A display device for CAN data.
- Connect to the CAN bus and get data/power from there
- Display shift light via an array of neopixels
- Display additional data via an OLED display
- Control display data via a rotary encoder
- (backlog) On-device configuration
- SCL -> D1
- SDA -> D2
- CLK -> D5
- DT -> D6
- SW -> D7
- DI -> D8
Home <ShowDefaultScreen()>
- Settings
- Info <ShowSplashScreen()>
- Max RPM (0...20000 step 500)
- Brightness
- Autodim
- Enabled
- Disabled
- Day (0...255 step 10)
- Night (0...255 step 10)
- Settings -> Settings
- Autodim
- Test
- RPM (0...20000 step 500)
- Strip <StripLaunch()>
- Settings -> Settings
- Display // this sets the info shown on the SSD1306 display
- Engine speed
- Vehicle speed
- ? Turbo RPM
- ? Turbo PSI
- ? (other turbo params)
- Settings -> Settings
- Pattern // this sets the patterns for the WS2812 LED strip
- ITA // (GREENx1/3, WHITEx1/3, REDx1/3, BLUE BLINKxALL)
- F1 // (GREENx1/3, YELLOWx1/3, BLUEx1/3, BLUE BLINKxALL)
- Exit -> Home
The FIAT 500 Abarth is KWP FAST CAN 29bit, its using the ISO 15765-4 protocol.
Four variants of ISO15765 exist. They differ only in identifier length and bus speed:
ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID,500 Kbaud) ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID,500 Kbaud) ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID,250 Kbaud) ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID,250 Kbaud)