This repo has the files required by the Project 1 of Exploratory Data Analysis, as well as the original files in the repo (forked) of RdPeng.
The files pertainging to the original repo are
- --> original read me file of the repo
- figures (folder) --> folder containing the guides of figures that need to be produced
The files produced during the project are:
- --> this file
- Plot[1-4].R --> script files for producing the required plots. [1-4] refers to "plot1.R", "plot2.R", etc.
- Plot[1-4].png --> image files with the required plots. Naming convention follows the pattern described above.
The project aimed at evaluating the student's capacity to produce exploratory plots of provided data. Therefore, aestethics or relevance/meaning aren't to be evaluated at this point.
The data is a simplified version of "Individual household electric power consumption Data Set", wich is a dataset on the the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository. It has minute-to-minute data on electric consumption (kW) in three sub circuits of a house, together with relevant data on total active and reactive power, voltage and amperage. Original file and information could be found here.
Each R script is coded to produce (without data) the corresponding plot. Overall the structure is download data --> cleaning --> producing exploratory plots.