ProcessMaker is an open source, workflow management software suite, which includes tools to automate your workflow, design forms, create documents, assign roles and users, create routing rules, and map an individual process quickly and easily. It's relatively lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer. This file describes the requirements and installation steps for the server.
If you are new to ProcessMaker 4 and would like to load the software locally, we recommend you download the Dockerized version from
- Composer 2
- Node.js 16.18.1
- NPM 8.9
- PHP 8.1
- PHP GD Extension
- PHP ImageMagick Extension
- PHP IMAP Extension
- Nginx
- MySql 8.0
- Redis
- Docker
Before installing, Nginx needs to be configured to use php-fpm and point to the public folder
- Download and unzip a version from the releases page
- Configure Nginx to use php-fpm and point to the public folder in the unzipped code. See
- CD into the folder and run
composer install
- Run the installer
php artisan processmaker:install
and follow the instructions - Edit the .env file to update any server specific settings
- Install javascript assets
npm install
- Compile javascript assets
npm run dev
- Configure laravel echo server in a separate shell
npx laravel-echo-server init
using the following settings:- Do you want to run this server in development mode? Yes
- Which port would you like to serve from? 6001
- Which database would you like to use to store presence channel members? redis
- Enter the host of your Laravel authentication server. Enter your instance's url
- Will you be serving on http or https? http
- Do you want to generate a client ID/Key for HTTP API? No
- Do you want to setup cross domain access to the API? No
- What do you want this config to be saved as? laravel-echo-server.json
- Then run laravel echo server
npx laravel-echo-server start
- Run horizon in a separate shell
php artisan horizon
- If you change any settings, make sure to run
php artisan optimize:clear
and restart horizon
The online documentation for usage of ProcessMaker 4 can be found by clicking the link below.
All PRs for PM4 and it's packages should be accompanied by a test.
When ever you open or update a PR, the test suite is run with all packages installed.
If your PR requires branches in other packges or core, you can specify the branch anywhere in the PR body with this tag:
ci:< package name >:< branch name>
For example, if you open a PR in core that requires a bugfix branch in connector-send-email, put this in your core PR body text:
This works in package PRs as well. To specify a branch in core, use:
If no branches are specified in the PR body, the develop branch of each package will be used.
If your PR is based on a release branch (for example release-2024-fall <-- feature/123
), then all packages will be installed using the corresponding base branch (release-2024-fall
). No need to add additional ci:
However, if your PR has an intermediate branch, for example (epic/abc <-- feature/123
), where epic/abc
is branched off the release-2024-fall
branch, you will need to add ci:release-branch:release-2024-fall
to your PR body so the CI builder knows what branch to use for packages.
A full working instance can be built by adding the tag ci:deploy
to your PR description. A link will be posted in the PR comments when it's ready. Note that this currently takes 10 to 30 minutes before the instance is ready.
The instance will stay active until the PR is merged.
You can wipe the database on the CI Server by adding the tag ci:db:clean
. Remember to remove the tag from your PR description or the DB will be wiped clean every time the PR is updated.
You can add or overwrite environment variables on the deployed server using this syntax in your PR body
Or with double quotes if the value has spaces
The CI Builder uses the pm4-k8s-distribution
repository for building and deploying your PR branch in a CI server.
By default, the branch of pm4-k8s-distribution
used for the build will be the same as the release branch (see "Release Branches and Packages" above).
If you are testing updates to pm4-k8s-distribution
, you can specify a branch in your PR body with ci:k8s-branch:some-other-branch
We use PHPUnit for both integration and unit testing. Most of our PHPUnit tests are integration tests that use the framework and database.
Run the entire testsuite with phpunit
If phpunit is not in your $PATH, you can use vendor/bin/phpunit ...
To run the entire suite faster using parallel tests, run
PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSES=6 vendor/bin/paratest -p 6
- The environment variable and the -p argument must be the same number of parallel processes.
To run an individual test, run
phpunit tests/path/to/testTest.php
- Running phpunit will populate a test database first, which is slow. After the first run, you can
skip populating the database with
to run tests much faster. - All test file names must end in Test.php
Package tests should be saved in the package repository but must be run from processmaker core:
phpunit vendor/processmaker/package-name/tests/...
