Bionic-based Image Info and It's Size:
Focal-based Image Info and It's Size:
You might want to start the bash environment as root user by running sudo -s
Now, you have choose on which platform you want to build. You got Bionic Beaver (18.04.4 LTS) and Focal Fossa (20.04 LTS).
Pull the image of by running the following command.
# If you want only bionic, run this ---
docker pull fr3akyphantom/droid-builder:bionic
# But if you want focal, run this instead ---
docker pull fr3akyphantom/droid-builder:focal
as "bionic" or "focal", according to your specified needs.
docker run --privileged --rm -i \
# optionally set/change the name/hostname of the container
--name docker_droid-builder --hostname droid-builder \
-e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) \
# mount working directory as volume, '/home/builder' must be the Container's mount path
-v "$HOME:/home/builder:rw,z" \
# mount ccache volume too, host machine must have $HOME/.ccache folder if ccache is not installed
-v "$HOME/.ccache:/srv/ccache:rw" \
fr3akyphantom/droid-builder:${TAG} \
When this Image runs as the droid-builder Container, You won't need to install any other softwares.
Check the Dockerfile to know more detail about installed packages.
When Docker Container is started, run the following commands...
# Change directory to any sub-folder (name as you like)
mkdir -p ${PROJECT_DIR} && cd ${PROJECT_DIR}
# Set your github usename and email, required by repo binary
git config --global $GitHubMail
git config --global $GitHubName
git config --global color.ui true
# Initialize the repo here to begin
repo init --depth 1 -q -u${DEMO_ORG}/${DEMO_MANIFEST}.git -b ${MANIFEST_BRANCH}
# sync the repo with maximum connections
# wait for the whole repo to be downloaded
repo sync -c -q --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags -j$(nproc --all)
# clone the specific device trees
# and other dependent repos too, if you need.
# Start the Build Process
source build/
lunch ${BUILD_LUNCH}
# you can now delete the .repo folder if you need more space,
# but it is not recommended for multi-build or shared projects
# build only recovery image or make full ROM/otapackage
make -j$(nproc --all) recoveryimage || make -j$(($(nproc --all) / 2)) otapackage
Do away with your imagination.