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Some WIP C# classes
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IhateTrains committed Oct 29, 2024
1 parent 2293dd5 commit 4f9688c
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Showing 43 changed files with 1,546 additions and 1,805 deletions.
140 changes: 0 additions & 140 deletions CK3ToEU4/Source/CK3/Characters/Character.cpp

This file was deleted.

230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions CK3ToEU4/Source/CK3/Characters/Character.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@

using CK3ToEU4.CK3.Characters;

namespace CK3

struct Skills
int diplomacy = 0;
int martial = 0;
int stewardship = 0;
int intrigue = 0;
int learning = 0;

class Character
Character(std::istream& theStream, long long characterID)
charID = characterID;


[[nodiscard]] auto isDead() const { return dead; }
[[nodiscard]] auto isKnight() const { return knight; }
[[nodiscard]] auto isFemale() const { return female; }
[[nodiscard]] auto isCouncilor() const { return councilor; }
[[nodiscard]] auto getID() const { return charID; }
[[nodiscard]] auto getPiety() const { return piety; }
[[nodiscard]] auto getPrestige() const { return prestige; }
[[nodiscard]] auto getGold() const { return gold; }
[[nodiscard]] auto isSpent() const { return spent; } // Used to mark characters (advisors) so they cannot be reused in different tag.
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getName() const { return name; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getBirthDate() const { return birthDate; }

[[nodiscard]] const auto& getCulture() const { return culture; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getFaith() const { return faith; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getEmployer() const { return employer; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getSpouse() const { return spouse; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getHouse() const { return house; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getTraits() const { return traits; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getClaims() const { return claims; }

[[nodiscard]] const auto& getSkills() const { return skills; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getCharacterDomain() const { return characterDomain; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getCourtierNames() const { return courtierNames; }
[[nodiscard]] const auto& getCouncilors() const { return councilors; }

[[nodiscard]] auto getTempTitle() const { return tempTitle; }
[[nodiscard]] auto getAccumulated() const { return accumulated; }

void loadCulture(const std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Culture>>& theCulture) { culture = theCulture; }
void loadFaith(const std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Faith>>& theFaith) { faith = theFaith; }
void loadHouse(const std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<House>>& theHouse) { house = theHouse; }
void loadRealmCapital(const std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Title>>& theRealmCapital) { characterDomain->loadRealmCapital(theRealmCapital); }
void loadDomain(const std::vector<std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Title>>>& theDomain) { characterDomain->loadDomain(theDomain); }
void loadClaims(const std::map<long long, std::shared_ptr<Title>>& theClaims) { claims = theClaims; }
void loadEmployer(const std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Character>>& theEmployer) { employer = theEmployer; }
void loadSpouse(const std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Character>>& theSpouse) { spouse = theSpouse; }
void resetSpouse() { spouse.reset(); }
void resetEmployer() { employer.reset(); }
void loadTraits(const std::map<int, std::string>& theTraits) { traits = theTraits; }

// processing
void dropTitleFromDomain(long long titleID)
if (characterDomain)
std::vector<std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Title>>> replacementDomain;
for (const auto& title: characterDomain->getDomain())
if (title.first != titleID)
void loadCourtierNames(const std::map<std::string, bool>& theNames) { courtierNames = theNames; }
void loadCouncilors(const std::map<long long, std::shared_ptr<Character>>& newCouncilors) { councilors = newCouncilors; }

// poking
[[nodiscard]] bool hasTrait(const std::string& wantedTrait)
return std::any_of(traits.begin(), traits.end(), [wantedTrait](const std::pair<int, std::string>& trait) {
return trait.second == wantedTrait;
void setSpent() { spent = true; }

