Calculates and publishes lines of code report in GitHub Actions as Checksuite.
- I wrote this action as opensource during my vacation time.
- This actions is used by hundreds of repos in my organization and many other prviate org repos.
- Please also see my JaCoCo Reporter GitHub Action
Calculates and publishes lines of code report in GitHub Actions as Checksuite. Here's a quick example of how to use this action in your own GitHub Workflows.
Using Programming Language name (include_lang and exclude_lang)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Calculate Lines of Code
id: loc
uses: PavanMudigonda/[email protected]
directory: "src,test,utils" #Optional #Comma Seperated
include_lang: "JavaScript,TypeScript" #Optional # Comma Seperated
exclude_lang: "PowerShell,Shell,Go" #Optional # Comma Seperated
exclude_dir: "node_modules,.github" #Optional # Comma Seperated
# Publish Lines of Code Summary # Optional
- name: Add Lines of Code Summary
run: echo "${{ steps.loc.outputs.lines-of-code-summary }}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: print output # Optional
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Host 'Total Lines of Code...: ${{ steps.loc.outputs.total_lines }}'
Write-Host 'Lines of Code Markdown Report Path...: ${{ steps.loc.outputs.loc_report }}'
Using File Extention (include_ext and exclude_ext)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Calculate Lines of Code
id: loc
uses: PavanMudigonda/[email protected]
directory: "./src/module, ./test/module, ./utils" #Optional #Comma Seperated
include_ext: "ts,js" #Optional # Comma Seperated
exclude_dir: "node_modules,.github" #Optional # Comma Seperated
exclude_ext: "ps1,go,sh" #Optional # Comma Seperated
# Publish Lines of Code Summary # Optional
- name: Add Lines of Code Summary
run: echo "${{ steps.loc.outputs.lines-of-code-summary }}" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: print output # Optional
shell: pwsh
run: |
Write-Host 'Total Lines of Code...: ${{ steps.loc.outputs.total_lines }}'
Write-Host 'Lines of Code Markdown Report Path...: ${{ steps.loc.outputs.loc_report }}'
This Action defines the following formal inputs.
Name | Reqquired | Description |
directory |
false | Directory(or Directories) under which lines of code needs to be calculated. Defaults to ${{ github.workspace }}. This is comma seperated. examples: "./src/module, ./test/module, ./utils" |
github_token |
false | Defaults to default token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}. Personal Access Token(PAT) needs to be given in place, if your repo is a fork of another repo. |
skip_check_run |
false | If true, will skip attaching the Coverage Result report to the Workflow Run as Check Run. |
exclude_dir |
false | directories that need to be excluded, comma seperated, example ".github,node_modules,.gitignore".Directories named .bzr, .cvs, .hg, .git, .svn, and .snapshot are always excluded. Also please note all files in .gitignore are excluded by default. Please see Note below the table. |
exclude_lang |
false | languages types that need to be excluded, comma seperated, Scroll to "Languages Supported" section, example "JavaScript,PowerShell,TypeScript". Please see alternative filter "include_ext" based on file extension. |
exclude_ext |
false | extension types that need to be excluded, comma seperated, Scroll to "Extensions Supported" section, example "js,ps1,ts". Please see alternative filter "include_ext" based on file extension. |
include_lang |
false | languages types that need to be included, comma seperated. Scroll to "Languages Supported" section. example "JavaScript,PowerShell,TypeScript" |
include_ext |
false | extention types that need to be included, comma seperated. Scroll to "Extensions Supported" section. example "c,sh,ts,js". See alternative filter "include_lang" |
- This action will skip files explicitly excluded by git, ie, those in .gitignore.
- Please don't use include_lang and include_ext together. This will fail. use only one option.
- Please don't use exclude_lang and exclude_ext together. This will fail. use only one option.
This Action defines the following formal outputs.
Name | Description |
loc_report |
Lines of Code Report output |
total_lines_int |
Total Code Lines output as int |
total_lines_string |
Total Code Lines output as int with comma seperation |
This Action is implemented as a PowerShell GitHub Action.
