7.27.1 (2024-04-16)
- add prettier-plugin-organize-imports (#9637) (7d1086d)
- margin spacing on hover (#9635) (4f25cba)
- Migrate webpack dev server settings to v5 (#9644) (a21f1d0)
- vuln patch for undici (#9622) (c2a3a43)
- add ip-to-server script dir to zip file (#9645) (19a6689)
- docker: delete all files used by old PPMIs and old Docker images (#9648) (a01cf2b)
- fix ironbank action file copy (#9638) (e3635ee)
- Improve Activity Library focus and hover states (#9626) (6f1c1d9)
- migration reflection groups to pg (#9514) (ddb4244)
- Remove old template editing logic (#9627) (8552d43)