This is a simple project that can be used to generate a mvn archetype for storm projects. This is still work in progress so its not yet published to mvn central.
Right now all this archetype does is generate a project structure with a sample wordcount topology and sets up a pom.xml with storm-core dependency. This will give you a good starting point without having to generate all the boilerplate by hand.
#How to use it?
- git clone
- cd storm-archetype
- mvn clean install (This will install this archetype in your local mvn repo)
- cd (to a location where you want to keep your new shiny storm project)
- mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.storm -DarchetypeArtifactId=storm-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=(your-group) -DartifactId=(your-artifactId)
- You should now have a storm project under current directory with folder name same as your-artifactId.
- cd (your-artifactId)
- mvn clean compile assembly:single (This will generate a jar with all dependencies)
- storm jar target/(your-artifactId)-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar apache.storm.topology.Topology (topology-name). (This assumes you have storm client installed locally)
- Trident examples.
- Connector examples.
- Sample test cases to test bolts,spouts and topologies.