1.0.0 (2025-03-05)
Bug Fixes
actions: allow for prioritising of action handling (eeac24f )
fix circular dependancies (70275ac )
fix removing viewers (7075e8d )
input: fix calculating center point for pinch (616dce2 )
input: fix panning not ending under certain conditions (2fb03a0 )
input: fix panning of map with smaller svg_ratios (98231f9 )
input: fix zooming towards a point (5593edd )
input: refactor input methods (dd00f3b )
input: set minimum zoom level to 50% (c5e17ad )
input: tweak focusing on parts of a SVG (9d15cbe )
minor fix to loading SVG file (d81b39e )
minor fix to panning and feature positions (e81edfe )
minor fixes (6b1e37d )
minor fixes to previous commit (36c1977 )
minor tweaks to custom headers (3e8c2e1 )
overlays: fix rotation of bounding boxes (55272ac )
package: fix circular dependancy (2642726 )
renderer: add ability to set containers to match parent element size (7153012 )
renderer: add check to prevent parsing invalid location (bcfaf64 )
renderer: add logic to better allow handling rendering features (7b81ccf )
renderer: add z-indexing to features and labels (a7cd95f )
renderer: change feature root to be button for iOS click events (96dbc9c )
renderer: fix check for track_id (56ec804 )
renderer: fix getting sizes and positions from SVG elements (024f87c )
renderer: fix render resolution on smaller screens (ad273df )
renderer: fix styles being read as an array (aa567b5 )
renderer: force canvas to have a size less than 16MP (432d622 )
renderer: ignore feature data for change detection to prevent cyclic JSON errors (b9ae0a5 )
renderer: only show features with non-zero positions (d46a10b )
renderer: tweak how action zones and actions work (4156c8e )
renderer: tweak max render size on smaller screens (685399c )
renderer: tweak rendering of styles (18276c6 )
renderer: tweak rendering size for canvas (38f3a9a )
renderer: use data field in feature signature (1866765 )
renderer: various tweaks (9a8051d )
rendering: fix initialisation and prevent rendering before inited (3339013 )
rendering: fix label positioning (b1598fc )
rendering: fix rendering container aspect ratio (fc3de42 )
tweak error handling (41d2a56 )
tweak events that prevent default (ba62b19 )
various fixes (8898a35 )
various tweaks to zooming (eb8c3a6 )
viewer: add method to check elements exist in SVG data (21113cb )
actions: add user action callbacks (881be24 )
add ability to add custom headers to SVG file loading (ac776fb )
add helper method to get list of element in a bounding box (10b06c0 )
add logic to handle resizing the window (42df4ac )
api: add method for listening to viewer changes (84f79a7 )
change project to use vite and vitest (663fe58 )
focus: add logic for focusing on elements and points (51d266e )
input: add handler for double clicks (3d41dda )
input: add logic to handle pinch to zoom (e254b52 )
labels: allow adding custom css classes to dynamic labels (c49edeb )
overlays: add logic for rendering overlays (ceb0626 )
renderer: add flag for using GPU accelerated CSS (93e6b4c )
renderer: allow for more complex CSS styles to be applied to SVGs (5c068f6 )
renderer: change rendering to use iframe instead of canvas (3c7227c )
store: add method for retrieving viewer by URL (6889144 )
viewer: add ability to set max resolution of canvas (4ffec01 )
viewer: pre-compute location of elements within SVG (98eed81 )
zoom: add logic to zoom towards the cursor on scroll (2d9948f )
Performance Improvements
improve performance by using a canvas to render the SVG (6ddb914 )
renderer: various tweaks to improve perf (0dbcb36 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.