Releases: ParadoxGameConverters/paradoxGameConverters
In addition to supporting HoI4 1.3, this release has focused on state-level items (as will all releases until 0.2).
Naval base, airbase, and infrastructure conversion have been reviewed and touched up. Artisans now count for factory conversion. Fort, coastal fort, air defense, and radar station have been reviewed and excluded from conversion.
Army and navy conversion have received some touched ups, and Vic2 great powers get some bonuses after converting.
And the resources from the Increased Resources mod have been incorporated, making it a little more fair if you aren't in Europe.
Finally, I've cleaned up the code a bunch again. If you've tried to help with programming before and just gotten confused, it's somewhat better now.
If you're curious about how conversion works, you can check the tool's wiki page for all kinds of details. If any of it is unclear, feel free to ask us to clarify (and even suggest how we can be more clear).
In any case, I hope you enjoy this new release!
How you can help
All of this happens on this thread.
Programmers: we can always use more programmers. The converter itself is in C++, and the tools that go with it are in C#. And if you know anything about parsing tools like lex and yacc, I’m curious to try replacing our Boost::Spirit-based parser (but don’t have the time to try it myself). If you're familiar with Boost::Spirit, the existing parser could use updates instead.
Map-staring experts: with the changes to victory points, its clear that the province mappings need more work. The order that HoI4 provinces are linked make a difference for where things like VPs end up, so if you can update province mappings (and send me the file) for areas you know, that'd be helpful.
Flag-lovers: For reasons that have been discussed in boring detail on the development thread, we can't use flags from Vic2 itself. From what I understand, the converter can use PDM's flags as long as we put a note in the readme file. But I'm worried there might be cases where the PDM tags don't match the Vic2 tags and the flags would be wrong. If someone could check to make sure that's not true (or document the cases where it is), I can add those flags and make lots of errors go away.
Artists: We're going to eventually need lots of leader portraits for as many Vic2 cultures as possible. If you want to get a head start on creating them, it'd be very helpful. As well, if you want to create flags we're missing, that'd also be great. Especially as we have more ideologies than the base game, and some just reuse flags from other ideologies, which is boring. :p
Testers: Catching bugs and oddities earlier means they get fixed earlier. I try to release test versions of the converter on the forum for testing, so running those and looking things over is helpful. And if you have professional experience in testing, well, I'm sure we could be doing things far better. Tell me how!
Modders: We can always use help figuring out how things work, and how we can do them better. If you know how to mod HoI4, we can use your help figuring it out. As well, there's always more room for flavor events, decisions, and the like.
Everyone: We can always handle more discussion on how things are converted over on the development thread. As well, I try to document implemented items over on the project wiki. And your encouragement helps more than you know.
This release is mostly support 1.18. Thanks to RonWeber, institutions now can lead to westernization. There are some other smaller fixes, too, but not much for this release.
I'll be focusing on Vic2 to HoI4 for a while, so if you want 1.19 compatibility once it comes out, please help with programming or recruit other programmers to help out. I just can't keep up these days.
EU4 to Vic2 1.0B
This release has a number of minor fixes. I've checked it out for 1.17, and it works properly. If you had a bug with the last version and reported it, it should be fixed.
I also made a bunch of internal improvements to make it more maintainable. As part of this, it should now easier to port to Linux or Mac (sorry if you tried before and your work was lost).
I'll be focusing on Vic2 to HoI4 for a while, so if you want 1.18 compatibility once Rights of Man comes out, please help with programming or recruit other programmers to help out. I just can't keep up these days.
Vic2 to HoI4 0.1A
In addition to fixing several bugs, this release has focused on state-level items (as will all releases until 0.2).
More flags are brought over from Vic2, though we can still use some help in getting the rest of them (see the "How you can help" section for details). In cases where we have permission from the creator, we simply use the flags from a Vic2 mod you've played with. So far we've done this with PDM, NNM, and Divergences. If you'd like your mod's flags to be used when a game is converted from your mod, let me know. If you think there's a mod I should add, let me know so I can ask the creator. And if you know how to contact the creator of HPM so I can ask permission, please please let me know how.
