Analysis_report.pdf: the documentation of the whole analysis
Hep3B2.1-7_final_pass.vcf: the vcf file of the final passed variants.
Hep3B2.1-7_hg38_multianno_All.txt: variant annotation file using all Table S6 databases.
Hep3B2.1-7_.hg38_multianno_Part.txt: variant annotation file which only contains some important columns (cannot be uploaded to the system, only for easy-reading)
hisat.txt: all command lines for alignment, alignment cleaning, split N cigar reads, haplotype caller, select variants
merge.txt: all command lines for combine variants and variant filteration and greping the PASS variants command lines for variant annotation
Result_Precision Medicine Matching System.html: matching result of Hep3B2.1-7 variants