file qip-x.asciidoc. You can copy and modify it to create an new QIP. Then submit a Pull Request to the QIPs repository.
- Core - Qitmeer Core related improvements.
- Networking - includes improvements around network protocol specifications.
- Interface - includes improvements around client API/RPC specifications and standards, and also certain language-level standards like method names etc.
- Application - application-level standards and conventions.
- Information - provides general guidelines or information to the Qitmeer community, but does not propose a new feature
- Process - describe a process propose to an implementation, they often require community consensus.
- Draft - an QIP that is open for discussion
- Accepted - an QIP that is under designing and planned to be implemented.
- Final - an QIP that has implemented and finalized
- Deferred - an QIP that is not being considered for immediate implementation.