- How To Use
- How it Works
- Environment variables for self-issued certificates (This is for test-setups only)
Create a new
file in the/config
directory withPRIVATE_KEY
as properties. Feel free to use the example fileexample.env
located in the/config
directory. You could quickly copy the file with the following command:cp config/example.env config/.env
Make sure to provide your own values for the above mentioned properties in the newly created
file.IMPORTANT: You need to create your own
and put it into the created/config/.env
file. This certificate needs to be issued by a Gaia-X endorsed trust anchor. You can find the list of endorsed trust anchors here: https://gaia-x.gitlab.io/policy-rules-committee/trust-framework/trust_anchors/NOTE: It is not sufficient to simply create create a new local key pair which is not issued by a trust anchor because verification will fail and the trust servcie won't sign your Self Description!
You can find more information on setting up your own certificate here:
- You need to generate a.pem
file with the certificate chain of your certificate and upload it to your server (make it accessible via URI). You can find an example here: https://www.delta-dao.com/.well-known/x509CertificateChain.pemYou can use whatsmychaincert.com as a helper tool to generate your certificate chain using metadata from your certificate. Make sure to check "Include Root Certificate" checkbox.
- Thedid:web
has to resolve to the path of yourdid.json
. It defaults toyour-domain.com/.well-known/did.json
if you enterdid:web:your-domain.com
. You can also specify a specific path, check thedid:web
specifications for this.More info on x5u: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7517#section-4.6
Update/copy the self-description-examples in the config folder for self description in
, the registration number inregistrationnumber.json
, the Gaia-X Terms and Conditions intandc.json
and/or the service-offerings inservice-offering_resource.json
into the config folder depending on the intended signing Scenario. See details in the Architecture Document -
Install dependencies
npm i
and execute the scriptnode index.js
(node@16 or higher required).- Alternatively, the script can be run with docker
- Build the container with
docker build -t self-description-signer .
- Run the script with
docker run -it --mount src="$(pwd)/config",target=/usr/src/app/config,type=bind self-description-signer
- Build the container with
- Alternatively, the script can be run with docker
The signer executes different operations depending on the existing files in the defined src
If no compatible JSON-Files are given, a did.json
will be created based on the provided CERTIFICATE
Example did.json
"@context": ["https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1"],
"id": "did:web:compliance.gaia-x.eu",
"verificationMethod": [
"@context": "https://w3c-ccg.github.io/lds-jws2020/contexts/v1/",
"id": "did:web:compliance.gaia-x.eu",
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"controller": "did:web:compliance.gaia-x.eu#JWK2020-RSA",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "ulmXEa0nehbR338h6QaWLjMqfXE7mKA9PXoC_6_8d26xKQuBKAXa5k0uHhzQfNlAlxO-IpCDgf9cVzxIP-tkkefsjrXc8uvkdKNK6TY9kUxgUnOviiOLpHe88FB5dMTH6KUUGkjiPfq3P0F9fXHDEoQkGSpWui7eD897qSEdXFre_086ns3I8hSVCxoxlW9guXa_sRISIawCKT4UA3ZUKYyjtu0xRy7mRxNFh2wH0iSTQfqf4DWUUThX3S-jeRCRxqOGQdQlZoHym2pynJ1IYiiIOMO9L2IQrQl35kx94LGHiF8r8CRpLrgYXTVd9U17-nglrUmJmryECxW-555ppQ",
"e": "AQAB",
"alg": "PS256",
"x5u": "https://compliance.gaia-x.eu/.well-known/x509CertificateChain.pem"
"assertionMethod": ["did:web:compliance.gaia-x.eu#JWK2020-RSA"]
Upload this did.json to your domain (e.g. https://your_domain.com/.well-known/did.json
), which is a requirement for successful signing in the following two scenarios.
If a registrationnumber.json
, a tandc.json
and a self-description.json
are given, the credentials will be signed and new files containing credential + proof called {timestamp}_{type}_self-signed.json
will be created.
Example self-signed Self Description:
"@context": [
"type": [
"id": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io/sd/participant.json",
"issuer": "did:web:ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io",
"issuanceDate": "2023-07-25T11:33:14.113Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io/sd/participant.json",
"type": "gx:LegalParticipant",
"gx:name": "Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen",
"gx:legalName": "Technische Universität Darmstadt",
"gx:legalRegistrationNumber": {
"id": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io/sd/2210_gx_registrationnumber.json"
"gx:headquarterAddress": {
"gx:countrySubdivisionCode": "DE-HE",
"gx:addressCountryCode": "DE",
"gx:locality": "Darmstadt",
"gx:postalCode": "64297",
"gx:streetAddress": "Otto-Berndt-Strasse 2"
"gx:legalAddress": {
"gx:countrySubdivisionCode": "DE-HE",
"gx:addressCountryCode": "DE",
"gx:locality": "Darmstadt",
"gx:postalCode": "64289",
"gx:streetAddress": "Karolinenplatz 5"
"gx:website": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.de",
"gx:blockchainAccountId": [
"gx:blockchainId": "100",
"gx:blockchainName": "GEN-X",
"gx:blockchainAccountId": "0x4A806a4851472F7cFd579d3FF5465F03c3c2B5d4"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "2023-09-25T17:58:58.338Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"verificationMethod": "did:web:ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..KIoZbDIcURcXY7x2yb-WvVbsHm2ld0XfycsFVKk8nH8Oyo7RgL9JORvWI5E5aRN7a4Df7NjU3tLKx9aOxw0eNKXA79aKTwgXcSVhD7RYgRkwP2viZBiVHrEWozTAZ6rFnDT_ij0Ms_7d2SmgH-nSR0rwmdmfIbGKB93LzBWVjXM2P9Q3KaQ8LsNut1sXUDBcn4ZxYij81FC7dCLUApK5_RwCNTyVTmEz6kQ3i3-R0029rs1sbIAgVTp-nwPDt2eturukM-qZ-FHKugymCaB0BfXkoDbl-EujOPksO5y4StH1Dpvv7acZ6sezNsf6UyJCqtcCbmCQeL51xFIq5Y8NVA"
From these three credentials a Verifiable Presentation (VP) participantVP
is created.
