This repository contains the source code for the chat client and server written using the Rust language's asynchronous programming features. It is described in Chapter 20 of the book Programming Rust, by Blandy, Orendorff, and Tindall (ISBN 978-1-492-05259-3).
To run the server, type:
$ cargo run --release --bin server -- localhost:8088
To run the client, type:
$ cargo run --release --bin client -- localhost:8088
The client supports only two commands:
join group
- Join the group named group. If that group does not exist, it is created. The name of the group must not contain any spaces. -
post group message
- Post message to the chat group named group. The group name must not contain any spaces, but the message can.
There is no command to leave a group. There is no concept of a user name. To exit the client, hit ctrl-D on Linux or macOS, or ctrl-Z on Windows.
An example client session:
$ cargo run --release --bin client -- localhost:8088
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.04s
Running `/home/jimb/rust/book/tests/chapters/asynchronous/target/release/client 'localhost:8088'`
join GROUP
Type Control-D (on Unix) or Control-Z (on Windows) to close the connection.
join dogs
post dogs I love dogs!
message posted to dogs: I love dogs!
message posted to dogs: Whaddya know, I do too!
message posted to dogs: Hello, dog lovers!
post dogs Hi!
message posted to dogs: Hi!