It is considered a best practice to write a failing test first. Then, modify the code until the test passes
You can develop ProcessMaker as well as ProcessMaker packages locally. In order to do so, you must have the following:
- Virtualbox 5.2 or above
- Vagrant 2.2.0 or above
- PHP 8.1 or above
- Windows users can install XAMPP
- Composer 2
- Node.js 16.18.1 or above
Steps for Development Installation
- Clone the repository into a directory
- Perform
composer install
to install required libraries. If you are on windows, you may need to runcomposer install --ignore-platform-reqs
due to Horizon requiring the pcntl extension. You can safely ignore this as the application runs in the virtual machine which has the appropriate extensions installed. - Perform
npm install
in the project directory - Perform
npm run dev
to build the front-end assets - Modify your local
. On Windows, this file is located atC:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
.- If you need to change the ip address to something else to avoid conflicts on your network, modify the
file accordingly. Do not commit this change to the repository.
- If you need to change the ip address to something else to avoid conflicts on your network, modify the
- Execute
vagrant up
in the project directory to bring up the laravel homestead virtual machine - Execute
vagrant ssh
to ssh into the newly created virtual machine - Execute
php artisan processmaker:install
to start the ProcessMaker Installation- Specify
as your local database server - Specify
as your local database port - Specify
as your local database name - Specify
as your local database username - Specify
as your local database password - Specify
as your application url
- Specify
- Check your .env file to ensure the
variable has the right Docker installation path, especially if you are under macOS (Docker on macOS installs under /usr/local/bin/docker). - Visit
in your browser to access the application- Login with the username of
and password ofadmin
- Login with the username of
When developing, make sure to turn on debugging in your .env
so you can see the actual error instead of the Whoops page.
Optionally, trust the self-signed certificate on your host machine so you don't get the "Not Secure" warnings in chrome and postman.
For macOS:
- In
, double-click
- Click on "Add" to add it to your login keychain
- In the Keychain Access window click on the Certificates category on the bottom left.
- Double-click on the processmaker certificate
- Open the Trust section. For
"When using this certificate"
, select"always trust"
- Close the window. You will be asked for your password. Close and reopen the processmaker tab in chrome.
If you choose not to install the certificate, you should access the js file in your browser to allow unsafe connections from it. Otherwise, real-time notifications may not work in your development environment.
- Add images to resources/img/
- Add The following variables to the .env file
- Run npm run dev
To run time based BPMN events like Timer Start Events or Intermediate Timer Events, the laravel scheduler should be enabled. To do this open a console and:
- Execute crontab -e
- Add to the cron tab the following line (replacing the upper cased text with the directory where your proyecto is located ):
* * * * * cd YOUR_BPM_PROJECT && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
The ProcessMaker API is documented using OpenAPI 3.0 documentation and can be viewed at /api/documentation
. The documention is generated by adding annotations to Models and Controllers.
You should add annotations to all models and controllers that you create or modify because it's how we generate the SDKs that are used when running scripts.
When developing, make sure to add this to your .env
file so that any changes you make to the annotations are automatically turned into documentation when you reload the /api/documentation
At the comment block at the top of the model, add an @OA annotation to describe the schema. See ProcessMaker/Models/Process.php
for an example.
To keep things dry, you can define 2 schemas. One that inherits the other.
* ...existing comments above...
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="ProcessEditable",
* @OA\Property(property="process_category_uuid", type="string", format="uuid"),
* @OA\Property(property="name", type="string"),
* @OA\Property(property="description", type="string"),
* @OA\Property(property="status", type="string", enum={"ACTIVE", "INACTIVE"}),
* ),
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="Process",
* allOf={
* @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/ProcessEditable")
* @OA\Schema(
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(property="user_uuid", type="string", format="uuid"),
* @OA\Property(property="uuid", type="string", format="uuid"),
* @OA\Property(property="created_at", type="string", format="date-time"),
* @OA\Property(property="updated_at", type="string", format="date-time"),
* ),
* },
* )
class Process extends ProcessMakerModel implements HasMedia
Now you can use the reference to the schema when annotating the controllers. See ProcessMaker/Http/Controllers/Api/ProcessController.php
for an example.
* @OA\Get(
* path="/processes",
* summary="Returns all processes that the user has access to",
* operationId="getProcesses",
* tags={"Process"},
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/filter"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/order_by"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/order_direction"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/per_page"),
* @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/"),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="list of processes",
* @OA\JsonContent(
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(
* property="data",
* type="array",
* @OA\Items(ref="#/components/schemas/Process"),
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="meta",
* type="object",
* allOf={@OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/metadata")},
* ),
* ),
* ),
* )
public function index(Request $request)
And for a show method
* @OA\Get(
* path="/processes/{processUuid}",
* summary="Get single process by ID",
* operationId="getProcessByUuid",
* tags={"Process"},
* @OA\Parameter(
* description="ID of process to return",
* in="path",
* name="processUuid",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string",
* )
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Successfully found the process",
* @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Process")
* ),
public function show(Request $request, Process $process)
Please add/change the next configuration in .env file to define the message broker driver that is used for Nayra
Message broker driver, possible values: rabbitmq, kafka, this is optional, if not exists or is empty, the Nayra will be work as normally with local execution
will be the method name of the generated code. It can be anything camel cased but should be named some intuitive.
