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Michael Ueberschaer edited this page Dec 25, 2015 · 21 revisions


Version 1.3.0



You can manage:


  1. How many items per page (album and picture view in backend and album view in frontend)
  2. Show title and description on detail page in frontend
  3. Count image view or not
  4. For the user group: How many main albums, subalbums and pictures allowed to create, 1, 2, 20 by default
  5. Allowed filesize for file uploads
  6. Allowed size of zip file for zip upload
  7. Minimum width for pictures
  8. Maximum width for pictures
  9. Maximum height for pictures
  10. Layout 'normal' or 'bootstrap', bootstrap by default
  11. Set group for common albums, admins have access to all albums now
  12. Support categories, disabled by default; after creating first album the setting is not modifiable without get trouble...
  13. Support subalbums, disabled by default, only effect in the bootstrap layout
  14. Breadcrumbs in frontend, enabled by default
  15. Kind of show sub albums, panel by default
  16. Ending for detail pages, html, htm or empty, html by default
  17. Deleting of pictures by users that are not in the admin group, disabled by default

Upload handler

  1. Create several picture sizes, enabled by default, Attention: If you wish to use full plugin (scribite) support, this option has to be enabled
  2. Width of thumbnail, 400px by default
  3. Height of thumbnail, 400px by default
  4. Width of preview, 600px by default
  5. Height of preview, 600px by default
  6. Width of full image, 800px by default
  7. Height of full image, 800px by default
  8. Shrink pictures, disabled by default
  9. File name for title, enabled by default


  1. Activate slideshow, disabled by default
  2. Intervall for slideshow , 4000 milliseconds
  3. Speed of slideshow, 1000 milliseconds


Notice: The general user group must have the permission ADD to be able to create albums or pictures.

Now users that are in the admin group have access to all albums.

Users, that are in the admin group have no limit in creating main albums, sub albums and pictures.
Users in the user group get their limits by setting in the backend.
Users in the user group can add albums and pictures and edit them. They can delete pictures but no albums. That only can do administrators in the backend.

If you delete an album you will delete its pictures, all subalbums and their pictures.
If you don't want that you can make the subalbums to mainalbums or you can give them another main album.

With the actual version you get different galleries in the frontend depending on a user is logged in or not.

Notice: Have a look at the allowed memory size on your server, if you should get problems, uploading pictures.


Will be deleted with version 1.3.0

Greate several picture sizes

If you make an upgrade from 1.2.0 and you wish to use the full plugin support, you have the capability to create 3 sizes for each existing picture. You can use this option also later when you decided to enable the option 'Create several picture sizes' in the upload handler settings.

Version 1.2.0



You can manage:

  1. How many items per page (album and picture view in backend and album view in frontend)
  2. Show title and description on detail page in frontend
  3. Count image view or not
  4. For the user group: How many main albums, subalbums and pictures allowed to create
  5. Allowed filesize for uploads

and more


At the moment there is an import function for mediashare.
You can import all albums with their pictures ( Other filetypes will not be copied ).
You must copy the folder of mediashare to your new installation. There must be the tables

of mediashare in your new database without prefix and in the config.php the prefix must be disabled.
Important: Copy the albums in order of the dropdownlist.


Notice: The general user group must have the permission ADD to be able to create albums or pictures.

Users, that are in the admin group have no limit in creating main albums, sub albums and pictures.
Users in the user group get their limits by setting in the backend.
Users in the user group can add albums and pictures and edit them. They can delete pictures but no albums. That only can do administrators in the backend.

If you delete an album you will delete its pictures, all subalbums and their pictures.
If you don't want that you can make the subalbums to mainalbums or you can give them another main album.

Notice: Have a look at the allowed memory size on your server, if you should get problems, uploading pictures.