There are a total of five web programming projects requred to earn the Responsive Web Design certification on freeCodeCamp and, this submission is one of them — the fourth project on the course curriculum.
Objective: Build an app that is functionally similar to this. Don't copy this demo project.
Here is 👉 my solution
- Your product landing page should have a header element with a corresponding id="header"
- You can see an image within the header element with a corresponding id="header-img" (A logo would make a good image here)
- Within the #header element, you can see a nav element with a corresponding id="nav-bar"
- You can see at least three clickable elements inside the nav element, each with the class nav-link
- When you click a .nav-link button in the nav element, you are taken to the corresponding section of the landing page
- You can watch an embedded product video with id="video"
- Your landing page has a form element with a corresponding id="form"
- Within the form, there is an input field with id="email" where you can enter an email address
- The #email input field should have placeholder text to let users know what the field is for
- Additionally, the navbar should contain link (a) elements with the class of nav-link. There should be one for every element with the class main-section
- The #email input field uses HTML5 validation to confirm that the entered text is an email address
- Within the form, there is a submit input with a corresponding id="submit"
- When you click the #submit element, the email is submitted to a static page (use this mock URL:
- The navbar should always be at the top of the viewport
- Your product landing page should have at least one media query
- our product landing page should utilize CSS flexbox at least once
- CSS3
- Color Hunt
- HTML Validator