Submission to the Gobal Game Jam '13
Nykto considers herself lucky that she woke up during the night - because ... well, others may call it Nyktophobia - fear from the dark ... but not Nykto, she just knows there are MONSTERS, hiding in the darkness of the house! It’s time to save your life: Escape from the house and the monsters! You are safe insides the flare of the lamps - but beware: They’re out of order! When you're distant to the lamps they dim, darkness spreads! And that's when the monsters are rushing to get you! Nykto and your hearts will be beating so fast you can hear it all around! How fast can you rush with Nykto between the safety of the lamps’ lightshine? How soon can you find the light switches for Nykto? Can you calm your throbbing heart and keep a cool head to clear the puzzles? Will you discover the exit of the house for Nykto - before the monsters get you both?
- Andreas Ecker
- Eduard Anotn
- Hendrick Klindworth
- Patrick Horlebein
- Rainer Krauß