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Use now 3 parameters for matrix: loc/dst/src
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fab-girard committed Dec 2, 2015
1 parent e66ab6e commit 06b83d2
Showing 7 changed files with 72 additions and 27 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion data_structures/route_parameters.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change

: zoom_level(18), print_instructions(false), alternate_route(true), geometry(true),
compression(true), deprecatedAPI(false), uturn_default(false), classify(false),
compression(true), deprecatedAPI(false), uturn_default(false), classify(false), mapped_points(true),
matching_beta(5), gps_precision(5), check_sum(-1), num_results(1)
@@ -148,6 +148,14 @@ void RouteParameters::addCoordinate(
static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<1>(received_coordinates)));

void RouteParameters::addDestination(
const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates)
static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<0>(received_coordinates)),
static_cast<int>(COORDINATE_PRECISION * boost::fusion::at_c<1>(received_coordinates)));

void RouteParameters::addSource(
const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates)
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions features/step_definitions/distance_matrix.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,16 +4,21 @@
raise "*** Top-left cell of matrix table must be empty" unless table.headers[0]==""

nodes = []
sources = []
column_headers = table.headers[1..-1]
row_headers = { |h| h.first }
unless column_headers==row_headers || @query_params['src']
raise "*** Column and row headers must match in matrix table, got #{column_headers.inspect} and #{row_headers.inspect}"
column_headers.each do |node_name|
node = find_node_by_name(node_name)
raise "*** unknown node '#{node_name}" unless node
nodes << node
if column_headers!=row_headers
row_headers.each do |node_name|
node = find_node_by_name(node_name)
raise "*** unknown node '#{node_name}" unless node
sources << node

actual = []
@@ -22,11 +27,7 @@

# compute matrix
params = @query_params
if params['src']
node = find_node_by_name(params['src'])
params['src'] = + ',' + node.lon
response = request_table nodes, params
response = request_table nodes, sources, params
if response.body.empty? == false
json = JSON.parse response.body
result = json['distance_table']
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions features/support/route.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,9 +41,13 @@ def request_route waypoints, params={}
request_path "viaroute", waypoints, defaults.merge(params)

def request_table waypoints, params={}
def request_table waypoints, sources, params={}
defaults = { 'output' => 'json' }
request_path "table", waypoints, defaults.merge(params)
options = defaults.merge(params)
locs = (sources.size > 0) ? ( { |w| "dst=#{},#{w.lon}" } + { |w| "src=#{},#{w.lon}" }) : { |w| "loc=#{},#{w.lon}" }
params = (locs + options.to_param).join('&')
uri = generate_request_url ("table" + '?' + params)
response = send_request uri, waypoints, options, sources

def got_route? response
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion features/testbot/distance_matrix.feature
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -116,8 +116,25 @@ Feature: Basic Distance Matrix

And the query options
| mapped_points | true |
| src | a |

When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | b | e | f |
| a | 0 | 100 | 200 | 300 |

Scenario: Testbot - Travel time 3x2 matrix
Given the node map
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |

And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
| def |
| ad |
| be |
| cf |

When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | b | e | f |
| a | 100 | 200 | 300 |
| b | 0 | 100 | 200 |
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions include/osrm/route_parameters.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ struct RouteParameters

void addCoordinate(const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates);

void addDestination(const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates);

void addSource(const boost::fusion::vector<double, double> &received_coordinates);

void getCoordinatesFromGeometry(const std::string &geometry_string);
@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ struct RouteParameters
std::vector<std::pair<const int,const boost::optional<int>>> bearings;
std::vector<bool> uturns;
std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> coordinates;
std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> destinations;
std::vector<FixedPointCoordinate> sources;

35 changes: 22 additions & 13 deletions plugins/distance_table.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -70,23 +70,32 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class DistanceTablePlugin final : public BasePlugin
int HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
osrm::json::Object &json_result) override final
if (!check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.coordinates) ||
(route_parameters.sources.size() && !check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.sources, 1)))
const bool useSameTgtSrc = route_parameters.coordinates.size() ? true : false;
if ((useSameTgtSrc && route_parameters.destinations.size()) || (useSameTgtSrc && route_parameters.sources.size()))
return 400;

if ((useSameTgtSrc && !check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.coordinates)) ||
(!useSameTgtSrc && !check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.destinations, 2) && !check_all_coordinates(route_parameters.sources, 1)))
return 400;

const auto &input_bearings = route_parameters.bearings;
if (input_bearings.size() > 0 && route_parameters.coordinates.size() + route_parameters.sources.size() != input_bearings.size())
unsigned nb_coordinates = useSameTgtSrc ? route_parameters.coordinates.size() : (route_parameters.destinations.size() + route_parameters.sources.size());
if (input_bearings.size() > 0 && nb_coordinates != input_bearings.size())
json_result.values["status"] = "Number of bearings does not match number of coordinates .";
return 400;

const bool checksum_OK = (route_parameters.check_sum == facade->GetCheckSum());
unsigned max_locations =
unsigned max_locations = useSameTgtSrc ?
static_cast<unsigned>(route_parameters.coordinates.size())) :