ABAP (abap) ActionScript (as) Ada (ada, adb, ads, pad) ADSO/IDSM (adso) Agda (agda, lagda) AMPLE (ample, dofile, startup) Ant (build.xml, build.xml) ANTLR Grammar (g, g4) Apex Class (cls) Apex Trigger (trigger) APL (apl, apla, aplc, aplf, apli, apln, aplo, dyalog, dyapp, mipage) Arduino Sketch (ino, pde) AsciiDoc (adoc, asciidoc) ASP (asa, ashx, asp, axd) ASP.NET (asax, ascx, asmx, aspx, master, sitemap, webinfo) AspectJ (aj) Assembly (a51, asm, nasm, S, s) AutoHotkey (ahk, ahkl) awk (auk, awk, gawk, mawk, nawk) Bazel (BUILD) BizTalk Orchestration (odx) BizTalk Pipeline (btp) Blade (blade, blade.php) Bourne Again Shell (bash) Bourne Shell (sh) BrightScript (brs) builder (xml.builder) C (c, cats, ec, idc, pgc) C Shell (csh, tcsh) C# (cs) C# Designer (designer.cs) C++ (C, c++, cc, CPP, cpp, cxx, h++, inl, ipp, pcc, tcc, tpp) C/C++ Header (H, h, hh, hpp, hxx) Cake Build Script (cake) CCS (ccs) Chapel (chpl) Clean (dcl, icl) Clojure (boot, cl2, clj, cljs.hl, cljscm, cljx, hic, riemann.config) ClojureC (cljc) ClojureScript (cljs) CMake (cmake,, CMakeLists.txt) COBOL (CBL, cbl, ccp, COB, cob, cobol, cpy) CoffeeScript (_coffee, cakefile, cjsx, coffee, iced) ColdFusion (cfm, cfml) ColdFusion CFScript (cfc) Coq (v) Crystal (cr) CSON (cson) CSS (css) CSV (csv) Cucumber (feature) CUDA (cu, cuh) Cython (pxd, pxi, pyx) D (d) DAL (da) Dart (dart) Delphi Form (dfm) DenizenScript (dsc) Derw (derw) dhall (dhall) DIET (dt) diff (diff, patch) DITA (dita) Dockerfile (Dockerfile, dockerfile) DOORS Extension Language (dxl) DOS Batch (BAT, bat, BTM, btm, CMD, cmd) Drools (drl) DTD (dtd) dtrace (d) ECPP (ecpp) EEx (eex) EJS (ejs) Elixir (ex, exs) Elm (elm) Embedded Crystal (ecr) ERB (ERB, erb) Erlang (app.src, emakefile, erl, hrl, rebar.config, rebar.config.lock, rebar.lock, xrl, yrl) Expect (exp) F# (fsi, fs, fs) F# Script (fsx) Fennel (fnl) Finite State Language (fsl, jssm) Fish Shell (fish) Flatbuffers (fbs) Focus (focexec) Forth (4th, e4, f83, fb, forth, fpm, fr, frt, ft, fth, rx, fs, f, for) Fortran 77 (F, F77, f77, FOR, FTN, ftn, pfo, f, for) Fortran 90 (F90, f90) Fortran 95 (F95, f95) Freemarker Template (ftl) Futhark (fut) FXML (fxml) GDScript (gd) Gencat NLS (msg) Glade (glade, ui) Gleam (gleam) GLSL (comp, fp, frag, frg, fsh, fshader, geo, geom, glsl, glslv, gshader, tesc, tese, vert, vrx, vsh, vshader) Go (go) Godot Resource (tres) Godot Scene (tscn) Godot Shaders (gdshader) Gradle (gradle, gradle.kts) Grails (gsp) GraphQL (gql, graphql, graphqls) Groovy (gant, groovy, grt, gtpl, gvy, jenkinsfile) Haml (haml, haml.deface) Handlebars (handlebars, hbs) Harbour (hb) Haskell (hs, hsc, lhs) Haxe (hx, hxsl) HCL (hcl, nomad, tf, tfvars) HLSL (cg, cginc, fxh, hlsl, hlsli, shader) Hoon (hoon) HTML (htm, html, html.hl, xht) HTML EEx (heex) IDL (dlm, idl, pro) Idris (idr) Igor Pro (ipf) Imba (imba) INI (buildozer.spec, ini, lektorproject, prefs) InstallShield (ism) IPL (ipl) Java (java) JavaScript (_js, bones, cjs, es6, jake, jakefile, js, jsb, jscad, jsfl, jsm, jss, mjs, njs, pac, sjs, ssjs, xsjs, xsjslib) JavaServer Faces (jsf) JCL (jcl) Jinja Template (jinja, jinja2) JSON (arcconfig, avsc, composer.lock, geojson, gltf, har, htmlhintrc, json, json-tmlanguage, jsonl, mcmeta,, tern-config, tern-project, tfstate, tfstate.backup, topojson, watchmanconfig, webapp, webmanifest, yyp) JSON5 (json5) JSP (jsp, jspf) JSX (jsx) Julia (jl) Juniper Junos (junos) Jupyter Notebook (ipynb) kvlang (kv) Kermit (ksc) Korn Shell (ksh) Kotlin (kt, ktm, kts) Lean (hlean, lean) Lem (lem) LESS (less) lex (l, lex) LFE (lfe) liquid (liquid) Lisp (asd, el, lisp, lsp, cl, jl) Literate Idris (lidr) LiveLink OScript (oscript) LLVM IR (ll) Logos (x, xm) Logtalk (lgt, logtalk) Lua (lua, nse, p8, pd_lua, rbxs, wlua) m4 (ac, m4) make (am, Gnumakefile, gnumakefile, Makefile, makefile, mk) Mako (mako, mao) Markdown (, markdown, md, mdown, mdwn, mdx, mkd, mkdn, mkdown, ronn, workbook) Mathematica (cdf, ma, mathematica, mt, nbp, wl, wlt, m) MATLAB (m) Maven (pom, pom.xml) Meson ( Metal (metal) Modula3 (i3, ig, m3, mg) Mojo (mojom) MSBuild script (btproj, csproj, msbuild, vcproj, wdproj, wixproj) MUMPS (mps, m) Mustache (mustache) MXML (mxml) NAnt script (build) NASTRAN DMAP (dmap) Nemerle (n) Nim (nim, nim.cfg, nimble, nimrod, nims) Nix (nix) Objective-C (m) Objective-C++ (mm) OCaml (eliom, eliomi, ml, ml4, mli, mll, mly) Odin (odin) OpenCL (cl) Oracle Forms (fmt) Oracle PL/SQL (bod, fnc, prc, spc, trg) Oracle Reports (rex) Pascal (dpr, lpr, p, pas, pascal) Pascal/Puppet (pp) Patran Command Language (pcl, ses) PEG (peg) peg.js (pegjs) peggy (peggy) Perl (ack, al, cpanfile,, perl, ph, plh, plx, pm, psgi, rexfile, pl, p6) PHP (aw, ctp, phakefile, php, php3, php4, php5, php_cs, php_cs.dist, phps, phpt, phtml) PHP/Pascal (inc) Pig Latin (pig) PL/I (pl1) PL/M (lit, plm) PlantUML (puml) PO File (po) PowerBuilder (pbt, sra, srf, srm, srs, sru, srw) PowerShell (ps1, psd1, psm1) ProGuard (pro) Prolog (P, prolog, yap, pl, p6, pro) Properties (properties) Protocol Buffers (proto) Pug (jade, pug) PureScript (purs) Python (buck, build.bazel, gclient, gyp, gypi, lmi, py, py3, pyde, pyi, pyp, pyt, pyw, sconscript, sconstruct, snakefile, tac, workspace, wscript, wsgi, xpy) QML (qbs, qml) Qt (ui) Qt Linguist (ts) Qt Project (pro) R (expr-dist, R, r, rd, rprofile, rsx) Racket (rkt, rktd, rktl, scrbl) Raku (pm6, raku, rakumod) Raku/Prolog (P6, p6) RAML (raml) RapydScript (pyj) Razor (cshtml, razor) ReasonML (re, rei) ReScript (res, resi) reStructuredText (rest, rest.txt, rst, rst.txt) Rexx (pprx, rexx) Ring (rform, rh, ring) Rmd (Rmd) RobotFramework (robot) Ruby (appraisals, berksfile, brewfile, builder, buildfile, capfile, dangerfile, deliverfile, eye, fastfile, gemfile, gemfile.lock, gemspec, god, guardfile, irbrc, jarfile, jbuilder, mavenfile, mspec, podfile, podspec, pryrc, puppetfile, rabl, rake, rb, rbuild, rbw, rbx, ru, snapfile, thor, thorfile, vagrantfile, watchr) Ruby