Some example scripts for use with the Koha API. Specifically focused on patron loading, updating or deleting.
- Make sure you populate the config/config.json file with the required attributes, otherwise the script won't be able to get a token.
- Also, make sure the Koha syspref RESTOAuth2ClientCredentials is enabled, and an API key has been created under a Librarian patron
- Also, make sure CPAN module Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer is installed. Restart plack if required.
- Lastly, make sure CGIPassAuth On is set under the /api alias in Apache httpd, otherwise you will get a 401 Unauthorised response.
[I] add_patron RESTful script, Jake Deery @ PTFS-Europe, 2021
[E] Usage: ./ --in <file>
[E] Required flags:
[E] --in <file> What to send. File must be json.
[E] Optional flags:
[E] --config <file> The json file used to configure this script. Will default to <script-dir>/config/config.json if unspecified.
[I] delete_patron RESTful script, Jake Deery @ PTFS-Europe, 2021
[E] Usage: ./ --patron-id <int>
[E] Required flags:
[E] --patron-id <int> The internal Koha patron identifier to match against.
[E] Optional flags:
[E] --config <file> The json file used to configure this script. Will default to <script-dir>/config/config.json if unspecified.
[I] get_patron RESTful script, Jake Deery @ PTFS-Europe, 2021
[E] Usage: ./ --matchpoint <string> --value <string|int>
[E] Required flags:
[E] --matchpoint <string> What to lookup against. Possible values are: cardnumber, userid, patron_id
[E] --value <string|int> What to lookup using. Max. length 8 chars.
[E] Optional flags:
[E] --config <file> The json file used to configure this script. Will default to <script-dir>/config/config.json if unspecified.
[I] get_all_patron RESTful script, Jake Deery @ PTFS-Europe, 2021
[E] Usage: ./
[E] Optional flags:
[E] --config <file> The json file used to configure this script. Will default to <script-dir>/config/config.json if unspecified.
[E] --page <int> The page to lookup. Will default to 1 if unspecified.
[E] --per-page <int> The number of results per page. Will default to 20 if unspecified.
[I] update_patron RESTful script, Jake Deery @ PTFS-Europe, 2021
[E] Usage: ./ --patron-id <int> --in <file>
[E] Required flags:
[E] --patron-id <int> The internal Koha patron identifier to match against.
[E] --in <file> What to send. File must be json.
[E] Optional flags:
[E] --config <file> The json file used to configure this script. Will default to <script-dir>/config/config.json if unspecified.