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Proof Crypto Fiat

Official Repository for the Proof Crypto Fiat project


The CryptoFiat system is being built with the intent to provide cryptocurrency users with an option to buy tokens that are pegged to traditional currencies such as the US Dollar or the Euro. Solutions such as the cryptocurrency Tether focus on solving this issue by pegging their currency to dollars and storing physical dollars in a vault. This requires Tether holders to trust a centralized organization, which is at odds with the principles of trustless transactions.

The CryptoFiat aims at providing an decentralized alternative to this problem. The contract will be initially capitalized with a large amount of ether. In addition to this initial seed, the CryptoFiat smart-contract will receive commissions from other smart-contracts in the Proof ecosystem.

In the event the amount of ether in the smart-contract is insufficient to maintain the pegging of the Cryptodollar, the CryptoFiat contract is designed to guarantee Cryptodollar token holders the amount of ether they initially sent to the smart-contract.

The Cryptodollar token has an ERC20 interface. The CryptoDollar can be bought via the CryptoFiatHub smart-contract which deals with the buy/sell logic. To ensure upgradeability of the system, the smart-contract system uses a key/value storage system. The key/value pairs in the storage contract can be updated via the storage proxy libraries which provide helper functions. Although currently not implemented, an upcoming version of this smart-contract infrastructure will enforce which contracts are controlling and controlled by each other.

Development and Testing Environment Setup

Requirements :

  • OSX or Linux (Windows setup is likely possible but not covered in this guide)
  • Node (version 8.9.4 recommended)
  • Solidity Compiler (version 0.4.18 or other)
  • Ganache-cli (v6.0.3)

Testing Environment Setup :

  • Clone the repository and install dependencies
git clone
cd ProofCryptoFiat
npm install
  • Install the latest version of truffle (Truffle v4.0.6)
npm install -g truffle
  • Compile contracts
truffle compile
  • Initialize testrpc (or geth)
  • Migrate contracts to chosen network
truffle migrate --network development
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of node
nvm install 8.9.4
nvm use 8.9.4
  • Fill in truffle.js and deploy_contracts.js with appropriate wallet addresses. Unlock the corresponding addresses.

  • Verify all tests are passing.

You need to re-migrate all contracts before running the test suite

truffle migrate --reset && truffle test
  • You can interact with the contracts via the console
truffle console
  • You can watch for changes on the fileystem with:
npm run watch
  • Lint
npm run lint
  • Run code coverage
npm run coverage
  • Run tests for computation scripts (Oraclize)
npm run test-computation-script

Some tests will be failing on code coverage as the solidity coverage tool instruments contracts and breaks some of the tests by adding an additional amount of gas. Currently there does not seem to be any workaround for this.

Debugging (with vs-code)

Start the debugger listener node --inspect-brk $(which truffle) test ./file/name.js

VS-code Select the "Node Attach" process and add the following snippet to your launch.json file: { "type": "node", "request": "attach", "name": "Attach", "port": 9229 }

Front-end Test Application

To help testing the cryptodollar contract, a front-end react application is provided. The front-end requires a different setup that can be found at the following repository: Download this repository in a different directory and complete the following setup.

To use the front-end test application for the cryptofiat contract, first create a private blockchain.


Start a node on the private blockchain


On a different terminal instance attach a geth process to the current to your running node

geth attach /path/to/geth.ipc

(Note: The IPC path is displayed on the logs when starting the node)

In the console, you can now download javascript utility functions and use them to manage your private chain.


You can start mining or stop mining with the following commands:


After mining a sufficient amount of ether, you can allocate ether in order to be able to deploy the Oraclize contract (see below).


Occasionally you will need to unlock accounts


After setting up your private chain correctly, instantiate the testnet oraclize service. From the ProofCryptoFiat folder:

cd ethereum-bridge
npm install ethereum-bridge
node bridge -H localhost:8545 -a 1 --dev --update-ds

Write down the Oraclize Address Resolver Address (OAR) and insert it in the CryptoFiatHub contract. Compile and migrate the CryptoFiat contracts on the development_geth network.

truffle compile --all
truffle migrate --reset --network development_geth

Setting up the CryptoDollar smart contracts

Before being able to use the CryptoDollar contracts and have a fully functional buy and sell mechanism, it is necessary to go through a few deployment steps:

  1. Set up the Store, CryptoDollar, Rewards, CryptoFiatHub contracts in this order with required arguments
  2. Give storage access rights to the CryptoFiatHub, CryptoDollar and Rewards contracts
  3. Initialize the CryptoDollar system by calling the initialize function

You can inspect the deployment process in detail in the 2_deploy_contracts.js file.

Initialize CryptoDollar smart contracts

First initialize the CryptoFiatHub contract after deployment with the initialize function


  • (uint256) Blocks Per Epoch
  • (string) Computation Script IPFS Address
  • (address) Medianizer Price Feed Address

The initialize function sets the following key parameters:

  1. Creation block number: Block from which the reward epochs will be calculated
  2. Blocks per reward epoch: Duration in blocks of one reward cycle
  3. Computation script IPFS address/hash (only required if you plan to use the Oraclize price mechanism): IPFS address of the price feed aggregration script. This script should be uploaded to IPFS and return a single value that is computed by calculating the mean of the ETH/USD price feed between different exchanges.
  4. Medianizer contract address (only required if you plan to use the Medianizer price mechanism)

Price Feed mechanism

with Oraclize

The first method to retrieve the ETH/USD price is to use the Oraclize service as an intermediary which will provide a provable ETH/USD value on chain. To set up the CryptoDollar infrastructure to use this price retrieval method,


cryptoFiatHub = await CryptoFiatHub.deployed()
await cryptoFiatHub.initialize(20, 0x123ksk1233..., 0x0)
await cryptoFiatHub.useOraclize(true)

The useOraclize function argument should be equal to true, unless you want to run tests with a mocked version of Oraclize. You do not need to provide a Medianizer Price Feed address if you do not intend to use this method for retrieving prices. You can also set it later with the modifyMedianizerAddress function.

with a Medianizer Price Feed

An alternative method to retrieve the ETH/USD price is to use the Maker DAO oracle. While not very decentralized at the time of this writing, this price feed provides a good temporary solution.


cryptoFiatHub = await CryptoFiathub.deployed()
await cryptoFiatHub.initialize(20, '', 0x1234...)
await cryptoFiatHub.useMedianizer()

You do not need to provide an IPFS hash if do not intend to do so. You can also set it later with the modifyOraclizeIPFSHash function


Thank you for considering helping the Proof project !

To make the Proof project truely revolutionary, we need and accept contributions from anyone and are grateful even for the smallest fixes.

If you want to help Proof, please fork and setup the development environment of the appropriate repository. In the case you want to submit substantial changes, please get in touch with our development team on our slack channel ( to verify those modifications are in line with the general goal of the project and receive early feedback. Otherwise you are welcome to fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base.

Please make sure your contributions adhere to our coding guidelines:

  • Code must adhere as much as possible to standard conventions (DRY - Separation of concerns - Modular)
  • Pull requests need to be based and opened against the master branch
  • Commit messages should properly describe the code modified
  • Ensure all tests are passing before submitting a pull request


The Proof CryptoFiat smart contract (i.e. all code inside of the contracts and test directories) is licensed under the MIT License, also included in our repository in the LICENSE file.


Official repository for the Proof CryptoDollar contracts







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