The Project is based to create a responsive user personalized Todo List.
This is a user friendly website where the user can save his/her tasks in her personalized todo list . The name of the website is TODO Lister. In this Project, we have tried to make our own ToDo List website with our own point of view of design. We have used HTML, CSS , MySQL and simple Javascript in this project.
- Make the home page (index.php)
- Make the about page
- Make a contact page
- Make a login page
- Make a signup page
- Make a page to display the ToDo List of your task.
- Use php and MySQL in the Backend to perform user authentication.
- Make a page to add new task.
- Use javascript to perform the filtration of the task.
- A
TODO Lister
is a user friendly website where the new user can make their own account to save their task in personalized todo lists.
- Here, the user can also
update the the Date of deadline and add or remove task
in their personalized todo lists.
- Languages 📖
- Javascript
- Visual Studio Code
- Extensions
- Format HTML in PHP
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets v1.8.0
- PHP IntelliSense
- PHP Intelephense
- HTML CSS Support
- Extensions
- Visual Studio Code
- Images used in the project
About page
Contact Page
- Some of the pages are not responsive ,so they may not load properly in small devices.
- I tried to authenticate the user by verification link while sign up but it did not work properly.
- Install XAMPP
- Import database from mytodo_list.sql .
- Run Apache and MySQL in XAMPP.
- Then open the following webpage in the browser:
Here, I learnt a lot of things while making the project. We were able to make the todo list with update and remove option in the list. We also sorted and filtered the tasks in the lists using the Javascript.