Manpower conversion has been reviewed and touched up. You can check the log file after converting to see how much manpower there is in your converted game, and if you feel its too high or low, there's an option to adjust it.
Factory conversion has been greatly reworked. In the log file, there's a report of how many factories ended up in the converted world. There's a hidden option you can set in the configuration file to make the converter create a more detailed report. There's an option to tweak the amount of factories in the world. And there's an option that should allow for better balancing of industry between nations.
Victory points have been much improved. All states get a VP with a value of one. If the state is a core of its owner, it gets the value increased by two. Capital states get five more added to their VP, with Vic2 great powers getting an additional five. After that, capital VPs are handed out based on a country's relative strength in the world, the strongest getting 30. Let me know how the VPs work out. They also have names now. And they may end up positioned a bit oddly. You can help fix that (see the "How you can help" section below).
Localisations have been improved. Spanish, French, and German directly pull those languages from Vic2 instead of copying the English. Polish, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese copy English instead of having nothing. Unfortunately, those languages aren't in Vic2 at all, so copying one of the four that is there is as good as I can do. If one of the other four would be better than English, let me know so I can fix it.
I've updated the FAQ with questions people have asked.
And I've cleaned up the code a bunch. If you've tried to help with programming before and just gotten confused, it's somewhat better now.
How you can help
Programmers: we can always use more programmers. The converter itself is in C++, and the tools that go with it are in C#. And if you know anything about parsing tools like lex and yacc, I’m curious to try replacing our Boost::Spirit-based parser (but don’t have the time to try it myself).
Map-staring experts: with the changes to victory points, its clear that the province mappings need more work. The order that HoI4 provinces are linked make a difference for where things like VPs end up, so if you can update province mappings (and send me the file) for areas you know, that'd be helpful. Also, there's a plan for resources that needs the creation of a data file with the locations of all potential resources world-wide. If you'd like to help creating it, that could make sure I'm actually able to convert resources in a better way.
Flag-lovers: For reasons that have been discussed in boring detail on the development thread, we can't use flags from Vic2 itself. From what I understand, the converter can use PDM's flags as long as we put a note in the readme file. But I'm worried there might be cases where the PDM tags don't match the Vic2 tags and the flags would be wrong. If someone could check to make sure that's not true (or document the cases where it is), I can add those flags and make lots of errors go away.
Artists: We're going to eventually need lots of leader portraits for as many Vic2 cultures as possible. If you want to get a head start on creating them, it'd be very helpful. As well, if you want to create flags we're missing, that'd also be great. Especially as we have more ideologies than the base game, and some just reuse flags from other ideologies, which is boring. :-P
Testers: Catching bugs and oddities earlier means they get fixed earlier. I try to release test versions of the converter on the forum for testing, so running those and looking things over is helpful. And if you have professional experience in testing, well, I'm sure we could be doing things far better. Tell me how!
Modders: We can always use help figuring out how things work, and how we can do them better. If you know how to mod HoI4, we can use your help figuring it out. As well, there's always more room for flavor events, decisions, and the like.
Everyone: We can always handle more discussion on how things are converted over on the development thread. As well, I try to document implemented items over on the project wiki. And your encouragement helps more than you know.
Lots of balancing left to do
Lots of errors if you put HoI4 in debug mode
County flags sometimes 'flicker'
Sometimes it crashes while outputting the mod. Just try converting again.
With version 0.1 of the converter, everything should be in place for a playable conversion. Many details are rough, many details are unbalanced, many details are ugly, but all the major systems are in place. Also, if I've done things right, MSVCP140.dll errors should have gone away entirely (please let me know if they didn't).
This also includes some pretty cool work by thatsgerman to create new national focuses for countries to try to start a world war.
