For more detailed information please visit the project wiki page.
- Application can be run in a local http server, or emulated/released to Android/iOS
- A lot of useful gulp tasks, like:
- watch for changes + livereload + http server + weinre debuggergulp cordova:emulate:ios
- run application in iOS emulatorgulp cordova:run:android
- run application on Android's devise
- Useful hooks and tweaks, which allow you to deploy your cordova app out-of-the-box
- SASS + CoffeeScript + Jade combo
- Support for multiple environments, like development, staging, production (configuration available in
) - Tests configured and working: unit (karma + mocha) and end to end (protractor)
- NodeJS
- Cordova 3.5+
- Android or iOS SDK installed and configured (required only if you want to deploy the app to native mobile platforms - you can run
server without that)
git clone
cd plateful-mobile
# install dependencies
npm install # or sudo npm install if you need permission to make system changes
npm install -g gulp
bower install
brew install imagemagick # or `apt-get install imagemagick`, if you're on linux
brew install neo4j # see wiki for more info on setting up Neo4j
neo4j start
gulp # build www/ directory and run http server on 4440 port
Also install the required cordova plugins (make sure to run gulp before adding these plugins)
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
cordova plugin add org.transistorsoft.cordova.background-geolocation
If you get "too many files" error, try: ulimit -n 10000
. You may want to add this line to your .bashrc / .zshrc /
More or less:
- All .scss, .coffee, .jade files from
will be compiled and copied towww/
- All
files fromassets/
will be compiled towww/
. - All other files from
will be copied towww/
For detailed description, see
P.S. www/
is like dist/
directory for Cordova. That's why it's not included in this repository, as it's fully generated with gulp
Requirements: installed PhantomJS and configured selenium standalone webdriver.
gulp test:unit # using PhantomJS
gulp test:unit --browsers Chrome # or using Google Chrome
cd ../rails && bin/rails s # make sure your rails server is running in the background
gulp # your www/ directory should be built and served at :4400 port
node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager start & # run selenium server in the background
gulp test:e2e # finally, run e2e tests
I recommend tmux for handling multiple terminal tabs/windows ;)
- Copy
and configure it.
Ofcourse, if you're a Mac user and you can compile both Android and iOS on the same machine, you can include all the variables from both of these files in only one
. -
Also, make sure you have all the keys and certificates needed stored in
Ensure, you have configured ios/android platform with Cordova, f.e. by running
gulp cordova:platform-add:[ios|android]
. -
gulp cordova:emulate:[ios|android]
orgulp cordova:run:[ios|android]
First, generate the certificate keys:
Generate .keystore file:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore keys/android/$ANDROID_KEYSTORE_NAME.keystore -alias $ANDROID_ALIAS_NAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Add proper key hash to Facebook application in android's settings.
You can generate Key Hash using this method:
keytool -exportcert -alias $ANDROID_ALIAS_NAME -keystore keys/android/$ANDROID_KEYSTORE_NAME.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
To generate debug's Key Hash (using in cordova run
), use:
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
Create a certificate and a provisioning profile, as it's described here.
Download the provisioning profile and copy it into
, so it will match theIOS_PROVISIONING_PROFILE
file set up in
Then, generate the application and deploy it to the webserver with:
gulp release --env=[staging|production]