Simple popover to explain new features to users
Platform requirements: npm 2+ and the Elements SDK
> npm i --save @pearson-components/coach-mark
CoachMark(elementId, opts, callback)
Initializes coach mark pointing to the specified element, given an options object, with a callback to be executed when the user dismisses the coach mark.
Special Case: Have a wrapper div as a specified element if the coachmark pointing element is not a block level element. This will allow to adjust css in cases of long texts that needs to be wrapped on two lines and still have proper highlight in smaller screens or mobile views.
Options are the following
Option | Type | Required | Notes
title | text | no | The title
text | text | yes | The body of the coach mark
srCloseText | text | no | The screen reader text that calls out the close button (default is "Close Dialog")
id | text | yes | unique identifier - can be anything as long as no other HTML element has this value as an id
type | text | no | The type of coach mark you want to display (default is "default", options are "info", "generic")
offsetX | int | no | moves the mark left/right
offsetY | int | no | moves the mark up/down
animate | boolean | no | adds a fade in and fade out animation to the coachmark. Default is false
closeOnBodyClick | boolean | no | closes when the target click is outside the coachmark
disableShadow | boolean | no | Prevents the darkening of the rest of the page when an element is highlighted. Default is false
disablePointer | boolean | no | Disables the pointer which indicates which element the coach mark is attached to. Default is false
gotIt | boolean | no | display "Got it" on bottom-right
showClose | boolean | no | display "X" in the upper-right
gotItText | text | no | Overrides the "Got it" text
zIndex | int | no | keeps coachmark on top or below other HTML elements,based on the requirement.Default is 1010
forceAbove | boolean | no | forces the coach mark to be above element
forceBelow | boolean | no | forces the coach mark to be below element
forceRight | boolean | no | forces the coach mark to be to the right of the element
forceLeft | boolean | no | forces the coach mark to be to the left of the element
stopScroll | boolean | no | Stops coach mark from moving the view
If the coach mark is attached to a div that has an ancestor that is opacity < 1, then it should be reset to 1 prior to displaying the coach mark and return to original opacity in the close callback function.
const element = document.getElementById('awesome_featureId');
new CoachMark({
elementId: 'id of element to attach to',
opts: {
title: 'Optional Title',
text: 'Required text explaining to the user why you changed their interface',
id: 'my-coachmark-id'
callback(id) {
console.log('Callback executed on exit of id:' + id);
See the project working before changing anything!
In your local repo:
npm install
npm start
Navigate to localhost:8081/coach-mark - the bundle is served in memory, which is why you may not see the file in /build.
Hot module replacement is activated in the webpack dev server; saved changes to src are automatically reloaded in the browser.
The project is wired to unit test with Karma launching the tests against PhantomJS.
npm test
This software is published by Pearson Education under the MIT license.
If you are a consumer of this component, see guidance on usage.
If you are a contributor to this component's development, see guidance on contributing.