void registerKeys()
registerKeyword("first_name", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
name = commonItems::singleString(theStream).getString();
registerKeyword("birth", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
birthDate = date(commonItems::singleString(theStream).getString());
registerKeyword("dead_data", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
commonItems::ignoreItem(unused, theStream);
dead = true;
registerKeyword("culture", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
culture = std::pair(commonItems::singleLlong(theStream).getLlong(), nullptr);
if (culture->first == 4294967295)
registerKeyword("faith", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
faith = std::pair(commonItems::singleLlong(theStream).getLlong(), nullptr);
if (faith->first == 4294967295)
registerKeyword("dynasty_house", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
house = std::pair(commonItems::singleLlong(theStream).getLlong(), nullptr);
registerKeyword("skill", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto& skillList = commonItems::intList(theStream).getInts();
if (skillList.size() > 5)
skills.diplomacy = skillList[0];
skills.martial = skillList[1];
skills.stewardship = skillList[2];
skills.intrigue = skillList[3];
skills.learning = skillList[4];
Log(LogLevel::Error) << "Character " << charID << " has a malformed skills block! Size: " << skillList.size();
registerKeyword("traits", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
for (const auto traitID: commonItems::intList(theStream).getInts())
traits.insert(std::pair(traitID, std::string()));
registerKeyword("alive_data", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto tempBlock = Character(theStream, charID);
piety = tempBlock.getPiety();
prestige = tempBlock.getPrestige();
gold = tempBlock.getGold();
claims = tempBlock.getClaims();
registerKeyword("piety", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto tempBlock = Character(theStream, charID);
piety = tempBlock.getAccumulated();
registerKeyword("prestige", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto tempBlock = Character(theStream, charID);
prestige = tempBlock.getAccumulated();
registerKeyword("accumulated", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
accumulated = commonItems::singleDouble(theStream).getDouble();
registerKeyword("gold", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
gold = commonItems::singleDouble(theStream).getDouble();
registerKeyword("court_data", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto tempBlock = Character(theStream, charID);
employer = tempBlock.getEmployer();
knight = tempBlock.isKnight();
councilor = tempBlock.isCouncilor();
registerKeyword("employer", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
employer = std::make_pair(commonItems::singleLlong(theStream).getLlong(), nullptr);
registerKeyword("knight", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
knight = commonItems::singleString(theStream).getString() == "yes";
registerRegex("council_task|special_council_tasks", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
councilor = true;
commonItems::ignoreItem(unused, theStream);
registerKeyword("female", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
female = commonItems::singleString(theStream).getString() == "yes";
registerKeyword("landed_data", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
characterDomain = CharacterDomain(theStream);
registerKeyword("family_data", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto tempBlock = Character(theStream, charID);
spouse = tempBlock.getSpouse();
registerKeyword("primary_spouse", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
spouse = std::make_pair(commonItems::singleLlong(theStream).getLlong(), nullptr);
registerKeyword("claim", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
const auto blobList = commonItems::blobList(theStream).getBlobs();
for (const auto& blob: blobList)
auto blobStream = std::stringstream(blob);
const auto titleID = Character(blobStream, charID).getTempTitle();
if (titleID)
claims.insert(std::pair(titleID, nullptr));
registerKeyword("title", [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream) {
tempTitle = commonItems::singleLlong(theStream).getLlong();
registerRegex(commonItems::catchallRegex, commonItems::ignoreItem);

bool knight = false;
bool female = false;
bool councilor = false;
long long charID = 0;
double piety = 0;
double prestige = 0;
double gold = 0;
std::string name;
date birthDate = date("1.1.1");
bool dead = false;
bool spent = false;

std::optional<std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Culture>>> culture;
std::optional<std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Faith>>> faith;
std::optional<std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Character>>> employer;
std::optional<std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<Character>>> spouse;
std::pair<long long, std::shared_ptr<House>> house;
std::map<int, std::string> traits;
std::map<long long, std::shared_ptr<Title>> claims;

Skills skills;
std::optional<CharacterDomain> characterDomain;
std::map<std::string, bool> courtierNames; // A simple list of people's names and genders. True=male.
std::map<long long, std::shared_ptr<Character>> councilors;

long long tempTitle = 0; // temporary variable for recursive scrapes.
double accumulated = 0; // temporary variable for recursive scrapes.

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