This repository explore signature detection and extraction using image processing methods and convolutional neural networks.
- For image processing methods we have 6 modules (3 open source modules and 3 hybrids of those open source modules)
- For CNNs we have a custom CNN to detect if a given document has a signature or not and a CNN with bounding box regression to get the bounding box coordinates for a given document.
- Module 1 -> Adapted from This project aims at removing the signatures from a given document. I have modified it to extract the signature instead and then used morphological techniques to find the bounding box for the signature.
- Module 2 -> Adapted from This project extracts the signature in a given document, but it didnt output the bounding box coordinates. I modified this to instead output the bounding box coordinates of the signature.
- Module 3 -> This is a hybrid of modules 1 and 2.
- Module 4 -> Adapted from This project has a gui, it lets the user pick an image and then extracts the signature using a decision tree classifier which was trained a dataset of 8000 signatures. I modified it by removing the gui since it was really slow while testing on 700+ images and also made it output just the bounding box coordinates for the signature.
- Module 5 -> Hybrid of modules 1 and 4.
- Module 6 -> Hybrid of modules 1,2 and 4.
- Custom CNN classifier -> A custom CNN was built using Keras. This CNN was trained on the entire Tobacco800 dataset (1290 images). Images with a signature (776 images) were labelled as 1 and images without a signature were labelled as 0 (514).
- Download the trained model here ->
- CNN based on VGG16 with bounding box regression layer -> A pre existing CNN architecture VGG16 was used. The final fully connected layer was removed and replaced with a bounding box regression layer. The dataset was the 776 images (subset of tobacco800) which had signatures. This model was used to predict the bounding box coordinates of signatures on documents.
- Download the trained model here ->
This Jupyter notebook contains the evaluation - evaluating_different_signature_detection_methods.ipynb
ImageMagick (for macOS use brew)
brew install imagemagick
Note --> Install all packages one by one, requirements.txt has some issues because of different channels and opencv-contrib needs to be built from source.
Create conda environment with the name signature-detection-and-extraction and activate virtual environment
conda create --name signature-detection-and-extraction
conda activate signature-detection-and-extraction
Install packages one by one
conda install -c anaconda joblib
conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install -c conda-forge threadpoolctl
conda install -c conda-forge tqdm
opencv-contrib package will have to be built from source with NONFREE flag set. If this package is installed directly then we wont be able to use a crucial function in the code. This might take some time.
CMAKE_ARGS="-DOPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=ON" pip install --no-binary=opencv-contrib-python opencv-contrib-python
conda install -c anaconda scikit-image
conda install -c conda-forge notebook
conda install -c anaconda pandas
conda install -c conda-forge notebook
conda install -c anaconda keras
pip install -U plaidml-keras
To use conda environment in Jupyter Notebook, issue the following command
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=signature-detection-and-extraction
Project root/
βββ 6_modules_examples.ipynb
βββ assets/
β βββ ...
βββ cnn_bounding_box_regression/
β βββ bbox_regression_cnn.h5 (download seperately)
β βββ
β βββ
β βββ
β βββ eval_images_ground_truth_bbox.json
β βββ eval_images_predicted_bbox.json
β βββ evaluating_bbox_regression_cnn.ipynb
β βββ iou_bbox_regression.json
β βββ plot.png
β βββ
β βββ test_images.txt
βββ cnn_class_label_predictor/
β βββ basic_cnn_model_gpu.h5 (download seperately)
β βββ
β βββ
β βββ cpu_vs_gpu.png
β βββ evaluating_basic_cnn.ipynb
β βββ test/
β βββ ...
βββ dataset_docs_with_signs/
β βββ
βββ evaluating_different_signature_extraction_modules.ipynb
βββ modules/
β βββ model_4_5_6/
β β βββ decision-tree.pkl
β βββ module_1/
β β βββ ...
β βββ module_1.pdf
β βββ module_2/
β β βββ ...
β βββ module_4/
β βββ ...
-> jupyter notebook with examples on how to use all 6 modules to get bbox coordinates of signature in an
-> class containing methods for implementing all 6 signature extraction modulesassets/
-> directory containing resources like test image, json file with bbox coord data, etccnn_bounding_box_regression/bbox_regression_cnn.h5
-> trained model CNN for bbox regressioncnn_bounding_box_regression/
-> python script to train the CNN model for bbox regressioncnn_bounding_box_regression/
-> python script to convert ground truth bbox values into a csv file for input for the CNNcnn_bounding_box_regression/
-> python scrip for getting the ground truth bbox values for evaluation setcnn_bounding_box_regression/eval_images_ground_truth_bbox.json
-> json file containing the ground truth bbox values for images in evaluation setcnn_bounding_box_regression/eval_images_predicted_bbox.json
-> json file containing the predicted bbox values for the images in the evaluation datasetcnn_bounding_box_regression/evaluating_bbox_regression_cnn.ipynb
-> jupyter notebook showing results for the bbox regression CNN modelcnn_bounding_box_regression/iou_bbox_regression.json
-> json file containing the iou values for the images in the evaluation datasetcnn_bounding_box_regression/plot.png
-> loss over 25 epochs while training the modelcnn_bounding_box_regression/
-> python script which predicts the bboxes on the entire eval dataset using the trained modelcnn_bounding_box_regression/test_images.txt
-> list of filenames of images in the test setcnn_class_label_predictor/basic_cnn_model_gpu.h5
-> trained custom CNN for classificationcnn_class_label_predictor/
-> python script to train the custom CNN with plaidML backend to use AMG GPUcnn_class_label_predictor/
-> python script to create a custom datasetcnn_class_label_predictor/cpu_vs_gpu.png
-> image showing the difference in time while using cpu and gpu for training a modelcnn_class_label_predictor/evaluating_basic_cnn.ipynb
-> jupyter notebook showing results for the basic custom CNN modelcnn_class_label_predictor/test/
-> directory containing the test files. These are used by thecnn_class_label_predictor/evaluating_basic_cnn.ipynb
jupyter notebookdataset_docs_with_signs/
-> python script to create custom datasetevaluating_different_signature_extraction_modules.ipynb
-> results for the 6 modules used for signature extractionmodules/model_4_5_6/decision-tree.pkl
-> trained decision tree model used by modules 4,5,6modules/module_1/
-> all files used by module 1modules/module_1.pdf
-> pdf explaining how module 1 worksmodules/module_2/
-> all files used by module 2modules/module_4/
-> all files used by module
-> python script to convert xml ground truth bbox data files into one json
-> python script which uses the ground truth bbox json file and predicted bbox json file to calculate iou and serializes that information into a new json
-> python script which uses all modules and predicts bboxes for all images and serializes that data into seperate json files for each module