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Continuation of r-renato's Weather condition card (Lovelace) for Home Assistant.


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Weather Conditions Card

hacs_badge License Language grade: JavaScript Support Ukraine


Features ✨

  • Summary Weather Information
  • 🌡️ Detailed Current Weather Data
  • 📅 Detailed Forecast Weather Data
  • 🌊 Detailed Forecast Sea Weather Data
  • ☀️ Ultraviolet Radiation
  • 🌫️ Air Quality Data
  • 🌿 Pollen Data
  • ⚠️ Weather Alerts
  • 🎥 Camera Meteogram Display
  • 📷 Preferred Camera Display

Screenshots 📸

Full Weather Card Weather Card Example Weather Card Alternate Example

Terms of use

By using this project or its source code, for any purpose and in any shape or form, you grant your implicit agreement to all the following statements:

  • You condemn Russia and its military aggression against Ukraine
  • You recognize that Russia is an occupant that unlawfully invaded a sovereign state
  • You support Ukraine's territorial integrity, including its claims over temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas
  • You reject false narratives perpetuated by Russian state propaganda To learn more about the war and how you can help, click here. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦



This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

Just search for ha-card-weather-conditions-2025 in frontend plugins tab.


If you configure Lovelace via YAML, add a reference to ha-card-weather-conditions.js inside your configuration.yaml:

  1. Download vacuum-card.js file from the latest-release.

  2. Put ha-card-weather-conditions.js file into your config/www folder.

  3. Add reference to ha-card-weather-conditions.js in Lovelace. There's two way to do that:

  • Using UI: Configuration → Lovelace Dashboards → Resources Tab → Click Plus button → Set Url as /local/ha-card-weather-conditions.js → Set Resource type as JavaScript Module.
  • Using YAML: Add following code to lovelace section.
        - url: /local/ha-card-weather-conditions.js
          type: module
  1. Add custom: ha-card-weather-conditions.js to Lovelace UI as any other card (using either editor or YAML configuration).

Card Parameters

Name Type Required Default Description
type string ✅ Yes custom:ha-card-weather-conditions The custom card type
name string ❌ No (empty) Card name shown on summary layer
language string ❌ No en See Languages
animation boolean ❌ No false Enable/disable animations (true/false)
camera string ❌ No (empty) Camera entity for display
uv object ❌ No (empty) See Ultraviolet Radiation
pollen object ❌ No (empty) See Pollen Data
air_quality object ❌ No (empty) See Air Quality
alert object ❌ No (empty) See Alert Section
weather object ❌ No (empty) See Weather Card Parameters


Language Short Code
English en
Italiano it
Nederlands nl
Español es
Deutsch de
Français fr
Srpski sr
Português pt
Dansk da
Norsk (Nynorsk) nn
Čeština cs
Русский ru

Weather Card Parameters

The following parameters and card configurations are used to display the current and forecast weather data.

Parameters for the object: weather

Name Type Required Default Description
icons_model string ❌ No climacell Icons template to use. Valid values: climacell, darksky, openweathermap, buienradar, defaulthass
current object list ❌ No (empty) Current weather data
forecast object list ❌ No (empty) Forecast weather data

Current Weather Data

Parameters for the object list: current

Name Type Required Default Description
sun string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for sun data
moon_phase string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for moon phase data
current_conditions string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for current weather conditions
humidity string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for humidity data
pressure string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for atmospheric pressure
temperature string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for temperature data
feels_like string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for feels-like temperature data
visibility string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for visibility data
wind_bearing string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for wind bearing data
wind_speed string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for wind speed data
precipitation string ❌ No (empty) Sensor ID for precipitation data
forecast boolean ❌ No false Show daily forecast for temperature and precipitation if set to true.

Display the Summary Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Summary Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
  language: it
  animation: true
    icons_model: climacell
      sun: sun.sun
      moon_phase: sensor.cc_test_moon_phase
      current_conditions: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition
      temperature: sensor.cc_test_temperature
      feels_like: sensor.cc_test_feels_like

Display the Current Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card Home Assistant lovelace card

Current Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
    icons_model: climacell
      sun: sun.sun
      humidity: sensor.cc_test_humidity_percentage
      pressure: sensor.cc_test_barometric_pressure
      visibility: sensor.cc_test_visibility
      wind_bearing: sensor.cc_test_wind_direction
      wind_speed: sensor.cc_test_wind_speed
      precipitation: sensor.cc_test_precipitation
  # Optional:
  # add to display current day forecast weather
      forecast: true
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_0d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_0d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_0d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_0d

Display the Summary & Current Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Summary & Current Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
    icons_model: climacell
      sun: sun.sun
      moon_phase: sensor.cc_test_moon_phase
      current_conditions: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition
      temperature: sensor.cc_test_temperature
      feels_like: sensor.cc_test_feels_like
      humidity: sensor.cc_test_humidity_percentage
      pressure: sensor.cc_test_barometric_pressure
      visibility: sensor.cc_test_visibility
      wind_bearing: sensor.cc_test_wind_direction
      wind_speed: sensor.cc_test_wind_speed
      precipitation: sensor.cc_test_precipitation
  # Optional:
  # add to display current day forecast weather
      forecast: true
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_0d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_0d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_0d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_0d

