An unfinished program that runs underneath all other programs to simulate a dynamic desktop. No plans on finishing.
Anyone has any desire to use any part of this project is more than welcome to.
BackgroundPong.cs is in a primitive state and while it does work, it doesn't feel as visually appealing as I wanted originally.
Running the gifs is relatively performance heavy. WinForms was not meant for this...
Usage: The program runs in the taskbar where right clicking the...generic icon...will allow you to select one of four modes.
Credits: I would like to note that the darksouls gif is not my art and was made by ZedoTagger (
Many new Gifs by: KIROKAZE (
Some other gifs I'm not sure on the source of. BE CAREFUL WITH LICENSING ON THESE!
The two regions at the top of MainForm.cs are also not my code and were found on a stack overflow post that I have since lost.