This is a little library that provides an improved way to use Result
in Kotlin, with custom error types and also a way to avoid wrapping result objects into Ok and Error wrapper objects.
There are two cool ways, in Kotlin standard library, to handle errors: kotlin.Result
and sealed classes; though both present some limitations.
The standard Result
uses exceptions as error type, which means you can't specify the type of possible error values.
With sealed classes you can define the set of both errors and ok values, but you lose the general flexibility and expressiveness of Result
by using functions such as map
, mapError
, fold
, etc.
This library aims to provide the best of both worlds, by providing a Result
type that can be used with any type of error,
and a set of extension functions to make it easier to work with it.
Furthermore, it provides two additional interfaces, ItsOk
and ItsError
which allow you to avoid wrapping results into Ok
and Error
objects, for cleaner and more efficient code.
Both the error and ok types can be a single class or multiple classes that all inherit from ItsOk
and ItsError
, especially useful to define in a sealed interface or sealed class.
See the example below to understand how it works.
import io.paoloconte.itsok.*
sealed interface RepositoryError: ItsError<RepositoryError> {
object NotFound : RepositoryError
data class InvalidInput(val message: String) : RepositoryError
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int): ItsOk<User>
fun findUser(id: Int): Result<User, RepositoryError> {
return if (id == 1)
User("Mario", 30) // no need to wrap in Ok
RepositoryError.NotFound // no need to wrap in Error
fun main() {
val result = findUser(1)
.map { user ->
.getOrElse {
println("User not found")
println("User name is -> $result")
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.isOk(): Boolean
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.isError(): Boolean
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.getOrNull(): T?
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.getErrorOrNull(): E?
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.getErrorOrThrow(): E
fun <T, E, R> Result<T, E>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Result<R, E>
fun <T, E, R> Result<T, E>.mapError(transform: (E) -> R): Result<T, R>
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.recover(transform: (E) -> T): Result<T, E>
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.onSuccess(block: Ok<T>.(T) -> Unit): Result<T, E>
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.onError(block: Error<E>.(E) -> Unit): Result<T, E>
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.getOrElse(onFailure: (E) -> T): T
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.getOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T
fun <T, E, R> Result<T, E>.fold(onSuccess: (T) -> R, onError: (E) -> R): R
fun <T, E, R> Result<T, E>.flatMap(transform: Result<T, E>.(T) -> Result<R, E>): Result<R, E>
fun <T, E, R> Result<T, E>.flatMapError(transform: Result<T, E>.(E) -> Result<T, R>): Result<T, R>
fun <T, E, R> Result<T, E>.andThen(transform: Result<T, E>.(T) -> Result<R, E>): Result<R, E> // same as flatMap
fun <T, E, F> Result<T, E>.orElse(onFailure: (E) -> Result<T, F>): Result<T, F> // same as flatMapError
fun <T> resultCatching(block: () -> T): Result<T, Throwable>
suspend fun <T> suspendCatching(block: suspend () -> T): Result<T, Throwable>
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.getOrThrow(): T
fun <E> Result<Unit, E>.and(other: Result<Unit, E>): Result<Unit, E>
fun <T, E> Result<T, E>.or(other: Result<T, E>): Result<T, E>
dependencies {