** Forecast Weather Data**

Parameters for the object list: forecast

Name Type Required Description
meteogram string ❌ No Camera ID for the meteogram data
icons object list ❌ No Sensor IDs for weather icons
temperature_high object list ❌ No Sensor IDs for high temperature values
temperature_low object list ❌ No Sensor IDs for low temperature values
precipitation_probability object list ❌ No Sensor IDs for precipitation probabilities
precipitation_intensity object list ❌ No Sensor IDs for precipitation intensity

Parameters for the object list: icons, temperature_high, temperature_low, precipitation_probability, precipitation_intensity

Name Type Required Description
day_1 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the current day forecast.
day_2 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the second day forecast.
day_3 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the third day forecast.
day_4 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the fourth day forecast.
day_5 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the fifth day forecast.

Display the Forecast Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Forecast Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
  language: it
  animation: true
    icons_model: climacell
      meteogram: camera.cc_test_c2
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_4d
Forecast Layer, advanced examples of card setup

To capitalize the name of the days of the week use style directive:

  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  style: |
    .dayname {
      text-transform: capitalize;

** Sea Forecast Weather Data**

Parameters for the object list: sea

Name Type Required Description
swell_direction object list ❌ No Sensor ID for swell direction data
swell_height object list ❌ No Sensor ID for swell height data
swell_period object list ❌ No Sensor ID for swell period data
wind_direction object list ❌ No Sensor ID for wind direction data
wind_speed object list ❌ No Sensor ID for wind speed data
air_temperature object list ❌ No Sensor ID for air temperature data
water_temperature object list ❌ No Sensor ID for water temperature data

Parameters for the object list: swell_direction, swell_height, swell_period, wind_direction, wind_speed, air_temperature, water_temperature

Name Type Required Description
hour_1 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 1.
hour_2 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 2.
hour_3 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 3.
hour_4 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 4.
hour_5 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 5.
hour_6 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 6.
hour_7 string ❌ No Sensor ID for the forecast for hour 7.

Display the Sea Forecast Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Sea Forecast Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
  language: it
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_direction_0h
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_height_0h
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_swell_period_0h
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_direction_0h
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_wind_speed_0h
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_air_temperature_0h
      hour_1: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h
      hour_2: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h
      hour_3: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h
      hour_4: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h
      hour_5: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h
      hour_6: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h
      hour_7: sensor.sg_piscinas_water_temperature_0h

Ultraviolet Radiation Parameters

The card has been tested with the sensors provided by openuv integrations.

Parameters for the object: uv

Name Type Required Description
protection_window string ❌ No Binary sensor indicating the protection window status.
ozone_level string ❌ No Ozone level in Dobson Units (du) from the OMI data sensor.
uv_index string ❌ No Sensor providing the UV Index.
uv_level string ❌ No Sensor providing the UV level.
max_uv_index string ❌ No Maximum UV Index for the day (measured at solar noon).
set_skin_type_1 string ❌ No Safe exposure time (in minutes) till burn for Skin Type 1.
set_skin_type_2 string ❌ No Safe exposure time (in minutes) till burn for Skin Type 2.
set_skin_type_3 string ❌ No Safe exposure time (in minutes) till burn for Skin Type 3.
set_skin_type_4 string ❌ No Safe exposure time (in minutes) till burn for Skin Type 4.
set_skin_type_5 string ❌ No Safe exposure time (in minutes) till burn for Skin Type 5.
set_skin_type_6 string ❌ No Safe exposure time (in minutes) till burn for Skin Type 6.

Display the Ultraviolet Radiation Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Ultraviolet Radiation Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
    protection_window: binary_sensor.protection_window
    ozone_level: sensor.current_ozone_level
    uv_index: sensor.current_uv_index
    uv_level: sensor.current_uv_level
    max_uv_index: sensor.max_uv_index
    set_skin_type_1: sensor.skin_type_1_safe_exposure_time
    set_skin_type_2: sensor.skin_type_2_safe_exposure_time
    set_skin_type_3: sensor.skin_type_3_safe_exposure_time
    set_skin_type_4: sensor.skin_type_4_safe_exposure_time
    set_skin_type_5: sensor.skin_type_5_safe_exposure_time
    set_skin_type_6: sensor.skin_type_6_safe_exposure_time

Pollen Parameters

The card has been tested with the sensors provided by climacell integrations.

Parameters for the object: pollen

Name Type Required Description
tree object list ❌ No Object list for pollen trees.
weed object list ❌ No Object list for pollen weeds.
grass object list ❌ No Object list for pollen grasses.

