This project is a POC (proof of concept) to demonstrate that external authentication on ManageIQ Appliance can work with OIDC (OpenID Connect) both:
- on the Appliance’s Web administrative UI
- and on the Self-Service UI (and partially on the REST API, too)
It relies on the official Kasparov version of ManageIQ
It uses Keycloak as an Identity Provider, and Ansible (automation tool) to configure Keycloak with a proper realm and a client for ManageIQ instance (following MIQ official guidelnes for OIDC) and also to load some basic user fixtures (a "foo" test user belonging to a group matching MIQ super administrator group) into Keycloak DB, to easier things.
This POC only requires Docker on your host machine, in order to run 3 docker containers (using docker-compose):
- one for a monolithic Manageiq appliance
- one for Postgresql (needed by Keycloak)
- one for the Keycloak server
All the Apache and OIDC configuration (detailed in ManageIQ official documentation) is handled at docker build stages, and through an ansible playbook at run stage, so sandbox tests can be done quickly out of the box without the hassle of configuring things first.
As explained below, the POC uses modified versions of manageiq docker images.
You must have Docker Engine and Docker Compose installed on your machine. Just follow these official Docker guidelines, depending on your platform :
- Docker Engine :
- Docker Compose :
Although not a requirement, Git is obviously needed to clone this repository (the preferred way to get the source code of this project).
- Clone (or download) this project
Open a terminal, and paste the following:
git clone
- Add some entries in your /etc/hosts file
On Mac or Linux platform, simply edit the /etc/hosts file with your preferred editor, for instance vim:
vim /etc/hosts
Add the following lines at the end, then save and quit: server
On Windows, follow theese steps.
- Launch docker-compose stack
Move to the root of your local copy of the project:
cd manageiq-sui-oidc-docker-poc
Then just launch docker-compose command:
docker-compose -f compose.yml up
Notes: the first time the stack is built, and depending on your internet connection, it can take about 5 or 10 minutes for the whole process to complete (the time to download parent docker images, build new ones, and run the containers), so be patient. For this reason, launching the stack in the background (adding option -d in the docker-compose command) is not advised, at least the first time.
You will know that everything is correctly started when you will be able:
- to browse ManageIQ admin web view on your host at this url: https://server/#/ (the first time, the browser will complain about incorrect SSL certificates, it's OK, just go through);
- to access Keycloak interface from there: (or there:
- Configure Keycloak and load fixtures
Open another terminal window, and launch this docker command:
docker exec -it manageiq-sui-oidc-docker-poc_local.keycloak.com_1 /opt/ansible/
Wait for the whole playbook to finish (it takes about 30/40 sec).
- Activate OIDC on the MIQ Appliance
As explained in the official ManageIQ documention, you need to complete the following steps:
From a browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.), navigate to this url: https://server/#/. Login as admin (default admin password is "smartvm"), then in Configure → Configuration → Authentication section:
Set mode to External (httpd)
Check: Provider Type: Enable OpenID-Connect.
Check: Enable Single Signon.
Check: Get User Groups from External Authentication (httpd)
Click Save and log out from admin web view.
To test OIDC external authentication on the admin web view:
- Just go to the admin home page here: https://server/#/
- Then click on "Log in to corporate system", you'll be redirect to Keycloak realm login page.
- From there, sign in as "foo" user, using "foo" as username, and "bar" as password.
- Validate and you will be redirected to the admin dashboard view, logged in as "foo" super admin user.
Notes : Obviously, authenticating to the admin interface requires to own the proper rights. That's the case for our "foo" user who belongs to the "EvmGroup-super_administrator" group.
To test OIDC external authentication on the self service UI:
- Just browse this url: https://server/ui/service
- From there, if OIDC has been properly enabled on the appliance, you will see the "Log in to corporate system" button.
- Click on the login button. And from the Keycloak realm login view, use the same login/pass as for the admin UI (foo/bar).
- You'll be redirected to the Self Service UI, and logged in as "foo" user.
When you are logged in on the admin or the SUI interface, you can navigate to the other interface. You'll be connected without having to re-authenticate a second time.
Note that as we use the same keycloak client for both interfaces, once you are connected on one, you can connect on the other without the need to re-authenticate because a valid session already exists on the Keycloak side.
But keep in mind that as the admin interface and the self service interface are two different apps, you'll be connected on each with a different session on the client side, so you need to log out individually on each one.
If you want to create new users (or modify user foo) to test authentication with your own data, you can do the following:
- Authenticate as admin in the Keycloak web interface (http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/), using admin / Pa55w0rd as credentials (password is set in the compose.yml file).
- Go to the Users section (http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/manageiq/users) and click the "Add User" button on the right. Fill in the form, validate and don't forget to create credentials once the user is created (from the Credentials tab in the user view).
- Attach the new user to at least one valid group (a group named exactly as an existing ManageIQ group). Add new group(s) first from the groups section if necessary, then attach user to it(s) from the Groups tab in the user view.
- Then you can try to authenticate on ManageIQ with your newly created user credentials.
Notes: you can also modify manageiq-users.json and manageiq-group.json data fixtures (located in the keycloak/ansible/roles/import-fixtures/files/manageiq-realm-data/ directory) or create your own .json files and use our ansible playbook (or a new one) to load your data from a docker command (see keycloak/ansible/roles/import-fixtures/tasks/main.yml).
This version of the POC now uses the official Kasparov version of ManageIQ. In former versions, it was relying on the following forks of official ManageIQ repositories / components :
- Service UI app : (the fork adds support for SSO (SAML, OIDC) user authentication in the Service UI)
- ManagegIQ Api plugin : (which is based on this PR by Abellotti)
- Core ManageIQ app : (which has a modified Gemfile to install the forked API plugin version)
- ManageIQ Pods : (containing modified Dockerfiles pointing to the previous forked projects, in order to build proper docker images)
Please be aware that these forks only worked with the Hammer and Ivanchuk branches of ManageIQ. A part of these forks has been implemented in the official version of ManageIQ since Kasparov.