HackBar is a security audit tool that will enable you to pentest websites more easily. ... You can use it to check site security by performing SQL injections, XSS holes and more. It also has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for you to do fuzz testing, hash generation, encoding and more.
- LiveHTTPHeader
- Tamper Data
- View Source
- JS on/off
- noRedirect
- HTTP Proxy
- Admin Finder
cd HackBar/test
this open source you are available to modify the code
Compressing Hackbar as addons
7z a hackbar.xpi *
NOTE: if you are windows and and you face this error in step 3:
7z is not recognized as an internal or external command
run this command on your terminal set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\7-Zip\
this command is adding 7-zip
in environment
Note: If you are using Firefox this is working only on v52.* bellow and you need disable "xpinstall.signatures.required" in config but if you are using CyberFox Browser you don't need to disable the "xpinstall.signatures.required" because the cyberfox allowed all extention/add-ons.
Steps: //this on firefox browser
goto "about:addons"
Click settings and "install addons from file.." and goto hackbar file and install