PhantomNodeArray phantom_node_target_vector(max_locations);
for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, max_locations))
@@ -104,34 +113,34 @@ template <class DataFacadeT> class DistanceTablePlugin final : public BasePlugin
const int bearing = input_bearings.size() > 0 ? input_bearings[i].first : 0;
const int range = input_bearings.size() > 0 ? (input_bearings[i].second?*input_bearings[i].second:10) : 180;
facade->IncrementalFindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(useSameTgtSrc ? route_parameters.coordinates[i] : route_parameters.destinations[i],
phantom_node_target_vector[i], 1, bearing, range);

unsigned nb_coordinates = route_parameters.coordinates.size();
unsigned shift_coordinates = (useSameTgtSrc) ? 0 : route_parameters.destinations.size();
max_locations = 0;
if (route_parameters.sources.size())
if (!useSameTgtSrc)
max_locations = std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(max_locations_distance_table),
PhantomNodeArray phantom_node_source_vector(max_locations);
for (const auto i : osrm::irange(0u, max_locations))
if (checksum_OK && i < route_parameters.hints.size() - route_parameters.coordinates.size() &&
if (checksum_OK && i < route_parameters.hints.size() - shift_coordinates &&
!route_parameters.hints[i + shift_coordinates].empty())
PhantomNode current_phantom_node;
ObjectEncoder::DecodeFromBase64(route_parameters.hints[i+route_parameters.coordinates.size()], current_phantom_node);
ObjectEncoder::DecodeFromBase64(route_parameters.hints[i + shift_coordinates], current_phantom_node);
if (current_phantom_node.is_valid(facade->GetNumberOfNodes()))
const int bearing = input_bearings.size() > 0 ? input_bearings[nb_coordinates + i].first : 0;
const int range = input_bearings.size() > 0 ? (input_bearings[nb_coordinates + i].second?*input_bearings[nb_coordinates + i].second:10) : 180;
const int bearing = input_bearings.size() > 0 ? input_bearings[i + shift_coordinates].first : 0;
const int range = input_bearings.size() > 0 ? (input_bearings[i + shift_coordinates].second?*input_bearings[i + shift_coordinates].second:10) : 180;
phantom_node_source_vector[i], 1, bearing, range);

7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions server/api_grammar.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ template <typename Iterator, class HandlerT> struct APIGrammar : qi::grammar<Ite
api_call = qi::lit('/') >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setService, handler, ::_1)] >>
*(query) >> -(uturns);
query = ('?') >> (+(zoom | output | jsonp | checksum | location | source | hint | timestamp | bearing | u | cmp |
query = ('?') >> (+(zoom | output | jsonp | checksum | location | destination | source | hint | timestamp | bearing | u | cmp |
language | instruction | geometry | alt_route | old_API | num_results |
matching_beta | gps_precision | classify | locs | mapped_points));

@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ template <typename Iterator, class HandlerT> struct APIGrammar : qi::grammar<Ite
location = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("loc") >> '=' >>
(qi::double_ >> qi::lit(',') >>
qi::double_)[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addCoordinate, handler, ::_1)];
destination = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("dst") >> '=' >>
(qi::double_ >> qi::lit(',') >>
qi::double_)[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addDestination, handler, ::_1)];
source = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("src") >> '=' >>
(qi::double_ >> qi::lit(',') >>
qi::double_)[boost::bind(&HandlerT::addSource, handler, ::_1)];
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ template <typename Iterator, class HandlerT> struct APIGrammar : qi::grammar<Ite

qi::rule<Iterator> api_call, query;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> service, zoom, output, string, jsonp, checksum, location, source,
qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> service, zoom, output, string, jsonp, checksum, location, destination, source,
hint, timestamp, bearing, stringwithDot, stringwithPercent, language, instruction, geometry, cmp, alt_route, u,
uturns, old_API, num_results, matching_beta, gps_precision, classify, locs, mapped_points, stringforPolyline;

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