- 👋 Hi, I’m @PanicMilica
- 👀 I’m interested in Projects in Python.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning Algorithms.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on new projects based on AI, ML and DL.
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
For prediction of car price I used Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression and Decision tree. There were two main goals that I wanted to do in this project. Firstly, I wanted to estimate the price of cars by taking into account a set of features, based on historical data. Secondly and most importantly is that by developing models I wanted to accurately predict car price based on its features, in order to make informed purchases. I implemented and evaluated various methods on a dataset consisting of prices of different makes and models. Results show that Multiple Linear Regression using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method gives really good results.