The implementation must be in JavaScript. You are allowed to use any test framework of your choice. You can make assumptions where necessary. Jest is configured for you. Install with yarn add
and run the test with yarn test
email: [email protected] password: admin1234
email: [email protected] password: reward_admin
- Given a user acc with permissin to create a reward and ensure that the user is not able to visit the rest of the page sections (loyalties, campaigns, merchants, user lists, bulk actions) and all the other API endpoints shouldn't be accessible.
- Ensure that a logged in user has sufficient permission to create a reward.
- A non-authorized user should not have access to the reward detail/edit page if he tries to access directly from the URL.
- Clicking "+ Create New" button should lead to reward creation page
- Reward form
- A reward validity period should have both start and end dates.
- A successful submission only happens when the payload contains all mandatory information.
- It should show up in the rewards listing.
- Disabling a section should clear respective information from the form payload
- If the reward is of private type,
- All fields related to catalogues, labels, brands, tags and categories should disappaer.
- It should not be tagged to any catalogues, labels, brands, tags nor categories.
- Ensure that the logged in user has sufficient permission to visit the builk file upload page and has the ability to upload.
- Form upload should only accept from the accepted file list (.txt, .xlsx, .csv).
- Each file should be tied to one action.
- After a successful upload, the file list should reflect the newly uploaded file