API-Heroku : (web api endpoints)
Client-Firebase: (website)
Permissions | Logged in User | Guest |
Home page | ✅ | ✅ |
All posts(properties) | ✅ | ✅ |
Detail property | ✅ | ✅ |
Login/ Register | ❌ | ✅ |
Search | ✅ | ❌ |
Create property | ✅ | ❌ |
Profile | ✅(owner) | ❌ |
Profile edit(upload img) | ✅(owner) | ❌ |
Property edit | ✅(owner) | ❌ |
Property delete | ✅(owner) | ❌ |
The project is for creating and sharing real estate ads. Тhis project is for my exam which is in SoftUni, but I think to continue to develop my project, as I think there are many things that could be improved.Which would help many people find the right property.
I used almost all the knowledge I acquired in SoftUni and many different new technologies and services for me (which was quite difficult), but I think that only in this way we can improve and progress. I didn't want to do just one app and pass the exam, what is more important for me is what I learn.
-Server side:
CRUD + (search,sort,pagination) operations using mongoose orm and mongodb
Custom error handling (Express)
User authentication:
- JWT token
- Bcrypt
- ExpressJWT
User authorization:
- Custom authorization
Route middlewares
AWS-SDK images upload and delete
Multer-S3 for images
-Client side:
- Angular
- Error handling(with interseptor)
- Authentication:
- Local Storage (it was very difficult)
- Lazy loading
- RxJS
- Handling Forms
- Reactive forms
- Router Guards (isAuthenticated)
- Router Module (link,redirect,query params)
- Subjects
- Observables
- Pipe
- Angular Animation
- Helpers:
- Bootstrap
- Prime NG
- Custom loader spinner
- Custom validation alerts
- Custom pagination
- Custom search
- Custom image upload
- Unit/Integration testing
- Confirm email
- Change password
- Admin panel
- Register Broker
- Property statistics
- Register Brokers firm
- Customer reviews(brokers)
- Customer reviews(brokers firm)
- Payment