Windows 10 IoT C# driver library for GrovePi
The NuGet package for the current release is available here.
All supported sensors are available through the DeviceFactory class.
Supported sensors include:
- Relay
- Led
- TemperatureAndHumiditySensor
- UltraSonicSensor
- AccelerometerSensor
- RealTimeClock
- BuildLedBar
- FourDigitDisplay
- ChainableRgbLed
- RotaryAngleSensor
- Buzzer
- SoundSensor
- LightSensor
- ButtonSensor
- RgbLcdDisplay
#####Examples Below are some simple examples of how to use the library.
######Measure Distance Ultra sonic sensor plugged into digital pin 2 (D2)
var distance = DeviceFactory.Build.UltraSonicSensor(Pin.DigitalPin2).MeasureInCentimeters();
######Display Hello World
DeviceFactory.Build.RgbLcdDisplay().SetText("Hello World").SetBacklightRgb(0, 255, 255);
######Sound the buzzer! Sound the buzzer plugged into digital pin 2 (D2)