Parameters for the object list: tree, weed, grass

Name Type Required Description
entity string ✅ Yes Sensor ID for the pollen data.
icon string ❌ No Icon override for the sensor.
min number ✅ Yes Minimum sensor value.
max number ✅ Yes Maximum sensor value.
low number ❌ No Low pollen value (must satisfy: min < low < high < max).
high number ❌ No High pollen value (must satisfy: min < low < high < max).

Display the Pollen Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Pollen Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
      entity: sensor.cc_test_pollen_tree
      min: 0
      max: 5
      low: 1
      high: 3
      entity: sensor.cc_test_pollen_weed
      min: 0
      max: 5
      low: 1
      high: 3
      entity: sensor.cc_test_pollen_grass
      min: 0
      max: 5
      low: 1
      high: 3

Air Quality Parameters

Parameters for the object: air_quality

Name Type Required Description
pm25 string ❌ No Sensor ID for PM2.5 data.
pm10 string ❌ No Sensor ID for PM10 data.
o3 string ❌ No Sensor ID for ozone (O3) data.
no2 string ❌ No Sensor ID for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) data.
co string ❌ No Sensor ID for carbon monoxide (CO) data.
so2 string ❌ No Sensor ID for sulfur dioxide (SO2) data.
epa_aqi string ❌ No Sensor ID for EPA Air Quality Index (AQI).
epa_health_concern string ❌ No Sensor ID for EPA health concern level.

Display the Air Quality Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Air Quality Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
    pm25: sensor.cc_test_pm25
    pm10: sensor.cc_test_pm10
    o3: sensor.cc_test_o3
    no2: sensor.cc_test_no2
    co: sensor.cc_test_co
    so2: sensor.cc_test_so2
    epa_aqi: sensor.cc_test_epa_aqi
    epa_health_concern: sensor.cc_test_epa_health_concern

Alert Parameters

Parameters for the object: alert

Name Type Required Description
fire_risk object list ❌ No Object list for fire risk data.
thunderstorms_risk object list ❌ No Object list for thunderstorms risk.
hydraulic_risk object list ❌ No Object list for hydraulic risk data.
hydrogeological_risk object list ❌ No Object list for hydrogeological risk data.

Parameters for the object list: fire_risk

Name Type Required Description
entity string ✅ Yes Sensor ID for the entity.
icon number ❌ No Name of the icon to use instead of the default sensor icon.
min number ✅ Yes Minimum sensor value.
max number ✅ Yes Maximum sensor value.
show_if_ge number ❌ No Show alert if the value is greater than or equal to this value.

Parameters for the object list: thunderstorms_risk, hydraulic_risk, hydrogeological_risk

Name Type Required Description
entity string ✅ Yes Sensor ID for the entity.
icon number ❌ No Name of the icon to use instead of the default sensor icon.
show_if_on number ❌ No Show alert if the value is on.

Display the Alert Layer

Home Assistant lovelace card

Alert Layer, example of card setup
  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
  language: it
      entity: sensor.cc_test_fire_index
      icon: mdi:campfire
      min: 1
      max: 100
      show_if_ge: 15
      entity: binary_sensor.dpc_acquafredda_temporali_oggi
      show_if_on: true
      entity: binary_sensor.dpc_acquafredda_idraulico_oggi
      entity: binary_sensor.dpc_acquafredda_idrogeologico_oggi

Other examples

Climacell full card

  type: custom:ha-card-weather-conditions
  name: "cc_test"
  language: it
  animation: true
  camera: camera.cc_test_c1
      entity: sensor.cc_test_pollen_tree
      min: 0
      max: 5
      low: 1
      high: 3
      entity: sensor.cc_test_pollen_weed
      min: 0
      max: 5
      low: 1
      high: 3
      entity: sensor.cc_test_pollen_grass
      min: 0
      max: 5
      low: 1
      high: 3
    pm25: sensor.cc_test_pm25
    pm10: sensor.cc_test_pm10
    o3: sensor.cc_test_o3
    no2: sensor.cc_test_no2
    co: sensor.cc_test_co
    so2: sensor.cc_test_so2
    epa_aqi: sensor.cc_test_epa_aqi
    epa_health_concern: sensor.cc_test_epa_health_concern
    icons_model: climacell
      sun: sun.sun
      current_conditions: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition
      humidity: sensor.cc_test_humidity_percentage
      pressure: sensor.cc_test_barometric_pressure
      temperature: sensor.cc_test_temperature
      visibility: sensor.cc_test_visibility
      wind_bearing: sensor.cc_test_wind_direction
      wind_speed: sensor.cc_test_wind_speed
      precipitation: sensor.cc_test_precipitation
      forecast: true
      meteogram: camera.cc_test_c2
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_weather_condition_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_temperature_max_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_temperature_min_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_probability_4d
        day_1: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_0d
        day_2: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_1d
        day_3: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_2d
        day_4: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_3d
        day_5: sensor.cc_test_precipitation_max_4d


Continuation of r-renato's Weather condition card (Lovelace) for Home Assistant.







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