There's still lots to do, and we could use your help. If you're a programmer, there's lots of coding that needs doing. If you're an artist, there are a lot of flags that need making, plus I think we need some UI elements, and we'll definitely need more minister portraits. If you're decent with maps, the province mappings need reviewing. Even if you're bad at maps, there's probably one corner of the world you know well, and we'd love for you to double-check it. If you know QA, we could use a proper test plan, as well as more people to do testing. And if you just use this converter, we could use feedback about what's confusing, difficult, weird, or wrong (well, some compliments, too). You can head over to this thread to help out with development.
If you're curious about how conversion works, you can check the tool's wiki page for all kinds of details. If any of it is unclear, feel free to ask us to clarify (and even suggest how we can be more clear).
In any case, I hope you enjoy this new release!
So, yes, the version number is 0.0. This is a very minimal version of the converter. It should create a mod that can load and mostly has territory owned by the right countries. Beyond that, it'll be completely unplayable. I expect it'll crash if you try to unpause.
Why am I releasing it then? Well, it'll help catch some kinds of errors. And maybe you'll be interested in helping out after seeing it (this thread is where we're handling the development).
As well, I think I've fixed handling non-latin characters. Unfortunately, thanks to Windows being screwy, I can't test it. If you have a non-English or multi-language Windows installation and have a documents folder with 'funny' characters in tit (umlauts or Cyrillic for instance), then I am very interested in hearing from you. Can the converter find your folders? As well, is it possible to save a Vic2 game with some of those characters in the name? What does the converter do with such a save?
In any case, I hope you enjoy this peek at the converter's development.
This may well be the last release for this converter. Certainly I won't be actively working on it. But if improvements come in from other people, I'll gladly do new releases. But my effort is going to be on creating Vic2ToHoI4 and supporting EU4ToVic2.
There are a ton of improvements in this release. Most notable will be massive fixes to IC, manpower, and leadership conversion. As well, there are more airbases. Finally, army conversion has been reworked to hopefully create better army divisions in HoI3.
If you're interested in how things are converted, the project wiki has the details on everything.
Last release, I thought there was hardly anything left to do. Boy was I wrong. I've made a good dent in the task list, but there's still plenty to do. The issues page on the repository has more details. Nevertheless, this version is much improved from 1.0. The changes list below has details, as its a somewhat scattered set of changes.
Much of that improvement is thanks to Hibernian, who has updated province mappings in much of the world. He has my greatest sympathies for this task, as my small amount of work there demonstrated the truth of his statement, "I must say that this has reminded me what a work of art the VIC2 map is, and what a monstrosity the HOI3 map is."
As well, he provided a PDM save and asked nicely for me to get it to work (and updated the necessary data files), so there is a PDM patch that you can also download for the converter. Just unzip it into the converter directory (Windows should ask about replacing files, tell it yes). Make sure to specify PDM as a mod when you run the converter.
I expect I will do one more release after this one, resolving the remaining issues and hopefully fixing any new bugs or oddities. So if you notice any, now is the time to bring them up! After that, I will be using the code from this converter to kick off Vic2ToHoI4. At least, I will once HoI4 come out and work can begin.
- Download the converter and unzip it wherever.
- Run ConverterFrontend.exe.
- Fill out all the options and keep pressing next.
- Let it run.
- Start Victoria 2, and select the mod.
This release provides compatibility with EU4 1.16 (Mare Nostrum). There are a few more minor fixes, but most of my development effort has been towards wrapping up Vic2ToHoI3 and prepping everything for Vic2ToHoI4.
If you know how to make events and decisions, we would love for you to work on adding flavor the the converter. The HRE-related decisions need some more touching up, as well. I would love if people suggested and wrote more decisions and events of all kinds for the converter. Send them my way, please!
In case you missed it, thatsgerman created a minimod to add to the converter that gives some decisions to help the Americas be a bit more dynamic. Forum link/Download link. And over on reddit, there was a guide for preparing for conversion by /u/cavesnail.
Supports EU4 1.16
Culture mapping updates
Province mapping updates
Fixes to pop totals conversion
Port blacklist updates
How you can help
There are a few areas where we still need help. If you'd like to help, you can:
Review province mappings
Review culture mappings
Update idea effects
Write events and decisions
Aid with programming
If you'd like to help, feel free to ask for details on how.