Proxy server written in PHP containerised using Docker.
Software | Version |
PHP | 7.0 |
Docker | 20.10.5 |
Apache | 2.4.46 (Unix) |
- Pull latest image using
docker pull devagastya0/kuberpy
- Run a container using
docker run -p 8080:80 -d devagastya0/kuberpy:tag
For now, we support Intel, ARM64 and ARM32 hardware.
Tags supported |
arm32v7-latest |
latest |
arm64v8-latest |
For now, we support Intel, ARM64 and ARM32 hardware.
This publishes the port 80 of your container to 8080 of your host. Ensure that there are no pre-existing processes on port 8080.
kubectl create -f deployment.yml
kubectl create -f service.yml
This create a kubernetes deployment with 2 pods and a kubernetes service(LoadBalancer) and which recieves requests from port 8080.
In developement, you can use Ngrok and run:
ngrok http 8080
To generate a publicly accessible URL.
- Configure Apache2 to run on port 80.
- Place the contents of the www directory into the root of Apache2 server.
- Ensure that your system has PHP-7 installed.
- Run : apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND