Proxies requests to AWS CodeArtifact Python for anonymous access
Best used as a Docker container with the following env vars
Env Var | Value |
AWS Region e.g. ap-southeast-2 |
AWS Account ID e.g. 123456789012 |
AWS CodeArtifact domain name e.g. mycompany |
AWS CodeArtifact repository name e.g. pypi-store |
Optional HTTP Basic auth credentials expected by the proxy e.g. username:password |
You may also pass in AWS credential environment variables or make credentials available some other way. If using the docker-compose provided here, you can use the .env
template to do this.
The container exposes on port 5000, you can then use this container in your pip config/commands to pull packages from CodeArtifact.
To run using docker-compose, do:
$ git clone [email protected]:Polymathian/aws-codeartifact-python-proxy.git
$ cd aws-codeartifact-python-proxy
$ docker-compose up --build
To install packages using the proxy, use:
$ pip install -i https://<your-host-name-here> <package-name>