HTML (rhtml) Rust (rs, SaltStack (sls) SAS (sas) Sass (sass) Scala (kojo, sbt, scala) Scheme (sc, sch, scm, sld, sps, ss, sls) SCSS (scss) sed (sed) SKILL (il) SKILL++ (ils) Slice (ice) Slim (slim) Smalltalk (st, cs) Smarty (smarty, tpl) Softbridge Basic (SBL, sbl) Solidity (sol) SparForte (sp) Specman e (e) SQL (cql, mysql, psql, SQL, sql, tab, udf, viw) SQL Data (data.sql) SQL Stored Procedure (spc.sql, spoc.sql, sproc.sql, udf.sql) Squirrel (nut) Standard ML (fun, sig, sml) Starlark (bazel, bzl) Stata (ado, DO, do, doh, ihlp, mata, matah, sthlp) Stylus (styl) SugarSS (sss) Svelte (svelte) SVG (SVG, svg) Swift (swift) SWIG (i) TableGen (td) Tcl/Tk (itk, tcl, tk) Teamcenter met (met) Teamcenter mth (mth) TeX (aux, bbx, bib, bst, cbx, dtx, ins, lbx, ltx, mkii, mkiv, mkvi, sty, tex, cls) Text (text, txt) Thrift (thrift) TITAN Project File Information (tpd) Titanium Style Sheet (tss) TNSDL (cii, cin, in1, in2, in3, in4, inf, interface, rou, sdl, sdt, spd, ssc, sst) TOML (toml) tspeg (jspeg, tspeg) TTCN (ttcn, ttcn2, ttcn3, ttcnpp) Twig (twig) TypeScript (tsx, ts) Umka (um) Unity-Prefab (mat, prefab) Vala (vala) Vala Header (vapi) VB for Applications (VBA, vba) Velocity Template Language (vm) Verilog-SystemVerilog (sv, svh, v) VHDL (VHD, vhd, VHDL, vhdl, vhf, vhi, vho, vhs, vht, vhw) vim script (vim) Visual Basic (BAS, bas, ctl, dsr, frm, FRX, frx, VBHTML, vbhtml, vbp, vbw, cls) Visual Basic .NET (VB, vb, vbproj) Visual Basic Script (VBS, vbs) Visual Fox Pro (SCA, sca) Visual Studio Module (ixx) Visual Studio Solution (sln) Visualforce Component (component) Visualforce Page (page) Vuejs Component (vue) Web Services Description (wsdl) WebAssembly (wast, wat) Windows Message File (mc) Windows Module Definition (def) Windows Resource File (rc, rc2) WiX include (wxi) WiX source (wxs) WiX string localization (wxl) WXML (wxml) WXSS (wxss) X++ (xpo) XAML (xaml) xBase (prg, prw) xBase Header (ch) XHTML (xhtml) XMI (XMI, xmi) XML (adml, admx, ant, app.config, axml, builds, ccproj, ccxml, classpath, clixml, cproject, cscfg, csdef, csl, ct, depproj, ditamap, ditaval, dll.config, dotsettings, filters, fsproj, gmx, grxml, iml, ivy, jelly, jsproj, kml, launch, mdpolicy, mjml, natvis, ndproj, nproj, nuget.config, nuspec, odd, osm, packages.config, pkgproj, plist, proj, project, props, ps1xml, psc1, pt, rdf, resx, rss, scxml, settings.stylecop, sfproj, shproj, srdf, storyboard, sttheme, sublime-snippet, targets, tmcommand, tml, tmlanguage, tmpreferences, tmsnippet, tmtheme, urdf, ux, vcxproj, vsixmanifest, vssettings, vstemplate, vxml, web.config, web.debug.config, web.release.config, wsf, x3d, xacro, xib, xlf, xliff, XML, xml, xml.dist, xproj, xspec, xul, zcml) XQuery (xq, xql, xqm, xquery, xqy) XSD (XSD, xsd) XSLT (XSL, xsl, XSLT, xslt) Xtend (xtend) yacc (y, yacc) YAML (clang-format, clang-tidy, gemrc, glide.lock, mir, reek, rviz, sublime-syntax, syntax, yaml, yaml-tmlanguage, yml, yml.mysql) Zig (zig) zsh (zsh)