- API:
- polyline6 support in request string
- new parameter `approaches` for `route`, `table`, `trip` and `nearest` requests. This parameter keep waypoints on the curb side.
'approaches' accepts both 'curb' and 'unrestricted' values.
Note : the curb side depend on the `ProfileProperties::left_hand_driving`, it's a global property set once by the profile. If you are working with a planet dataset, the api will be wrong in some countries, and right in others.
- NodeJs Bindings
- new parameter `approaches` for `route`, `table`, `trip` and `nearest` requests.
- Tools
- `osrm-partition` now ensures it is called before `osrm-contract` and removes inconsitent .hsgr files automatically.
- Features
- Added conditional restriction support with `parse-conditional-restrictions=true|false` to osrm-extract. This option saves conditional turn restrictions to the .restrictions file for parsing by contract later. Added `parse-conditionals-from-now=utc time stamp` and `--time-zone-file=/path/to/file` to osrm-contract
- Command-line tools (osrm-extract, osrm-contract, osrm-routed, etc) now return error codes and legible error messages for common problem scenarios, rather than ugly C++ crashes
- Speed up pre-processing by only running the Lua `node_function` for nodes that have tags. Cuts OSM file parsing time in half.
- osrm-extract now performs generation of edge-expanded-edges using all available CPUs, which should make osrm-extract significantly faster on multi-CPU machines
- Files
- .osrm.nodes file was renamed to .nbg_nodes and .ebg_nodes was added
- Guidance
- #4075 Changed counting of exits on service roundabouts
- Debug Tiles
- added support for visualising turn penalties to the MLD plugin
- added support for showing the rate (reciprocal of weight) on each edge when used
- added support for turn weights in addition to turn durations in debug tiles
- Bugfixes
- Fixed a copy/paste issue assigning wrong directions in similar turns (left over right)
- #4074: fixed a bug that would announce entering highway ramps as u-turns
- #4122: osrm-routed/libosrm should throw exception when a dataset incompatible with the requested algorithm is loaded