Testing with Swagger UI
Reload the swagger UI at api/documentation
page in your browser to see the results and debug any errors with the annotations.
By default, Swagger UI will use your processmaker app auth. So as long as you're logged into the app you should be able to run API Commands from Swagger UI as your logged in user.
You can also create a personal access token to see the API results as a specific user would.
$user->createToken('Name it here')->accessToken;
Copy the token. In api/documentation, click on the Authenticate button on the top right and enter it in the pm_api_bearer
value field.
More Info
Detailed examples can be found at
Full OpenAPI 3.0 specification at
Testing with Laravel Dusk
When testing in Laravel Dusk, make sure to turn off debugging mode in your .env
so you can use the whole page and screens executing functional tests. Then, change app_env value to develop
in the same file:
Execute vagrant ssh
to ssh into the newly created virtual machine.
Execute php artisan dusk
in /home/vagrant/processmaker
to execute Laravel dusk test cases.
Execute php artisan dusk:make newTest
to generate a new Dusk test. The generated test will be placed in the tests/Browser
More Info
Detailed installation can be found at
To interact with web elements
List of available assertions
Please follow the steps:
- Execute the command in root processmaker
npm install
- Add the new svg icon file in the /processmaker/resources/devhub/pm-font/svg
3.Run the follow command
npm run font
4.Run the follow command
npm run dev
5.To use your new icon, in any template or component, add the icon as follows:
<i class="fp-my-new-icon" />
- We recommend using the file name with '-' for example:
- To use the icon, we should use the same name of the file, for example:
File name: "my-jonas-custom-icon.svg"
How to use icon: <i class="fp-my-jonas-custom-icon" />
- To check all the icons
npm run dev-font
This guide explains how to install and run Prometheus and Grafana using Docker. Both tools complement each other: Prometheus collects and monitors metrics, while Grafana visualizes them with interactive dashboards.
Go to the metrics directory
cd metrics
Make sure the ports 9090 and 3000 on the host are not already in use.
Edit prometheus.yml
and update the target hostname with your local processmaker instance. You might also need to change the scheme if you are using https.
Run docker compose up -d
Check that prometheus can connect to your local instance at http://localhost:9090/targets
Go to Grafana at http://localhost:3000/
When you are finished, run docker compose down
. To delete all data, run docker compose down -v
Now you can use the Metrics
Facade anywhere in your application to manage metrics.
A Counter only increases over time or resets to zero. It is used for cumulative events.
- Total number of HTTP requests:
$counter = Metrics::counter('http_requests_total', 'Total HTTP requests', ['method', 'status']); $counter->inc(['GET', '200']); $counter->incBy(2, ['GET', '200']);
- Number of system errors (e.g., HTTP 5xx).
A Gauge can increase or decrease. It is used for values that fluctuate over time.
- Current number of active jobs in a queue:
$gauge = Metrics::gauge('active_jobs', 'Number of active jobs', ['queue']); $gauge->set(10, ['queue1']);
- Memory or CPU usage.
A Histogram measures value distributions by organizing them into buckets. It is ideal for latency or size measurements.
- Duration of HTTP requests:
$histogram = Metrics::histogram('http_request_duration_seconds', 'HTTP request duration', ['method'], [0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10]); $histogram->observe(0.3, ['GET']);
- File sizes or request durations.
Each type serves a specific role depending on the data being monitored.
In a controller:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use ProcessMaker\Facades\Metrics;
class ExampleController extends Controller
public function index()
//use metrics counter
$counter = Metrics::counter('http_requests_total', 'Total HTTP requests', ['method', 'status']);
$counter->inc(['GET', '200']); // Incrementa el contador para GET y estado 200.
return response()->json(['message' => 'Hello, world!']);
To make things even easier, you can run Metrics::counter('cases')->inc();
or Metrics::gauge('active_tasks')->set($activeTasks)
anywhere in the code.
You can provide an optional description, for example Metrics::gauge('active_tasks', 'Total Active Tasks')->...
Go to Grafana and import the dashboards from the resources/grafana
folder. Each JSON file represents a configured dashboard that can be imported into Grafana to visualize metrics and data.
Distributed under the AGPL Version 3
ProcessMaker (C) 2002 - 2020 ProcessMaker Inc.
For further information visit: