Started on 28 July 2022, Thursday
My Progress:
- Learnt about Keyboard event listeners in JS
- Implemented Callback functions, Animations using setTimeout()
- Started with the basics of jQuery
My Progress:
- Learnt how to manipulate style, text and attributes with jQuery
- Learnt how to add event listeners, adding/removing elements and animations
My Progress:
- Started with a new project: The Simon Game
- Added the HTML and CSS for the website
My Progress:
- Continued with the project: The Simon Game
- Added some button animations using JS and jQuery for the website
My Progress:
- Made some changes to the CSS of the project
- Rewrote some JS to choose a random colour, play button audio and handle click events
My Progress:
- Refactored the code for checking the sequence of button clicks, added levels in the game
- Completed the Simon Game
My Progress:
- Started making a new website: SipCan
- Edited the images required
- Made the navbar, few sections & the footer using HTML, CSS & Bootstrap
My Progress:
- Changed the layout of images and text in SipCan
- Added color gradients and text colors
- Added image and bubble animations
My Progress:
- Changed animation of images & text in SipCan
- Added scrollbar animations, 3D text, zoom-in effects on hover
- Completed SipCan!
My Progress:
- Added a favicon to SipCan
- Went through the MDN documentation of HTML and learnt about few more elements
My Progress:
- MDN documentation for HTML and CSS
My Progress:
- MDN documentation for CSS (was busy travelling today)
My Progress:
- Revised some JavaScript events
My Progress:
- Started learning about the Hyper Terminal
My Progress:
- Learnt directory navigation and create, open and delete operations in the Hyper Terminal
- Learnt the basics of Java
My Progress:
- Went through JS documentation
My Progress:
- Practiced a few questions in Java
My Progress:
- Revised jQuery
My Progress:
- Revised JS
My Progress:
- Introduction to Backend Web Development
My Progress:
- Started learning Node.js
My Progress:
- Learnt about Node REPL, native Node modules and NPM Package Manager
My Progress:
- Started learning Express.js
My Progress:
- Learnt creating a server, handling GET requests
- Setting up different routes
My Progress:
- Working with different routes in a server
My Progress:
- Used nodemon to run the server
- Responding to requests with HTML files
My Progress:
- Processing Post requests
My Progress:
- Created a BMI Calculator using HTML forms and a server
- Introduction to APIs
My Progress:
- Learnt about API endpoints, paths and parameters
My Progress:
- Learnt about API Authentication
- Started using Postman API Platform, OpenWeather API
My Progress:
- Learnt about JSON
- Used the Node HTTPS module for making GET requests
My Progress:
- Learnt how to parse JSON
My Progress:
- Learnt how to use Live API data in a website
My Progress:
- Parsing POST requests to the server
My Progress:
- Started with MailChimp API to make an email newsletter website
My Progress:
- Started with the signup page of the email newsletter website
My Progress:
- Completed signup page
- Posted data to Mailchimp server via their API
My Progress:
- Added success and failure pages to Newsletter signup website
My Progress:
- Started learning DSA: Flowchart, pseudocode, basics of C++
- Deployed the server for Newsletter signup page with Heroku
My Progress:
- DSA: Conditional statement, Looping statements
- Some Qs based on patterns
My Progress:
- DSA: Bitwise operators, precedence, scope of variables
My Progress:
- DSA: Binary and Decimal number systems
My Progress:
- DSA: Switch case statements and functions
My Progress:
- DSA: Introduction to arrays
My Progress:
- DSA: Time and Space complexity
My Progress:
- DSA: Binary Search
My Progress:
- DSA: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort
My Progress:
- DSA: C++ STL
My Progress:
- DSA: Practicing some problems
My Progress:
- DSA: Practiced a problem
My Progress:
- DSA: Practiced a problem - Easy Pronounciation