If the did.json(important) was uploaded finally, the compliance service is used to sign the locally signed VP. It returns a compliance credential if the final result is successfully verified against the compliance service. The result is stored in a new file called {timestamp}_{type}_complianceCredential.json
Compliance Credential for the participantVP signed by the Compliance Service:
"@context": [
"type": [
"id": "https://compliance.lab.gaia-x.eu/development/credential-offers/a41ca623-2063-4164-85d5-4406ae4ab789",
"issuer": "did:web:compliance.lab.gaia-x.eu:development",
"issuanceDate": "2023-09-25T17:59:05.740Z",
"expirationDate": "2023-12-24T17:59:05.740Z",
"credentialSubject": [
"type": "gx:compliance",
"id": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io/sd/2210_gx_registrationnumber.json",
"gx:integrity": "sha256-636a1f78dd2dfd5ae23e866a095074fea5ee2e21a6922df102213690b4d681e3",
"gx:integrityNormalization": "RFC8785:JCS",
"gx:version": "22.10",
"gx:type": "gx:legalRegistrationNumber"
"type": "gx:compliance",
"id": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io/sd/participant.json",
"gx:integrity": "sha256-480b2cfa4a5402d8f922b1e64d5bf9e840ce42228dc83ec8e5af37696393b561",
"gx:integrityNormalization": "RFC8785:JCS",
"gx:version": "22.10",
"gx:type": "gx:LegalParticipant"
"type": "gx:compliance",
"id": "https://ptw.tu-darmstadt.euprogigant.io/sd/2210_gx_tandc.json",
"gx:integrity": "sha256-704b0e7b453534830f8551e842a9a9c68ba954a97e37d21a9e102a05a3f58517",
"gx:integrityNormalization": "RFC8785:JCS",
"gx:version": "22.10",
"gx:type": "gx:GaiaXTermsAndConditions"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "2023-09-25T17:59:05.750Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..CCruW_bjh7d5tsEUtTFwZcw0GlgRrtywF5M9Y4sNYqWhfzu6NmUGaqKcIb0dckK5iujO3uHTwqMq5CoirGrbIZUN6Umof7n9bByjopb-zOwIWdNiiGpfy3wSYrKPEYepXxmFw2DHYC7zctVGcm7bb_ogEBbaIWcGhVy9qsM1PmQ5OQQH4XlICdV1s7F2MWAPT7SoGGJ8GaQMd78OwVEK-b5RIQM3D-xBCscuul3u0P4Vic1Dfn0MNenzX16TfvoSd_f8TkOgunlRqmd7k36mFOc5kYziw8cwlEOue5vvfvmhNR1P57n9WAnCvcLjwYRZsh7LsUeWlHJkEP7oxQjoWw",
"verificationMethod": "did:web:compliance.lab.gaia-x.eu:development#X509-JWK2020"
If a participantVP.json
and one or more connected service-offering.json
are given, the service-offerings are firstly locally signed and new files containing credential + proof called {timestamp}_{service-offering name}_self-signed.json
will be created.
Important: If for example one service offering links to the id of a second service-offering in the dependsOn-field the id of the credential subject of the second service-offering has to match that.
After that a Verifiable Presentation service-offeringVP
of the participant and the service-offerings is created and checked against the compliance service. Analogous to the participant the VP and the potential compliance credential are saved as files.
- The given Self Description is canonized with URDNA2015
- Next the canonized output is hashed with SHA256.
- That hash is then signed with the given private key and the proof is created using JsonWebKey2020.
This section is part of a bigger guide and describes environment variables needed to sign self-issued certificates. If you want to use the https://compliance.gaia-x.eu follow the instructions above and ignore this section. Here you can find the full guide for a local test-setup: Using self-issued certificates for local testing
How to set signer tool environment variables:
= copypk8key.pem
= copycert.pem
(assuming port3000
for the compliance service, you have to encode:
More information about environment variables can be found in the How To Use section.
For now you can ignore the generated did.json
since we are using for simplicity reasons the did.json
of the compliance service also for the self-description. Usually you would host it under your own domain together with the x509CertificateChain.pem
in the .well-known/
If everything worked you should have 3 files generated. You can now head back to "Step 4: Verify your signed self-description" of the guide.