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Debug Description

Patrick-Kladek edited this page May 25, 2017 · 3 revisions

This class creates a Textual representation of your objects.

Call this method and you get a nicely formatted output.

+ (CocoaDebugDescription *)debugDescriptionForObject:(NSObject *)obj;


// Create some object
Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
[person setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"image.jpg"]];
[person setFirstName:@"Patrick"];
[person setLastName:@"Kladek"];
[person setBirthday:[NSDate dateWithString:@"1996-07-04 01:00:00 +0100"]];

// Create description
NSLog([[CocoaDebugDescription debugDescriptionForObject:person] stringRepresentation]);


2017-05-25 18:47:26.309 Test Application[29862:303] <0x10027f570> Person {
	NSImage      image = size: 800x800
	NSString firstName = Patrick
	NSString  lastName = Kladek
	NSDate    birthday = 1996-07-04 00:00:00 +0000
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