Dashboard - Rev
- Route to dashboard
Envelopes - Brock
- Read in transactions (total balance)
Acccounts - Erfan
Transactions - Esteban
- Read transactions
- Write transaction
- Better Date picker
- Edit/Delete transaction
Reports - Rommel
- Drawer not showing up on some activities
- Meyz:
- Add share/export pdf of reports
- On Envelopes page, textview positions need to adjust.
- On the Account page, change the buttons so that users can understand that they will
- Mahid
- Add more details for the quick add button so that users understand what the button is for
- On the transactions page, add a sort button based on different factors
- Sana:
- On the new transactions, for the date, the drop-down menu is easier for the user
- On the account page, there is no need for the show all button; the app can show all the transactions in a simple window with a scroll bar.