This backwards-incompatible makes two important breaking changes. First, we changd the default file format for 'linc' mode from NIfTI to CIFTI. Second, XCP-D no longer ingresses and warps the anatomical tissue segmentation file (*_dseg.nii.gz
), since no one was using it and it's easy enough to collect separately.
Additionally, this release fixes a bug with the collection of sphere files needed to warp fsnative surfaces to fsLR space, which should only affect derivatives from fMRIPrep and Nibabies versions >= 24.0.0 (i.e., versions that include space-fsnative
in the spheres' filenames).
What's Changed
🛠 Breaking Changes
- Change linc mode default file format to CIFTI by @tsalo in #1248
- Stop ingressing anatomical-space tissue segmentation file by @tsalo in #1190
🎉 Exciting New Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
Full Changelog: 0.8.3...0.9.0