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Short Explanation

Panagiotis Petropoulakis edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 4 revisions
  • Lsh: L hash tables
  • Hypercube: a hypercube structure maps each vector with a vertice

Lsh Euclidean Search

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Lsh Cosine Search

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Hypercube Search

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  • L: Number of hash tables
  • K: Number of hash functions
  • W: Window size for euclidean metric. This value should be close to the real nearest neighbor.
  • Coefficient: Defines the table size of each hash table. Table size = n(number of data points) x coefficient(< 1)


Ioannis z. Emiris Professor @ Department of Informatics & Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens that let me to use his slides

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